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Ideas (back by unpopular demands :))

Unread postby Mytical » 24 Sep 2006, 09:54

Well it's back. My weird ideas are going to begin popping up here again, just thought I would warn you. Creatures/towns/spells/ect. Of course since I have work, the RPG, the Tales, and other interests this wont be as common as it was before, but it will be :). Comming soon, my water town, ice town, earth town (not sylvan :)), other elemental towns. After that ...who while you still can...

P.S. if you have an off the wall idea post it here. Please dont hesitate to tell me you hate my ideas :) Don't hesitate to tell me you like them either. Hope this will get some peoples ideas flowing and maybe we can trick ... i mean get some of the Nival/Ubi people here to look at some of our crazy ideas. (Just crazy enough they just might work...*puts a pinky to her mouth* muhahahah).
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Unread postby Mytical » 24 Sep 2006, 10:21

Water-river towns and why/how they are different.

Water towns are creatures/beings that live underwater, and or are made of water.

River Towns are creatures/beings that use the water to travel frequently, but don't live in it and are not made of it.

Water Towns- well there would be no flying and very little archery (maybe atlantians?) but they would deffinately rule the sea. Dry land..not so much hehe. All water town creatures get negatives when fighting OUT of the water.

Will post creatures here soon :). Both towns.
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Unread postby Mytical » 25 Sep 2006, 06:25

Water town.

Ok not going into upgrades but here are some basic units that would fit into this town.

Something like Pirana for 1st lvl..low hp, low damage, but dangerous in a group. Should have a building that produces more of them, something like 'feeding tank' or something

Shark next - something like a slam attack which stuns the enemy and frenzy.

Water Weird - reduced damage from melee/ranged but extra damage from magic. High hp, but low attack/damage.

Kelpie - Living seeweed, can 'bind' enemy, regenerate, and has decently high defense.

Tritons - 'fish people' who can attack with no retal and from 2 spaces away (trident). Can cast spells (all water or ice based)..and 1x per combat can invoke 'whirlpool' which acts like a blind spell causing the enemy to not be able to act.

Octupi - 2 attacks, unlimited retal, and a 'squeeze' attack that does damage for the next few rounds (each round less and less though). Unaffected by blind.

Kraken - Huge and powerful, but slow. Every attack has a small chance of 'consuming' a single square stack. If it does damage is double, and the stack is unable to act for 1 complete turn. They 'vanish' from the screen to be 'spit out' by the kraken on its next turn.
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Unread postby vhilhu » 25 Sep 2006, 16:06

piranhas, sharks... should they fly? or crawl across mud? or summon water directly under them? or they cannot be placed if the battle wont be on water?

a town like this will obviously never come, because on some maps being strong in water, weak on ground gives tremenduous advantage, on others tremenduous disadvantage.

And putting purely natural animals, like sharks and piranhas, into a town will make it a bit boring.

my swamp town idea(i posted this already somewhere, but it has changed a little):



1) Kobold (Melee unit, with a big crude dagger, no special)

2) Dragonfly (Flying melee unit, casts dispel beneficial + weakness when attacks)

3) Lizardman (Archer, short range)

4) Medusa (Melee unit, stoning gaze, armed with trident and small shield)

5) Basilisk (Melee unit, death stare, not dependant on enemy level)

6) Wyvern (Flying melee unit, always cauterizes wounds on enemy when attacks, that means he cant be regenerated or reanimated or ressurected or healed. This is to prevent total catastrophe when facing necropol.)(and i would like a heraldic wyvern more than h3-look wyvern)

7) Old One (Melee unit, is really slow low-damage non-flying unit, always casts frenzy when attacks)


hero: Beastmaster
racial ability: Hedge Warp: hero may summon a large impassable hedge on adventure map for 2 days. (you may summon only bas/adv/exp/ult: 1/2/3/5 hedges per week. each monday the "hedge stock" refills.)

So it would be one kick-ass town against haven(wyvern special doesnt let ressurect, all abilities can target havens mortal (non-undead non-mechanic) units.
Last edited by vhilhu on 26 Sep 2006, 15:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 25 Sep 2006, 20:53

:D Well, if it's just to kill time, then, here I go:

Water town (Atlantis could be the name of its kind, couldn't it? Like Dungeon or Academy. Or maybe Coral). All their units are immune to water/ice based spells, half of air based, although take double damage from fire/thunder and + 50% from earth.

Lv1 - tiger ray: a stingray coloured similar to a tiger, not that yellow, kind of blueish/greeny. It is a flyer unit which can sting a foe, poisoning it. It also cannot be retaliated. For an upgrade, comes the giant ray. Adds much of HP and defense, plus being now a large unit (maybe the unique lv1 large unit). Stats as they follow:
Tiger Ray:
Attack 5; Defense 2; Damage 2-3; HP 6; Speed 6; Initiative 8; Abilites: poisonous sting; flyer; non-retaliable attack.
Giant Ray:
Attack 5; Defense 5; Damage 2-3; HP 12; Speed 5; Initiative 8; Abilities: poisonous sting; flyer; non-retaliable attack; large unit.

Lv2 - mermaid: female fighters, swift and using tridents to fight. They can also deceive enemies with their beauty. Myriads, their upgrades, can sing during the battle, being able to cast some ailments on the foes or onto the allies, randomly. Stats as they follow:
Attack 8; Defense 5; Damage 3-6; HP 16; Speed 7; Initiative 12; Abilities: long weapon (it attacks from 2 squares distant); hypnotize (20% chance to hypnotize when attacking - increases with Soldier's luck :tongue:).
Attack 10; Defense; 5; Damage 4-6; HP 21; Speed 8; Initiative 14; Abilities: long weapon; hypnotize; singer (active ability three times per battle, with the following possible effects on all allies OR all foes at once: good stats (regeneration: 10% of ally HP is recovered each of their turn - higher number of Myriads implies on time of duration of that effect ; happiness (stupid name): + 1 luck to all; protection: 10% magic resistance. Ailments: (terror: - 1 morale to all foes ; spectral: ranged attackers can miss with a 10% chance. Enemy spell casters cannot cast spells - this ailment should have 5% chance to happen only ; charm: enemies won't attack Myriads for a while - fixed number of turns, even when gathering 70997070767 zillions of them).

Lv3 - undine, another female like entity, will be a being made of blurry water, starry-like, hair waving graciously. A magical entity, with spells to cast. Magistral undines are much more powerful spellcasters, also being able to mix themselves to their ambiance (while fighting on shores or water) to disguise them while attacking foes. Stats as they follow:
Attack 8; Defense 8; Damage 6-8; HP 20; SP 12; Speed 4; Initiative 10; Abilities: unsubstantial (take less damage from physical attacks, like - 20%), spell caster (casts: water barrier - enemies cannot pass through this barrier as long as it lasts. It always last 2 of undine's turn and costs 8 SP ; cyclon - with area effect (3x3), does water damage on all foes and can move them to the next square on clockwise matter within that area. It won't work with large fiends or any foe in the middle of the area ; Cleansing).
Magistral undine:
Attack 8; Defense 8; Damage 8; HP 22; SP 24; Speed 5; Initiative 12; Abilities: unsubstantial, spell caster, melt around (disguise during 2 turns, completely disappearing from enemy's view and cannot be targeted by physical attacks, but can be affected, severely, by magic if they happen to be on an area which an upcoming spell hits. It can cast spells during their disguise, or do any other action).

Lv4 - seahorse: being mounted by a merman or something like that, the sea horse is a fast, ranged flying unit, with a great charging melee attack too, since the mounted warrior strikes with his weapon, while the seahorse breaths an ice ball. Seaknight are pretty much stronger in attack, defense, HP and speed. Stats as they follow:
Attack 12; Defense 10; Damage 12 - 15; HP 60; Speed 6; Initiative 11; Shots 6; Abilities: flyer, water-based ranged attack, no melee penalty, charging attack, large unit.
Attack 15; Defense 14; Damage 16-20; HP 70; Speed 7; Initiative 13 ; Shots 10; Abilities: same as above + enraged.

Lv5 - triton: a potential hero of the seas, armoured with strong arms and tail, wielding a piercing harpoon which it throws onto the enemies. Sentinel is an elite version of triton itself, but it has an ability to control some of the sea beasts, mounting on them, mixing some properties equaling in number of sentinels, leaving the rest of those non-used units as other stack. At the end of the battle, sentinels will dismount.
Attack 13; Defense 18; Damage 14-17; HP 50; Speed 5; Initiative 10; Shots 8; Abilities: ranged, no melee penalty, ignores defense; breaks defense (each hit will drop 2 of target's defense); tail strike (this ability does only 1/5 of normal damage and will push away the target, even being a large one. They are pushed 1 square away only).
Attack 15; Defense 20; Damage 14-17; HP 65; Speed 6; Initiative 10; Shots 6; Abilities: same as above + mount (this unit will mount only on: giant ray (bonus: Attack + 2; HP + 10; Speed - 1; Initiative + 2; Abilities: loses ranged ability, loses tail strike, gains large unit, gains double strike - one attack is with Sentinel's damage, the other with giant ray's damage - poisonous hit) ; Sea serpent/Marine serpent (bonus: when mounting sea serpents - Attack + 10; Defense + 5; HP + 60; Speed + 1; Initiative + 1; Abilities: loses tail strike, gains long large unit, snake strike retaliation (snake strike attack will only affect on retaliating, with Sea serpent's damage for it. When mounting marine serpents - Attack + 10; Defense + 10; HP + 100; Speed + 2; Initiative + 3; Abilities: loses tail strike, gains long large unit, snake strike retaliation, shocking barbs - note that sentinels will never lose their ranged ability when mounting sea serpents or marine serpents)).

Lv6 - sea serpent: a giant foe, with a long body (3x1) but thin, has incredibly ability to smash quiet fast any other unit. It has a snake-like bite, so fast that it will attack anything before it attacks, and anything that comes close. Marine serpents are armoured by the sea lords to increase the power of their electrical barbs. With their immense body, small units can be bind, being unable to move.
Sea serpent:
Attack 19; Defense 15; Damage 26-32; HP: 130; Speed 7; Initiative 9; Abilities: large and long unit (3x1), snake strike (this unit will retaliate before being hurt - doesn't apply over other attacking sea serpent), caution (active ability taken when this unit defends, it will attack any other enemy unit that gets closer - on a side square - even when just passing by it).
Marine serpent:
Attack 21; Defense 20; Damage 30-32; HP:150; Speed 8; Initiative 8; Abilities: same as above + binding body (it will enclosure small units, being able to attack just this unit. Trapped unit will be able just to attack the marine serpent which will retaliate just this unit (multiple times, if the enemy has great initiative), and won't perform caution either. This trapped unit will do only half of normal damage and won't be able to perform spells. This ability has a 50% to fail when the Marine serpent goes for it losing its turn), shocking barbs (when a unit attacks Marine serpents, it gets 4 electrical damage per marine serpent plus 10% of chance of being stunned, losing 50% of its initiative for the next turn).

Lv7 - kraken
Coming I have to go home. :hoo:
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Unread postby asandir » 26 Sep 2006, 00:13

not bad ideas .... maybe we should get a petition going for employment at Nival? Anyone wanna go to Russia??
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 26 Sep 2006, 02:49

:hoo: :hoo:

Lv7 Kraken - the large eight-tentacled beast is pretty slow, but it has an explanation. It can immobilize some units at once, also being able to ink on the place, making it difficult to use ranged attacks, plus having the chance to attack three times in a row, targeting same or different enemies. Leviathan is even stronger and can devour enemy units that it is holding.
Attack 22; Defense 26; Damage 40-46; HP 218; Speed 4; Initiative 7; Abilities: three-time attack (active ability - this unit can target its attack three times on a target to choose. Targeted enemies cannot retaliate and take 1/3 or regular damage - good to weaken multiple stacks), large unit, grabbing tentacle (it can grab a target, making that one walk just around the kraken, being also able to attack just that unit with normal damage, although the kraken cannot attack it), ship bumper (this unit has + 10 attack, + 5-10 damage, + 2 initiative when fighting on ships), ink cloud (this unit inks a black cloud capable to diminish 30% of damage from ranged attacks through that area around the kraken. It lasts 3 turns.)
Attack 25; Defense 32; Damage 50-55; HP 270; Speed 4; Initiative 8; Abilities: same as above + devouring attack (just while grabbing a unit, the leviathan can devour what he is holding, killing a certain number or units with plus normal damage, depending on the number of leviathans on that stack).

Heroes are Ocean Guards, with starting stats like: 0 3 2 2. They have the racial skill: Call rain, which focuses on bringing down rains during battles, avoiding the troops to have penalties when fighting on land, out of water. Basic diminishes 50% of penalty. Advanced cancels penalty. Expert improves 0+1 attack/defense per 4 level of the hero for all units; Ultimate same as expert plus +1 damage + 2% initiative each 6 levels of the hero for all units. Specialization: spell wall (protect units against penalties from earth, and reduces penalty from fire/thunder to 50%); ocean being (take advantages when travelling by ship - + 50% movement; also, there's no penalty when going through a whirlwind: it doesn't count for non-Coral units); Fish talker (with this ability, neutral Coral units will always join hero's party ONLY IF they are less strong than hero's army. Total of joining units is 20%, + 2% per each 3 hero level). Ultimate skill: Ocean ruler - when the hero is within a certain Coral town, all the units or that city gather faster around him, increasing 25% of their weekly growth, cummulative with Tear of Asha, Castle, Citadel, Recruitment, Dwellings.

After, there'll be the buildings, some hero's specializations. Water guild is the magic school, which reminds a bit of water spells on Might and Magic 7, with some additions and other takings. Write them later. :tired:
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 26 Sep 2006, 03:18

May I present you with the ultimate town!Tremble before the glory of the

Mutated Gaint town:
Lvl1:Mutated Gaint Plankton
Lvl2:Mutated Gaint Shrimp
Lvl3:Mutated Gaint Catfish
Lvl4:Mutated Gaint Octopussy
Lvl5:Mutated Gaint Manta
Lvl6:Mutated Gaint Giant White Shark
Lvl7:Mutated Gaint Whale


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Unread postby asandir » 26 Sep 2006, 03:21

excellent, do they all have the same ability??
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 26 Sep 2006, 03:30

You want abilities,eh?Ok,here goes:

The MGP is a swarm unit,thus gets a bonus to att and def when the stack is bigger.

The MGS can cast a ghust of wind that moves a single unit back in the ATB bar.Works double on fliers.(yes,I love futurama :D )

The MGC just looks mean with its mustache :devious:

The MGO has an area attack,which has a naughty touch speciallty on it.

The MGM produces movies.

The MGWS can swallow any unit whole.

The MGW kills everyone on the BF instantly,including the heroes :devious:

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Unread postby asandir » 26 Sep 2006, 03:32

that seems pretty cool - i hope the MGW has a real low initiative, or it's gonna be a super quick game :D
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 26 Sep 2006, 15:10


Ahem, welcome to the water guild.

Spells circle 1:
Poison spray - a single bolt of poisonous water targeted on a foe damages and also inflicts poison (damages the last unit of a targeted stack, by 25%. It also cancels abilities or effects from Regen - including Hydra's). Damage and poison effect/duration depends on Hero's level.
Water bubble - casts on a allied target, it gives the unsubstantial (UNDINE'S) ability temporally to that one. Time effect increases depending on hero's level. Casts on a foe (which is not a Coral unit), decreases it's speed by 3 and has a 2% chance to kill a unit when it comes to be its turn by suffocating it. But time effect is half of when it is on an allied stack.

Spells circle 2:
Purify - cures poison effects, also casting regen on the target. Regen power and effect depends on Hero level. Regen effect won't revive units.
Remove obstacle - has a chance to remove obstacles or decrease their size.

Spells circle 3:
Water barrier - description with UNDINE.
Cyclon - description with UNDINE.

Spells circle 4:
Elemental storm - massive water damage on all targets on the battlefield, friends or foes. Note that Coral units are immune to water.
Healing rain - area effect, completely heals the last unit of targeted stacks, also dispelling any bad ailment. The rain continues working for a while on that area. Hero cannot cast that spell again while it is still raining. Every unit's turn will heal them, and they can get in or get out of it. Duration of the rain depends on Hero's level.

Spells circle 5:
Tsunami - a fierce wave crosses the battlefield, damaging all allies and foes for major water damage, and can also damage war machines, walls and towers. All fire-based units have their attack and defense decreased by 50% (minimum of 1), and has special effect on Inferno moat, vanishing with it.
Plaguing rain - area effect, just like Healing rain when it comes to functioning. It lasts depending on Hero's level, but it casts poison on target, dispels any good ailment, decreases 2 attack, 2 defense, 1 speed each foe's turn (minimum of 1 for speed, and 0 for attack and defense) and has a corrosive effect onto war machines, damaging them by 5 damage per Hero's level every of their turn.

Adventure spells:
Walk on water - allows hero to walk on the water.... :rolleyes:
Sea visions - hero is able to see enemies position when they are on boats or in the 'waterlands'.
Lloyd's Beacon - setting 2 beacon's on the adventure map, they last 1 week + 1 day each 6 levels (hero can only cast twice a week) and provide a teleportation point between them.

Some specialization and buildings come after. Lunch now. :hoo: :hoo: :hoo: :hoo: :hoo:
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 26 Sep 2006, 17:25

:lolu: :rofl: :lolu:
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 26 Sep 2006, 17:53

Heroes Specialization, in a total of 7.

* Lady of the Lake - this hero increases attack and defense for all Undine/Magistral undine in the party by 1 each 2 levels. Also grants - 2 SP cost for their spell casting. Starts with purify.

* Beast Tamer - this hero increases bonuses for all Sentinels under his command which comes to mount other units. Effectiveness for giant rays increases attack by 5, HP 12, Speed will be 6 (won't lose 1). For sea serpents and marine serpents will increase attack + 5 plus normal bonuses, defense + 5, HP + 10. Starts with poison spray.

* Battle horses - increases 1 attack /defense each 2 hero level for all seahorses/seaknights on hero's party. Besides, gives them + 1 shot each 3 levels. Starts with remove obstacle.

* Strong cycling - this hero can enchant whirwinds on seas of the map, making them able to kill more units from those who use it to travel faster through the seas. Increases 1% per each hero level of killed units, and it is able to kill 1 unit if it's the last one, sinking the ship along. Starts with cyclon.

* Pirate assault - this hero has a bonus when fighting on shores or during sieges in towns near oceans or rivers. He has an aid of a support pirate ship that shots cannon balls on enemy troops each round. It has 25% chance to hit an enemy for 20 damage + 20% each hero level, where last level damage and current one are minimum and maximum damage. It can also hit walls and towers. It is represented by attack 12, Damage 20-(20+20%), initiative 10 at level 1. At level 2, damage is 24-29 (always rounding up). Level 3, 29-35; and so on. When fighting on ships or in the water, chance to hit foes increases to 50%. Starts with ocean vision.

* Water master - this hero has a bonus of 25% effect over all water spells, plus 1% each 2 hero level. But also spends 2 more SP to cast them. Starts with water bubble and walk on water.

* Sharing mana - this hero can share her SP beyond its units, once per stack. It'll automatically fill the stack's SP. Then, it won't be possible to use the ability on that stack anymore.

Buildings after.
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Unread postby vhilhu » 26 Sep 2006, 18:09

vhilhu wrote:
7) Old One (Melee unit, is really slow low-damage non-flying unit, always casts frenzy when attacks)
AARGGH, its impossible to come upon a good idea that hasnt been used by someone else: i just a few seconds ago now read a wikipedia article about Warhammer lizardmen(i have never played Warhammer 40k or any other Warhammer), the idea that lizardmen worship lovecraftian Old Ones has been taken already! it is really hard to think of something original. all good ideas have been used already.

But another idea: lizardmen are d&d creatures, maybe replace them with Deep Ones! its almost the same, but Deep Ones are literature characters, not d&d, they are older(Lovecraft died before WW2) and more original!

but the new spell school is a VERY needed asset indeed. all combos of the original 4 magic schools have been used on the original 6 towns already!

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 26 Sep 2006, 18:16

vhilhu wrote: its almost the same, but Deep Ones are literature characters, not d&d, they are older(Lovecraft died before WW2) and more original!
Guess you never heard about the Lizardmen from the earth core that control humanity.

Done before too. Actualy, didn't you just copy/pasted it?
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 26 Sep 2006, 18:26

Did you have these prepared or are you making them up as you write them?
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 26 Sep 2006, 18:59

ThunderTitan wrote: @DL
Done before too. Actualy, didn't you just copy/pasted it?
I proposed it,so I can do whatever I want with it :devious:

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 26 Sep 2006, 19:10

theLuckyDragon wrote:@Tar
Did you have these prepared or are you making them up as you write them?
Mostly of those where being made while I was writting. Some few already exist, and some other where in my made for a long while. :D I'm thinking on the buildings right now.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 27 Sep 2006, 01:47

DaemianLucifer wrote: I proposed it,so I can do whatever I want with it :devious:
Until they catch you...
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