Necropolis Creature Statistics

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Breza » 10 Apr 2006, 10:56

Like the idea vicheron, power lich sounded weird in h3. I hope UBI change it.

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Orfinn » 02 May 2006, 11:49

Wow! The wraiths are dangerous, 256 in Attack :p

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby dragonn » 02 May 2006, 12:40

Yeah, and they've got the Harm Touch ability which kills 2,56 of units :/

Good they are usually killed before they reach your units :D
Edited on Tue, May 02 2006, 06:41 by dragonn
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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Orfinn » 18 May 2006, 17:40

But darn they are dangerous when they first reach you even if they may not be one of the best units in the game, the harm touch ability still can turn the tide of an battle.

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Kronos » 26 May 2006, 20:08

Anybody ever thought about a concept of a undead zombie like dragon?

Just imagine: great HP, extremely ugly, spreads plague...

But i still like the spectral dragon concept =)

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby geekman » 01 Sep 2006, 20:32

Necropolis has been my favorite town since I started with Heroes III, so I love 'em all! I miss the Death Knights, though. Skeleton Archers instead of Skeleton Warriors was a great decision!
Edited on Fri, Sep 01 2006, 14:39 by geekman

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Alex » 07 Nov 2006, 16:41

to geekman : if you want to have death knights download a mod !!!

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Wraith » 10 Nov 2006, 08:09

why not ghost dragons? think about that then they get incorporeal abiltily and that`s really dangerous

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Ceres » 22 Jun 2007, 03:11

Hmm... The Skeleton looks like me. :D

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Zamolxis » 19 Jul 2007, 22:05

Oh, the Horror... :-)
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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Orfinn » 24 Jul 2007, 21:08

Greenish Spectres, crimson it...

But say it again the old creature pics SHOULD be updated, or new fans could easly get confused and get a wrong impression.

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Inisto » 07 Aug 2007, 14:05

I cant see why Academy and Necropolis dont get along=( I mean they're just sick old guys animating things and chillin in huge slavebuilt cities.They both use racial abilities to strengthen their creatures, the necromancer through numbers and the Wizard through empowering creature stats.The thing with tha Wizards is that these old lizards are just waiting to become as grouse and ghoulie as the undead.They even enslave spirits in a similar manner.

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Kibester » 12 Aug 2007, 21:02

Death wail must be good. All stats go down from waith to banshee =/

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Kardszy » 25 Apr 2012, 17:05

I think skelletons are best in: half warrior and half archer (leave zombies home), had many contacts with them as sylvan and their magic-proof, large shield, plus for others too, gave me a tough time to deal with.

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Necropolis Creature Statistics

Unread postby Tyber Zann » 15 Sep 2013, 00:33

Skeleton archers r really only effective in huge numbers 1K+ in most cases. Skel warriors give u more bang for ur buck, and have the super awesome shield other ability. I think skel archers got.over emphasized cause of markals campaign before the updates, when EVERYTHING necromanced turned into skel / skel archers.

Zombies are tanks either way, so I figure the festering aura is better than suffering strike. Suffering is not a great dark magic spell anyway (often confused with weakness which is far superior).

Ghosts. Tough one. Stealing mana seems better than stealing ammo. If u rush a caster, they can still cast. If u rush a shooter, they can't shoot. So, stealing mana allows spectres to effectively rush casters and actually stop them from casting. Plus they look cooler.

Vampires. No contest. Lords stand head and shoulders above princes. Princes have a little more umph in their stats, but lose the super awesome "no enemy retaliation" ability. Princes in stead have "Tarpor". A chance to knock back enemy ATB, almost just like Bash. This is only worth it if u have soldiers luck, and I still much prefer no enemy retaliation. It allows lords to keep their numbers up. That's how they roll. Trying to dope the target with roofies seems an odd turn for a vampire, but hey, they're royalty right?

Liches, again, obvious. Archlich wins cause of their area damage. Lich master has a little more umph, much like the vampire princes, but again, have given up the units key ability. The only case where Lich masters are better is in mirror match, against other undead, since the death cloud from an archlich won't inflict area damage on undead.

Wraiths. This one is a little tougher I suppose. As much as many people say harm touch is useless, it definitely has uses. It only kills one unit at a time, but, triggers no retaliation and dispels enemy buffs. This is more useful if u have small numbers of wraiths, where killing one unit at a time with no retaliation can be taken advantage of against some high tier enemies. The banshee wail is good, but dark magic is supremely better than any creature debuff. The wraiths better stats make it a better choice, and harm touch can still be very useful.

Dragons. Tough call. Their stats are very close, so its all ability. Weakness is a very useful ability, weakening an enemy will reduce their retaliation damage and any other damage.

Sorrow strike is good too, and since dark magic can provide mass weakness, but can't provide mass sorrow (sorrow being one of the new spells) the ghost dragon Is just a little more useful.

So sais I. Undead are my main team so I know em better than the others, but if anyone can disprove me, please, let me know. There's always more to learn.

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