5. Kicks don't work. (TKD is almost nothing but fancy kicking). That's right you heard me. Kicks don't work. Want proof? Go watch some UFC fights. Are they kicking? No. Why? Because kicks are risky manuveurs that are more likley to get you into trouble than help you. When someone kicks you it is easy to just take the hit, grab their leg, and throw them to the ground.
You don't actualy have to kick the other guy in the face. A good hit to the legs will make him go down like a ton of bricks. And catching a kicking foot isn't as easy as it sounds. Neither is throwing people to the ground if they keep their balance during the kick, and having both of your hands busy with his leg leaves your face open. If you don't drop him fast enough he's gonna get some punches straight to the face, and even if you do get him down, an unobstructed punch to the face is worse then falling down.
Ethric, in order to use dirty tricks you have to get close to the guy. Doesn't always happen.