I've shifted types of resources, and i've shifted resource costs upwards (to higher level buildings) in some cases.
made a couple of the intermediary specials less costly (like sacrificial pit).
Here are the changes I am just now starting to test out:
Changes resources needed for various buildings in each faction, better balance of resources mostly.
details below (i got sloppy with interchanging building/creature names - i'll fix it later).
Dancers (level 2):
basic: -3 wood, +2 ore
upg: -5 wood, +5 ore
Hunters (level 3):
basic: -5 wood, +250gp
upg: -5 wood, +5 ore
Druid (level 4):
basic: no change
upg: -5 ore, +500gp
Treant (level 6):
basic: -5 wood, +5 ore, + 500gp
upg: no change
Mage tower (level 4):
basic: -5 sulfur, +500gp
upg: -5 crystal
Pinnacle of wishes (level 5):
basic: -5 merc, +5 wood, +500 gp
upg: no change
Silver pavilion (level 6):
basic: -5 ore, +5 wood, -5 gem, +500 gp
upg: no change
cloud temple (level 7):
basic: +5 merc, -1000 gp
upg: no change
archers (level 2):
basic: +5 wood, -5 ore
upg: +5 wood, -5 ore
footmen (level 3):
basic: -3 wood, -3 ore, -250gp
upg: -500gp
griffin (level 4):
basic: no change
upg: -5 ore, +500 gp
cavalier (level 6):
basic: no change
upg: -10 wood, +5 ore
training ground:
mansion (level 4):
basic: -5 ore, -5 merc, +5 crystal, +250gp
upg: no change
Hall of darkness (level 6):
basic: -5 ore, -5 wood, -5 merc, +5 gem, +500gp
upg: no change
Dragon Vault (level 7):
basic: -5 ore, -5 wood, -5 merc, +5 sulfur, +500gp
upg: no change
Necromancy amplifier:
+5 wood, -5 sulfur, +3 crystal
kennels (level 3):
basic: -5 wood, +5 ore, -2 sulfur
upg: -5 wood, +5 ore, -2 sulfur, +250 gp
hall of temptation (level 4):
basic: -3 merc, +3 gem
upg: no change
hell hole (level 5):
basic: -5 sulfur, +5 crystal
upg: no change
temple of the damned (level 6):
basic: -3 merc, +3 crystal
upg: no change
forsaken palace (level 7):
basic: no change
upg: - 5 merc, -5 sulfur, +5 gem, +500gp
sacrificial pit:
-5 sulfur, -500gp
altar of elements:
-500gp, -2 merc, -2 crys, -2 sulf, -2 gem, +5 wood
Dragon lair (level 7):
basic: +5 wood, -3 crys, -3 sulf
upg: no change
I'll post the mod friday, after i test it out a few times, or later if there are significant changes suggested (feel free, btw, to suggest changes).
this is complicated as there are so many factors, but i tried to take into account the general bottlenecks most folks mentioned in the forums.
The map I will be using to test is one of the new, user made multiplayer maps: Dead Man's Lake, if anyone cares to follow along. that map has only 2 towns, the geometry is fairly simple and symmetrical, and the randomness factor is pretty decent (and I can stand to play it multiple times
