None for me, not the way Academy now is, considering they got more powerful in my taste.. Today, actually just an hour ago, I absolutely crushed my friends in a MP game playing with Academy.. They aren't weaklings by any standards, both are seasoned Heroes fans, and both finished HV's campaigns. One was Necromancer, the other Haven, we picked random heroes (to avoid any flame wars afterwards

), and I got Razzak, the golem master..
Anyway, I have to agree with JJ on his posts in 1.3 Academy thread, if you forgo your heroes' magical training (which is counter-intuitive of course) then you don't have any problems at all if you manage to save your troops in the first two weeks.. With the cost of getting Titans greatly reduced, Academy is ready to kick some serious butt after the fourth week, which is usually around the time people start engaging each other unless it is a small map.. The strength of Titans finally come into play now as they wipe out every ranged creature there is (except maybe liches) with no trouble at all an almost always in the first turn. The Genies' low HP doesn't really matter when they don't have to engage in melee..
Right now, the only way I can see an Academy army being seriously outgunned is if the enemy hero has Master of Abjuration skill. Otherwise having 10 less mages and 6-8 titans is a pretty good deal I'd say, and wizards hardly need another boost (they have the best town theme anyway
