I played WoW too.
Omg... Ok well I have many feedbacks regarding WoW.
First : This game proved to be AWESOME when leveling. I simply LOVED my leveling times. From level 1 to 59, I was playing and enjoying this game so much! The quests are awesome; the instances are fun and even if you're a casual gamer you'll like it! I helped my bro, I helped his friends, I helped my friends, they helped me and we had a great deal of fun doing some low-level instances (Black Fathom Deeps is the one I liked the most).
Also the fact that you know nothing of this huge, incredible world. You talk about level 60s as gods (At the game's beginnings, around february 2005) and you explore, explore, explore endlessly, and eventually meet the other faction.
This game was awesome.
But... but...but....but....
Level 60 is junk. This game is real junk once you're 60. I couldn't play it anymore, I couldn't ENDURE it anymore. After running MC for MONTHS, BWL for WEEKS, and having
exactly 18 epics altogether (inclucing 2-3 pairs of pants, and 2 pairs of gloves and 3 armors) I couldn't do instance anymore.
That's what we call : a game's overplay. Our guild was always a casual guild. Other guilds were at BWL when we were at MC, and other guilds we're (at the end) at AQ when we were finishing BWL. But even after getting 8/8 tiers 1, 4/8 Tier 2 I decided to stop as when you count your **GUILD POINTS** you count them in time, not in actual points.
A normal raid gave say 4 DKP. That's many hours passed in front of your CPU, pressing the button "2" endlessly (Shadow bolt for me) and casting some useless spells. I had a headache of doing too much nothing. Hours of this, while you look at your DKPs raising slowly, and then suddenly drop because you earned one item. One item is say 10 DKP. That's 10 hours of WoW! 10 hours of being with your guild (players you don't even know) and getting points.
Raids were also every day of the week, and after this they said : Well we gotta farm for Temporary potion buffs so you gotta farm too ! If you farm you get DKPs! So all the other warlocks out-DKP'd me because they were doing this endlessly, farming. I had to go to school. I'm not some random loser.
I also noticed my friends being more distant.
Finally my bro said : I give up WoW. Priests suck. I want to play Shadow, but Holy is for MC, and BWL. That sucks I want to melt faces. PvP sucks.
Yea that is. Teh Blizzard's concept of PvP is time, not talent. That's the problem. People that were the highest ranks often weren't good at all. They were either farmers or people with no life. 2 or 3 didn't even speak english/french/spanish, and they were playing on USEast server. When I say 2 or 3 I talk about the most l33t people. The ones with the highest PvP rankings. The ones people WANTED to be. They'd pay to become a Grand Marshal in PvP.
But to become the highest rank, it is TIME you need to invest, not skills. Even if you suck, if you play alot you'll get to rank 14 (last rank, Grand Marshal / High Warlord).
Well afterall I should have done what a friend of mine did. He has 3 level 60s now, and plan on making another one. They all are geared fairly (though one is MC geared), but he still loves and plays the games. Because he UNDERSTOOD what's fun in WoW : Leveling, and random PvP.
Not the Battlegrounds bullshit, Random Encounters while leveling up. Group of Alliance VS Group of Horde, random levels, random gear, random circonstances. That's what's fun. But now that I found this game sucked, I couldn't even play a level 1. I'd vomit. After I stopped WoW I stopped playing computer games for 2 weeks. I had to meet people. Call back my friends.
Naturally they understood heh
I eventually played old games, such as Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate 2, and the old Heroes of Might and Magic, from 1 to 4. Then I heard about the fifth and bought it 2 days after its release. Between that I played Warcraft3, and eventually made a whole map and released it.
But I never played that much again, because WoW takes up your time!
Anyways this isn't a topic about my life, but about WoW.
My opinion ? None. Do whatever you wish, but I suggest you don't play level 60 content. Leveling is damn fun in this huge world you don't know. Other faction Is always mean, and wants your death. That's the suspense.
After this huge post, I think you'll be able to decide
- Daxtreme
BTW : MC is Molten Core and is a 40-man raid instance that requires 40 players to play at the same time. Bosses drop 2-3 items, and there are a total of 8 in the whole instance. Not even 1 item for everybody. And it lasts HOURS.
BWL means Blackwing Lair and it is also a 40-man raid instance. Bosses are A LOT HARDER, but they drop better items. There are more, but the instance is longer and it requires a REALLY dedicated guild to make it through. Not even 1 item for half of the raid after HOURS of play.