Fun with the Dark Messiah Demo

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Fun with the Dark Messiah Demo

Unread postby Angelspit » 15 Aug 2006, 15:36

<img src="/ ... m19_sm.jpg" align=right vspace=10 hspace=10>If you felt like the Dark Messiah demo was too short for the time you spent downloading it, there are ways to get more bang for your gigabyte (and a half):


<li><a href="/">GamersHell</a> distributes a save game that allows you to keep playing where the demo normally ends and fight the Cyclop. Simply download the 150 KB file, put it in your SAVE directory, and change your shortcut as described on the page. Watch the <a href="/">E3 Gameplay movie</a> if you need help to defeat the huge beast.

<li>GobanzoMon created a <a href="/ ... 174">small sandbox-style map</a>. Levers on the walls allow you to spawn various objects and creatures and try all the weapons available in the demo. There is no decoration to speak of, but the lack of scenery will give you a smoother framerate if you are using a computer that's close to the minimum requirements. For fun, try spawning multiple monsters for a quick Last Man Standing match, or find new ways to make fun of Phenrig.

<li>The <a href="/ ... 4">Getting the most out of your demo</a> thread on the official forum goes over various customization features, including a way to unlock all spells and abilities and remove lag.


Once you have played the demo for a while, head to the <a href="/ ... >Disciples of Sareth site</a> and post a review and a drawing: you might win a spot in the game credits. But hurry as there are only two days left.

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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Fun with the Dark Messiah Demo

Unread postby Xander » 15 Aug 2006, 16:44


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Fun with the Dark Messiah Demo

Unread postby CloudRiderX » 15 Aug 2006, 17:56

Here are some things that are fun to toy with in the Demo that I discovered, some just little cool features, others are pretty cool.

- Load up a bow, aim over a fire and your arrow will light, I am unsure if this causes more damage to enemies or not, but it is cool to see

- Pick up a corpse and throw it on a fire, and it will also light, making a pyre, this can be done with a decent amount of bodies

- Orcs can pick you up by the throat and throw you, careful not to be near a cliff when this happens

- With the Frost Bolt spell, you can hit enemy equipment if you are accurate(shields/swords), the piece of equipment will freeze and stay frozen forever, it looks really cool, you can even pick it up and it will still be frozen

- With the Flame Arrow spell, hold down the left-mouse button and guide the fire arrow a little to the left, and then swerve way to the right, the arrow will actually turn around and come back at you, allowing you to hit enemies in front of you from behind - Unsure if you can hurt yourself with this but fun to watch

- You can cut ropes with well-placed arrows

- Hold Alt down while you are moving to walk steathily, this is helpful fir backstabs, which can be done by charging a power attack and approaching an enemy unit from behind

Enjoy these, I thought they were pretty neat myself. Some of these are rather obvious, but I pointed them out anyway.
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Fun with the Dark Messiah Demo

Unread postby dragonn » 15 Aug 2006, 20:44

Fighting the Cyclops is no fun at all...because when I'm fighting it somehow it stops in one place and does not attack me. It attacks when I move close to it, then it starts to move but stops again after few steps. An AI bug?
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Fun with the Dark Messiah Demo

Unread postby Labyrinth » 15 Aug 2006, 22:26

This "get yourself a place in the credits" is so darn lame... shame, Ubi! Shame!
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Fun with the Dark Messiah Demo

Unread postby Labyrinth » 15 Aug 2006, 22:28

CloudriderX: Yes, enflamed arrows do more damage to fire-vulnerable creatures. (All humanic creatures, as opposed to demonic creatures like orcs, goblins etc., which are lightning-vulnerable.)
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Fun with the Dark Messiah Demo

Unread postby asandir » 15 Aug 2006, 22:53

well it is good to know you can get a bit more out of the demo, may give it a download after all
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