Heroes V, Heroes II?

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Heroes V, Heroes II?

Unread postby Contraband2004 » 10 Jan 2006, 23:09

Ok, I like the Homm 1 and 2 graphics more than that of Heroes 3 and 4, because it's more colourfull and it didn't object to take the game serious. When I look at the screenshots of heroes 5 it looks a bit like the colourfull graphics (for the adventure map at least) are returning. I hope it does!! Anyone else agrees on this?

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Unread postby thanasis » 10 Jan 2006, 23:21

I do and I could say that this childish look of the Heroes 2 was another reason I became fun of the game.

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Unread postby lord_crusader » 10 Jan 2006, 23:25

Yes I though the same thing as you... I really love H2 graphics and surely in heroes V there are H2 feeling:)
yay :)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 10 Jan 2006, 23:36

lord_crusader wrote:Yes I though the same thing as you... I really love H2 graphics and surely in heroes V there are H2 feeling:)
I loved H2 graphics, but i don't really see any real resemblance to them in H5, except maybe the colourfullness!
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Unread postby Contraband2004 » 10 Jan 2006, 23:48

ThunderTitan wrote:
lord_crusader wrote:Yes I though the same thing as you... I really love H2 graphics and surely in heroes V there are H2 feeling:)
I loved H2 graphics, but i don't really see any real resemblance to them in H5, except maybe the colourfullness!

Well look at this screenshot: http://www.mightandmagic.com/HeroesV/uk ... /hd/01.jpg

I think it really looks like Homm2 graphics of that terrain (cracked I believe?)

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 11 Jan 2006, 01:02

HV lookes too much like toilet(WCIII) to me.So I really dont like it.Although I do like that they decided to mix styles,it still looks like they didnt do it quite right.

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Unread postby Thelonious » 11 Jan 2006, 11:53

Like a toilet.. so you're toilet looks like that? :|

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Unread postby Suleman » 11 Jan 2006, 11:57

Thelonious wrote:Like a toilet.. so you're toilet looks like that? :|
He's got the best toilet in the world. I wish my toilet looked that awesome.
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Unread postby thanasis » 11 Jan 2006, 13:31

May I visit your WC please?I will leave after the release date!!!! :D

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Unread postby innokenti » 11 Jan 2006, 15:28

Tungsten Carbide!

Ahem. I think the HoMM5 graphics does bear some similarity to 2. I can certainly see it.

Except of course I know that Nival basically were lazy and took most of the style of art etc from Etherlords (developed by them). In the end I don't actually like it, it's not really quite as stylish. With it's small similarity to Tungsen Carbide 3 (which really IS stylish) this is odd and unfortunate.

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Unread postby lpatenaude » 11 Jan 2006, 15:51

thanasis wrote:May I visit your WC please?I will leave after the release date!!!! :D
Does WCIII refer to WarCraftIII or Warlords'BattleCryIII?

It does not matter wich one is which, since WCIII has been released for quite a while(years as I can recall)and, on the shelves of (almost) every electronic/gaming store, right here, in Ottawa, Canada.

WBCIII has been spotted just yesterday(Tuesday 10th, 2006) on the PC games shelves of Best-Buy Canada in the very west-end of Ottawa(former city of Nepean), Canada.

They were quite reasonable with the pricing, I say.

Personnally, I just love their graphics and feel of gameplay, they're so realistic to the point that you get to think that you're actually on the battlefield(which turns out to be every square foot of the map in gameplay) and, you can see the time get by in front of your own very eyes. EI: soldier dies and you can see, in real time, the body disentegrating as the rotting of its remains goes back to the very ground they bred and born onto. Gives every player the feeling of Godhood and the eternal immortality that comes with it. Played WBCII quite extensively a few years back(2002). Truly recommend anyone to try these two titles, they're totally awesome. I think HoMMV will have the same feel to the overall gameplay and, will attract all sorts of people from all walks of life.

So, eventually, the Tutorial is a must to try and get to awe at HoMMV's gameplay's splendor.

Enjoy HoMMV upon its Spring release everyone! :)
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Unread postby Orfinn » 11 Jan 2006, 16:32

I like the graphics of HV it really reminds me of HII colorful world :-D
The HIII graphics were to dry for my taste and the HIV graphics were too plastic like.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 11 Jan 2006, 17:31

No piglidyte,thats my toilet!Respect my athoratha! :devil:

No mody,bad mody!Respect my athoratha! :devil:

No lep,thats my toilet!Bad lep!Respect my athoratha! :devil:

Screw you guys,Im going to WC :devious:

And I was refering to WarCraft 3.No charm from previous ones,bad graphics(I simply cannot pinpoint whats bothering me so much,but it just looks so....I dont know,but I dont like it),stupid units(especially that expansion Juke Box that got transfered to HV).The only thing that I like is the story(blizzard is umatched in this field),and the improvement of casting system.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Jan 2006, 17:43

Contraband2004 wrote: Well look at this screenshot: http://www.mightandmagic.com/HeroesV/uk ... /hd/01.jpg

I think it really looks like Homm2 graphics of that terrain (cracked I believe?)
Well the terrain is nice... it's the way the creatures look is annoying, Warcraft 3 style. Check out Disciples 2 for good looking (IMHO) 3d graphics. They may be old but I really love the way they look.

The main problem I had with H4 graphics was the way the creatures were designed to look... most of them were too plain. That's what made most of them look like plastic IMO.
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Unread postby TheGambler » 11 Jan 2006, 17:52

I also think the style of graphics for HoMM V looks a lot more like HoMM II rather then the dryout HoMM IV, it does look a lot like say, WC3, but only because any pretty game in 3D reminds people of WC3 :|

Anyway I like this goofy looking drawing style, but I personally think they could've done a much better job if they hadn't fallen back on their already preconcieved model types that we can see in Etherlords.

However, it sure to hell beats HoMM IV, so, POWER TO THE RUSSIANS...
hmm... sorry, I meant, power to Nival!

ohhh, that's right, for the best way to make 3D models and general hand drawn images check out Disciples, both I and II exceled in looks B-)

p.s. Is this a good time to tell you their making Disciples III !!! :applause:

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Jan 2006, 18:11

TheGambler wrote:Yes...!
I also think the style of graphics for HoMM V looks a lot more like HoMM II rather then the dryout HoMM IV, it does look a lot like say, WC3, but only because any pretty game in 3D reminds people of WC3 :|

ohhh, that's right, for the best way to make 3D models and general hand drawn images check out Disciples, both I and II exceled in looks B-)

p.s. Is this a good time to tell you their making Disciples III !!! :applause:
My brother hated WCIII graphics from the start! Me, i found it "cute" in a doesn't bother me, can't really say i like it way! The reason it bothers me in HoMM is that i know it could be much better and require much less from your computer (Disciples 2 again ":D)

I did hear about D3, but do they have a site up?
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 11 Jan 2006, 18:13

TheGambler wrote:Yes...!
I also think the style of graphics for HoMM V looks a lot more like HoMM II rather then the dryout HoMM IV, it does look a lot like say, WC3, but only because any pretty game in 3D reminds people of WC3 :|
Not true.Look at spellforce.It looks nothing like WCIII.It looks so much better.

And yes,I look forward to the new disciples.Perhaps Ill finish that one completely(I simply never could finish Disciples 2.A shame though)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Jan 2006, 18:26

DaemianLucifer wrote: And yes,I look forward to the new disciples.Perhaps Ill finish that one completely(I simply never could finish Disciples 2.A shame though)
Weak... The only one i didn't finish is SotD, because i couldn't find it. B-)

Anyway i found it to be more easy that Heroes! It was a good game even if Heroes is better!
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 11 Jan 2006, 18:29

No,I can finish it,its just that it seems that I am never able to.First time I started playing,I somehow broke it.Next time my computer broke,and after I fixed it,I simply didnt want to play it.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 11 Jan 2006, 18:56

Just to mention, Spellforce 2 is coming this summer :-D And the graphics looks gorgeous.

HV dont look like W3 graphichs, hello!!! W3 graphic engine is old and ugly , HV looks so much better in comparison :hoo:
So dont come and tell me the knights in W3 looks just the same as those in H5. Its just a lame excuse for bothering they who understand the difference, no offence anyone but think about it ;|

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