Caradoc wrote:How does Luck work anyway? The manual was really vague. However, I liked the idea of being lucky, so I picked it hoping it would let me find more loot.
Luck makes a
very big difference in the quality of loot you get.
For treasure chests on a particular dungeon level what matters is your luck when you enter the level.
If you don't mind a little bit of a cheese factor, make a spell that boosts your luck for a couple of seconds before you enter a new dungeon level and you will see a remarkable difference.
Caradoc wrote:
And will I ever need to eat and sleep? I went for two days in the dungeon and came out no worse for wear. I'm in town now but all the shops are closed so maybe I need to find an Inn.
The only reason you
have to sleep is to gain a level when you have advanced your skills enough to level up.
Eating different things gives you different temporary boosts (or disabilities) and works towards advamcing your alchemy skill.
Caradoc wrote:Also, what's with all these household items I keep finding? I've a got a pitcher, a spoon, a jug, and several other seemingly useless items. They don't weigh much, but do I need to be carrying them around?
They are useless. There is a mod that makes some of the miscellaneors items give a small bonus to a skill or attribute but I had problems with it (it may have been fixed now though) so you may want to stay clear of that. Just sell them or use them to decorate your house.
Frodo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."