AI crap

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AI crap

Unread postby Skull » 20 Aug 2006, 12:47

My friend and I kept playing this game on hot seat, where we allie together and fight against 2-6 computers on the different maps. Our problem is now that if we choose Normal mode we cannot loose, regardless what we do the computer plays as a dumb fuck and has no clue how to upgrade, play, defend, build etc.

If we play on hard mode the computer beats the crap out of us with a huge army compared to what we got at any time in the game. So my question is now, isnt there anything in between this in a mod somewhere? Because it gets quite frustrating that the computer is so god damn uber when playing hard. But playing normal is dull, and spoils the game because its a one side destruction from our side.

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Unread postby mysticon » 20 Aug 2006, 13:37

me and a friend always plays on hard.. and when its no more mobs to kill the AI just keep moveing from his town to a random location.. even when he have more powerfull army then the other.

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Unread postby Campaigner » 20 Aug 2006, 15:59

Try adding more A.I teams.

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Unread postby asandir » 21 Aug 2006, 01:00

there is quite a jump in ai "skill" (by skill i mean resource cheating)

but to answer your question, no there is not an intermediate difficulty between normal and hard

some modders have editted the level of resource bonuses the ai gets, but i am not sure whether this is a full mod or not, or whether it will help you
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