A general gripe of being "required" to cheat ....

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Dread Wolf
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A general gripe of being "required" to cheat ....

Unread postby Dread Wolf » 12 Aug 2006, 04:16

Quotes posted from a another thread .... (I didn't want to clutter the bugs thread ... )
Dread Wolf wrote:Playing the Ranger Campaign, the Arch Vampire, I end my turn on Day 5 Week 1, Month 5, and the computer player decides he's not going to play any more ... he gets half way through his turn and stops .... so .. I back up a few autosaves, start from there, and ... he gets to that point and does the same thing .... I really don't want to have to start this one all over again :S :ill:

Damn the Ranger Campaign has been buggy for me ... Normal is easier than Easy on two of the missions, now this ....
SmokeyTheBear wrote:Anyway a workaround would be to use the cheat that gives infinite movement and go and slay that hero who freezes.
Sir_Toejam wrote:
This is a documented bug...he might be using instant travel...we're not sure but there is a situation where the AI will just freeze.
I had the exact same thing just happen.

mission 5, sylvan campaign. 1.2 patch. day 6, week 3, month 2.

two days after i hit the surface from the underground and spot nicolai for the first time. he goes into a nearby castle, i go and defeat the nearby spectral dragon stack, then when i hit turn end, it gets about 2/3 of the way through and then just sits there.

I opened the map up, but could see nothing unusual; none of the AI heroes were trapped anywhere, or had any need to use any travel spells (there was only one that was even away from its castle, and not very far).

tried exiting the game and reloading. no good. I will next try to attack little nicky instead of leave him be and see if that does anything.

also repeatable is that if you attack little nicky when the nearest of his castles already has a hero at it, he will spawn at one of yours instead, along with about two months worth of high level troops!

I started the Ranger Campaign over again to make a few changes to Findan (like make sure I got Light Magic) ... and got to the Vampire Lord Mission and wham! Same thing ... Except I can't find the one locking up the map .. I revealed the map, and watched, and then ran and killed the one that the map stopped on, saved, and ended my turn, and another stopped the map. So I reload, go kill him, and another stops the game .. Am I going to be required to kill every hero the AI has just to win?

It's really sad when your only resolution is to apply a cheat ...
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against cheating in single player anything ... hell, I used trainers and edit the crap out of MM-8 to get things I want ... (Like an all female crew besides the main guy right off the bat), add some nifty items, etc .... But I prefer to play through at least once before I start cheating to win a game ....

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 12 Aug 2006, 05:29

I played around some more, and found that attacking the farthest SW town (on the surface) and clearing it allowed the teal turn to proceed normally.

of course, i had to "travel" a weeks worth of distance to get to the SW town in order to clear it.

so yeah, it IS required to cheat in order to finish the mission if you run into this bug.

One thing i definetely would NOT recommend is attacking a city that has little nicky in it.

quite disappointing; i was all excited about this mission, and things were going swimmingly. I managed to make it out of the underground 2 days before the end of the second month, grabbed 3 of the dwarven artifacts, and killed 4 of the dragon stacks.

now, this just took all the fun out of it.

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Unread postby magritte2 » 12 Aug 2006, 23:26

I'm really hating the Sylvan campaign. First they throw you the curve ball with the bogus victory condition on the first map. Essentially, it entices you to make necromancer troops your favored enemy, then your real opponent is inferno. So annoying--not to mention having to restart and try again to get freakin' Biara to even show up.

Now I'm on the second campaign and I'm going to have to restart (or at least go back a couple weeks) because that stupid rubble blocking the stairway coming in without any warning at all has totally wrecked me.

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Dread Wolf
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Unread postby Dread Wolf » 13 Aug 2006, 03:35

It's really taken the wind out of me for continuing. I finally just entered @Win() and moved on, but the game doesn't have the same feel ..... it has really ruined that "first time through" feeling for me.

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 13 Aug 2006, 05:43

I have to agree.

I'm taking a bit of a break before starting the wizard campaign, in hopes my "jones" will return.

I was pretty happy with my Homm jones all the way up till this mission, and even halfway through it.

I already beat the two largest armies on that map, and nicky's army at the moment is a complete joke that i can swat in one turn.

so i feel justified in claiming the victory and moving on.

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