Which M&M do you like best?

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby Gaffer » 20 Feb 2006, 16:18

I'd say MM VI. It has got far more quests than any of the other ones. You could finsih MM VII and VIII in a week without a problem, but not VI.
It also has the best music score of the lot.

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Unread postby Kin Korn Karn » 27 Feb 2006, 17:34

Xeen for me.

What was the MM on the Genesis? Was it 2? Or 1?
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Unread postby Apeman » 28 Feb 2006, 01:53

MM VI for me, I bought it at the same as Final Fantasy VII, but FFVII didn't work on my computer back then, MMVI did!

It was my very first introduction in the Might and Magic world, I picked up Heroes II shortly after that, it was on a demo cd in a magazine. I was immediately hooked.

MMVI was just mind boggling huge at the time, I spent hours making maps of the different towns.

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Unread postby Ethric » 28 Feb 2006, 13:03

I played 7 first, then 6, then 4 and 5, then 8 and 9. So the "older" ones I played to late to truly appreciate them. I find 6-8 all have their strong points, and weak points. I probably like 7 the best as I played it first. Didn't care much for 9.

1-3 is considered great I hear, but it's waaay to late to play them now, I wouldn't be able to appreciate them as one who played them when they were new :?
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Unread postby Justice » 05 Mar 2006, 19:43

MM7, but I really like Xeen when I tried it, even thoug my friends thought I was mad to play a DOS game day and nigh :-D

Else it goes:

MM7,6,IV,V;VIII haven't finished the rest :ill:

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Unread postby TrevElvis » 14 Mar 2006, 19:20

I like 6,7 and 8 but the sound in MM7 with XP puts me off a bit as have to manually turn down my sound quality to work which is a pain. MM6 is the one I have completed the most since its release about 50 times. MM8 I like cause you can have a Dragon and its cool. I am trying to get hold of earlier Mights and Magics as people say they are as good but they are harder to get hold of. Looking forward to MM10 though :)

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Unread postby DaveO » 16 Mar 2006, 00:49

I'll post my vote for Worlds of Xeen. The ending is still in the top 10 as far as RPGs go that I've played. There is another ending of the game that's pretty nifty, and the intro is pretty good. Of course, this was back in the days when inventory space mattered, games were released fairly bug-free, and the Internet was not available as a game spoiler.
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Unread postby Alamar » 17 Mar 2006, 14:34

Sometimes I waver but for now I'm thinking:

1. World of Xeen [4 & 5 combined]
2. MM3 [my first]
3. MM7 [the closest tribute to MM3-5]

I have a higher rating for those M&M games where I controlled a castle or town and [of course] where my choices seemed to matter which explains why MM7 is high on the list.

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Unread postby Vlad976 » 18 Mar 2006, 04:01

I've only played MM6 and MM7. 7 gets the edge.
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Unread postby applebeetuna » 20 Mar 2006, 20:00

Well, VI was my first and I instantly fell totally in love with it, and VII's whole "choice" thing was super-cool (not to mention that it totally intrigued me with the first five). And I is the one I'm playing now, and it's no less classic than the other two. To choose, though, VI. Why? It was my first MM love! Reason other than that? I didn't like the way the blasters looked in VII! They looked like kid's toys! Someone might get HURT!
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Unread postby Athom » 03 Apr 2006, 15:55

I completly loved mandate of heaven, it got me in to M&M.

But 9 let me down, didn't like it at all. :mad:

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Unread postby Talin_Trollbane » 23 Apr 2006, 21:28

well i began my gaming life with Bard's Tale on the Apple II, so Might and Magic I was the first MM i played (my bro had it with him when he got back from the US vacation he had.)

and then i pretty much played 'em as they where released, from MM1 to MM9.

but MM3 is my alltime favourite, with MM2 on close second.
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Unread postby midnightlight » 30 Apr 2006, 15:21

I started with MM3 (Isles of Terra) in 1992, so that's my favorite for sentimental reasons. I consider the Xeen games (MM4 and MM5) by far the best in the entire series for sheer fun and depth, though. Go drawkcab brothers and vowelless knights!

I played the "new" ones too (MM6 and later), and while they were reasonably good in their own right, none of them can hold a candle to MM3-5. In my mind, the later games seemed to take themselves too seriously. The developers of the earlier games clearly had fun making them, and that mood spreads readily to the players too.

(I played MM1 and MM2 only a few years ago, after I downloaded them off the Web. So my experiences with those two are colored by my views of the subsequent games.)

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Unread postby Paladin » 05 May 2006, 09:25

It's a close tie between WoX and IoT, but MM3 wins for me. The graphics are just so bright (in a good way), and the music is actually superb and creates the right mood. WoX didn't accomplish this in the same manner - the music was more monotonous - and the graphics were, strangely, not as good. But the gameplay (and the idea of combining IV and V) was a bit better.

I think IoT is the oldest MM that's still playable by today's standards, and it rocks! :tsup:

Of the modern ones, I'd pick MoH. The graphics and sounds may be of a lower quality, but the story and the gameplay are just so much more satisfying.
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Unread postby cornellian » 20 Jun 2006, 02:20

Might and Magic VI: Mandate of Heaven was a champion amongst all other rpgs for a good long time.. I especially love it for it was my first RPG and holds a great sentimental value for the reason below...

Silly thing but when I bought the game, I bought it because I was told that it was something like Doom (!!), and I was expecting to hear a techno/electronic or rock music and some fast action. But the moment the game started (in New Haven as far as I can recall) I was awestruck by the orchestral music, was totally caught unaware by the grass, flowers, people around, and my jaw literally dropped for a good minute... Though I'd played countless games before, I was so surprised that I kept looking at the monitor, not quite grasping how poeple could have created such a beautiful scenery in a game... I couldn't even move when the nearby goblins attacked and slowly killed me.

This little memory is one of my fondest of computer gaming and one I'll never forget, along with M&M VI...

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Unread postby jeff » 20 Jun 2006, 22:31

The first one I played was MMII and then each as they came out. MMIV and V were great and the ability to merge the two of them into one large world was a great innovation. Yet I still think MM VI was my favorite of them all. Hmm maybe its time to pull it out again. :D
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Unread postby Chorus » 14 Jul 2006, 17:34

MM2 is still my favorite but by sentimental value. I especially like how the game is easily playable after winning it, for the player can go to E2 and kill a bunch of Orc gods and Ancient Dragons. I think of all the Might and Magics, MM2 is the only one that offers challenge even for immensely powerful parties.

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Unread postby Deadguy118 » 03 Aug 2006, 04:10

My favorite is VII It's not Unbearably long like VI and It fixes the problems of it's predesessor (reanimate anyone?) I Don't like 1 and II is rather unforgiving. III is nice but I like VII better

However I Have yet to play IX because I don't have it and World of Xeen (Yes, I count them as one game) doesn't work ( I have MM classics From VI)

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Unread postby Harkon » 07 Aug 2006, 10:12

My fav is VII. VIII was cool too but not like the seventh and i totally didn't like the 9nt one

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Unread postby Dread Wolf » 07 Aug 2006, 14:16

I've only really played VIII and IX to any degree .... last Christmas, my wife and kids bought me Might and Magic VI Special Edition (includes I - V)

The older ones wouldn't really play on XP, and I just couldn't seem to get into VI, so ...

I like VIII the best ....

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