Crossbowman evolution

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.

Which crossbowman looks the best?

Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Heroes of Might and Magic 4
Heroes of Might and Magic 5
Total votes: 79

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Crossbowman evolution

Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 31 Jul 2006, 15:03

Well,there was archer evolution,and now heres the other part.Which one is the best?

NOTE:I see now that I forgot to add the ranger in the previous archer evolution poll,but it would be quite dumb to have it among crossbowmen.And,as they are very similar to the original archer,it wont be a big loss not to have them.And,if you disagree,well,tough luck :devil:

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 marksman:

Heroes of Might and Magic 4 crossbowman:

Heroes of Might and Magic 5 crossbowman:

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 31 Jul 2006, 15:06

Vote H3. H4 use too garish clothes. H5 isn't bad in any way, but I preferred H3 anyway.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 31 Jul 2006, 15:32

H5 all the way, they looks great in that oufit and their double crossbow is a unique asset to the crossbowman family :)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Jul 2006, 15:34

H4, even if they have a stupid colour scheme. In H5 both the archers and marksman have way too much armour, and the H3 one is kinda mediocre.
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Unread postby stijn » 31 Jul 2006, 15:37

h3, the marksmen were just plain cool

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 31 Jul 2006, 16:13

Damn, no sprite evolution this week! :mad: Those creatures look great in any homm. It would have been a good contest. :(

DL, don't you usually get upset when others don't do creature polls "properly"?

I also don't understand how this poll is different than the other archer poll. :| A grand elf poll would have been more fitting so long as we're doing "archer" like creatures.

Oh well... It's a tough choice between 3 and 5, but I think I'll go with 5 considering I've never voted for a H5 monster, and this one is pretty good.

H4 looks like the archers are millionaires. Such fancy cloths...
I also can't see their faces to good, but for some reason, they remind me of vikings. :| Maybe it's just because it's too hard for my poor eyes to notice them up close. ;|

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Jul 2006, 16:27

mr.hackcrag wrote: H4 looks like the archers are millionaires. Such fancy cloths...
As opossed to the ton of armour the H5 one was on?! :|
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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 31 Jul 2006, 17:13

At least the armor isn't made of gold. Although, it must be hard to shoot wearing so many garbage cans. Hmm... maybe I should have voted for H3...

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 31 Jul 2006, 18:48

mr.hackcrag wrote: DL, don't you usually get upset when others don't do creature polls "properly"?
Of course Im upset!Ive missed a ranger in my previous poll.But I made that one ages ago,and theres no way I can redo it now.Besides,I wanted at least one poll in which HV can win,and thats why I made the archer evolution :devil:

As for the sprites,make them next week.Im not going to make another evolution unless there happens to be a monday with no evolutions before 23:00,forum time :devil:

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Unread postby Zombie_Inc » 31 Jul 2006, 18:53

Voted H3. The H4 ones look stupid and the H5 ones have a double crossbow, yet no double-shot :|

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 31 Jul 2006, 19:25

DaemianLucifer wrote:
mr.hackcrag wrote: DL, don't you usually get upset when others don't do creature polls "properly"?
I wanted at least one poll in which HV can win,and thats why I made the archer evolution :devil:
Don't hold your breath. Now that H2 is out of the way and won't steal any votes, I bet H3 will still end up winning this one. It'll be a cold day in the infernal pits known as Serbia, before H5 ever reaches the calibur of H2 and H3. Gwua-ha-ha! :devil: H2 FOREVER!

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 31 Jul 2006, 21:05

mr.hackcrag wrote: Don't hold your breath. Now that H2 is out of the way and won't steal any votes, I bet H3 will still end up winning this one. It'll be a cold day in the infernal pits known as Serbia, before H5 ever reaches the calibur of H2 and H3. Gwua-ha-ha! :devil: H2 FOREVER!
No,what I meant is that I made the archer poll so that HV can win.The crossbowmen one is just like a continuation to it,but it doesnt endanger the win of HV archer,one of the rare good looking units in HV.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Jul 2006, 21:31

mr.hackcrag wrote:At least the armor isn't made of gold.
Gold sucks as armour. Plus armour was very expensive back then, and more of a burden to an archer.
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Unread postby Meandor » 31 Jul 2006, 22:22

H3- where are his arrows?
H5- what next? Crossbowman with heavy armor on horse? Or elephant?
H4- looks like crossbowman with arrows so i vote for him.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Jul 2006, 22:25

Meandor wrote:H3- where are his arrows?
H5- what next? Crossbowman with heavy armor on horse? Or elephant?
H4- looks like crossbowman with arrows so i vote for him.
Actualy crossbows use bolts, not arrows. And an armoured crossbowman on a horse isn't such a bad ideea. But cavalry is prob better.
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Unread postby Meandor » 31 Jul 2006, 22:38

Actualy crossbows use bolts, not arrows.
Details :devil:
And an armoured crossbowman on a horse isn't such a bad ideea.
Care to explain?

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 31 Jul 2006, 22:51

ThunderTitan wrote:
mr.hackcrag wrote:At least the armor isn't made of gold.
Gold sucks as armour. Plus armour was very expensive back then, and more of a burden to an archer.
I wasn't suggesting it was good armor. And wasn't armor provided to troops by the military? I didn't realize each individual had to buy it themselves.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Jul 2006, 23:02

Meandor wrote:
And an armoured crossbowman on a horse isn't such a bad ideea.
Care to explain?
Protection, speed and range. How effective it would be in an actual battle i have no ideea though.
I wasn't suggesting it was good armor. And wasn't armor provided to troops by the military? I didn't realize each individual had to buy it themselves.
Not always. Actualy not most of the time. Armour, or at least the good kind was more of a nobles thing. There probably were troops that had the honour of getting armour and stuff, but it wasn't exactly common. And seeing as kings usually borrowed money of individuals (most anti-jew stuff was a way to get rid of the debt) i doubt they would have had enough money to equip a whole army, and like said before, that much armour would be counter-productive on archers.
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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 31 Jul 2006, 23:15

Did the nobles also provide armor for the angels, or was that God's handi-work?

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Unread postby dallasmavs41 » 01 Aug 2006, 01:54

I like H3's marksman look alot, so I'll go with them..

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