This MM6 patch works!!!

Magnificent! I bought the game when it was released, tried to play it, but never finished because of a bug (can´t remember exactly, but my heroes were something like 33 level at that point). Then nearly one year ago I noticed "CH guide for running Might & Magic in Windows XP" and decided to give the game another try. Everything went smooth, my heroes had gained 1 550 000 experience (latest update: 55 level), I had completed 33 quests (including all the promotion quests), but then:

The game crashed everytime when I tried to enter in the Devil´s Outpost at Kriegspire to finish major important Council Quest!

After that my motherboard exploded (the last day of guaranty heald up I guess..), but I was able to rescue MM6-saves just in case.. And now, it works! I can finally complete the game (+ get counterpart for my money)

Ps. Those "XP running tips" would be great to see again..