Liberation → Tunnels & Troglodytes

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Liberation → Tunnels & Troglodytes

Unread postby cloughy » 11 Sep 2006, 16:24

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Liberation → Tunnels & Troglodytes

Unread postby cloughy » 11 Sep 2006, 16:24

i recently passed this level due to reading the walkthrough, strangely enough it took me 4 attempts at this map and on my first attempt i nearly finished it but i got side tracked and went exploring before sourounding the last castle, after a bum steer from a friend who told me to explore the water a little to late, now this is where it gets interesting ! the 3rd attempt i took a different approach, i built up all my castles to city hall statut then got the arch angel by week 3 and went under ground and stole all resources in sight and mines and the first 2 enemy castles, filled the garrisons with my most power ful forces, went home and hero chanied all the creature dwellings, and resource towers, whilst exploring the ocean and taking all the resources from the entire above ground map the hero chains were building me a nice large army, each week i had enough gold to purchase my entire castles creatures from all 3 castles, plus the external dwellings and upgrade them. i continued to do this until month 3 day 1 ( thats when the enemy starts venturing in your direction) to my surprise a hero came towards my caslte with a very minimul force i killed him with no losses, then 4 more followed closely behind him, i thought the enemy was weak and gathered my 3 best forces on my 3 best heroes and proceded under ground towards the enemy castles, upon taking them all but the enemys main castle . all of a sunned this enemy hero apeared out of no where my guess was he was hiding behind the black border guard in the water and came up to the sirface via a wirl wind was wearing boot which allowed him to walk over water and he had all 5th level spells even though i had the hat artifact, and to my surprise he had 150 black dragons which baffled me considering i had arch angels week 3 and only had 50 in my army, he soon defeated my tower and rampart due to my best heroes being underground. i noticed a hole was dug beside his main castle ! and by the time i got back to the surface he had all my mines and his black dragons had more than trippled in number to over 400, i quickly travelled back to my castle with christian and my force, when i reached my land he took my castle and i attacked my caslte thinking i would use my spells to over come him, when i attacked the caslte the castle showed no forces in it upon right clicking it. when the battle began to my disgust he had 1554 black dragon over 2000 troglodytes 800 minotaurs and 500 evil eyes. like where the hell did those focces appear in the caslte in 1 day ? he won and im feeling very confused, i statred again this time followinf the strategy and chaining my heroes and eliminating the enemy with haste and within 3 months

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Liberation → Tunnels & Troglodytes

Unread postby cloughy » 11 Sep 2006, 16:28

please ignore the spelling mistakes above i have a sprained left wrist and after playing heroes 3 for nearl 2 days straight im a little hazy upon writing this thanks

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Grail Quest
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Liberation → Tunnels & Troglodytes

Unread postby Grail Quest » 13 Jun 2007, 14:26

It is possible that you waited too long. The weak Dungeons near your side of the entrance are, I believe, so that you will not be overwhelmed in the early game. The AI has a strong dungeon, as well as a LOT of creature generators (including a dragon cave), farther back.

Definitely explore the sea as early as possible. The sheer excess of wood can be traded for other resources. Also, a single hero with no navigation will probably not finish exploring the sea area before you win this map.

This was actually a relaxing map to play until the very end, when the desperate AI used teleporters to appear behind my lines and I had to chase down the one last hero with a significant stack.
Edited on Wed, Jun 13 2007, 11:11 by Grail Quest

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Liberation → Tunnels & Troglodytes

Unread postby bot » 05 Sep 2008, 06:26

a little late to post a comment... but, I chose expert navigation and I developed Christian(expert wisdom, earth, logistics etc.).I crossed the water and o5a was the first enemy town I took.Astral helped me with troops(he had more spel points). Built mana vortex in every enemy town taken.Due to a game bug I couldnt take that powerful artifacts behind the quest guards. Finished in about 3 month.

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