PAK files and XP...

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PAK files and XP...

Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 28 Jul 2006, 21:48

OK, I've noticed a couple of posts over in the general forums that lead me to think that there are users who haven't figured out that by default, XP treats .pak files as "zipped", and will automatically change the extension on dowload. So, here is a copy of the post I made there:


OK, here's what's happening.

pak files are recognized by XP as "zipped". so, it unfortunately tries to change the file extension to .zip instead of .pak when it saves them to disk.

why? friggin' ask MS.

solutions (multiple):

1. when using rt-click save-as in windows, save under files "all type", and change the extension to .pak.

2. after you download the file, change the extension to .pak

3. download winrar and set IT to managing your zip files instead (recommended).

note that I am changing (slowly) the pak files to be actually included inside of zip files, along with readmes for each mod, so hopefully there will be less error and confusion.

once the pak file is downloaded somewhere, you can either manually copy it into your data directory, or else download the mod manager proggy and use that (recommended).



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Unread postby Caradoc » 31 Jul 2006, 06:39

I believe the problem is that PAK is not a recognized extension. To have XP recognize it, open any folder, go to Tools>Folder Options. On the File Types tab there will be a list. If PAK is not there, click New to add it.
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