Mod Section

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Mod Section

Unread postby Linky » 08 Aug 2006, 19:52

To CH Staff:
Could you please make the Mod section of the HV area a bit more comprehensible? The bullet point list there is really unintuitive if you want to check out what kinds of mods are available. Just to make sure we're on the same page (clever, isn't it? I made that one up myself ;) ), here's a link to what I'm talking about: LINK

Some sort of a easy to read list with clear sections like Name, Topic (combat, adventure, gameplay etc) and description with maybe the release date and/or version number for good measure. And the Author name as well, of course.

Would be very much appreciated.


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Unread postby Angelspit » 08 Aug 2006, 20:21

Yes, we have plans to improve the page, but not enough time to actually complete them. Would you be willing to help us? :)

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Unread postby Linky » 08 Aug 2006, 22:13

Sorry, I'm too busy enjoying the last couple of weeks of my vacation. :baby:

I wouldn't have the necessary skills to pull it off anyway, so you're not missing out on much.

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 08 Aug 2006, 23:27

I'm workin' on it!
Some sort of a easy to read list with clear sections like Name, Topic (combat, adventure, gameplay etc) and description with maybe the release date and/or version number for good measure. And the Author name as well, of course.
so, basically exactly what I've been putting in for new additions, but in a different format, perhaps? How about a simple table, that usually works well? Note that versioning is controlled by the authors themselves, and so far we only put up the most recent versions.

I updated all the mod packages last weekend, and expect I will be playing with updating the appearance this one, so speak now or forever hold your peace if you have any other ideas.

cheers, and thanks for the input

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Unread postby Linky » 09 Aug 2006, 10:44

I was thinking something along these lines would be good:


The topic/name areas could be swapped, I don't know what would work better. I think a screenshot (if possible) would be very useful when you scroll through the mods.

Here's an example of what each section could hold:

Name: Black Knight Mod
Author: TheManWhoMadeIt
Topic: Creature Replacement
Description: Replaces Wraiths with Black Knights etc etc etc....

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 09 Aug 2006, 20:31

looks good to me. I'll slap something together this weekend, after i finish the sylvan campaign.

(damn game is far too addicting)


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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 17 Aug 2006, 03:53


hope that makes things easier fer ya.


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