Can't save game in Hereos 3

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axe thrower
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Can't save game in Hereos 3

Unread postby axe thrower » 30 May 2006, 01:59

I recently purchased the Limited Edition of Hereos 5 and tried to install the Hereos of Might and Magic 3 that came bundled with it.

Everything installed fine, game starts, the problem is that I am unable to save a game. I get "AUTOSAVE.GM1 has failed". Same thing if I manually save.

I thought maybe if I installed on a Fat32 partition since it is an older game and still no luck. Tried running in compatibility mode and still can't save.

When they "maximized" it for XP do you think they screwed up a save game path some where? Can someone let me know what their directory structure is like so I can make the folders?

Any help is appreciated.


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Unread postby Levelworm » 30 May 2006, 18:11

Try deleting all the autosave files and restart the game, not sure if this would work, but worth a try since I solved my problem(crashed when trying to save games)by doing this.

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Unread postby axe thrower » 30 May 2006, 18:46

Thanks for the tip,however the autosave isn't even creating the file.

I dug out my old CD's and they installed and play fine. Looks like the save games get created in the "games" directory. The version in the Limited Edition does not create that directory during the install.

I'll be uninstalling everything and just install the Limited Edition version of Hereos 3. I'm curious if I make that "games" directory if all will be fine.

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Unread postby axe thrower » 30 May 2006, 18:58

I just uninstalled everything and re-installed Hereos 3 from the Limited Edition DVD US release.

Once I installed it I made a save directory and the game saves fine. Looks like when Ubisoft did their so called "maximised for XP" they broke the install so that not all the folders get created. Guess they never tested it after putting their name on the splash screen.

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Unread postby harvass » 09 Jul 2006, 02:05

Hi, I met the same problem as you. Can you tell me how you fixed this problem in detail?

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Unread postby Pol » 09 Jul 2006, 12:30

harvass wrote:Hi, I met the same problem as you. Can you tell me how you fixed this problem in detail?
He created games folder manually.
(after game will be installed, move here and create directory called games, then everything will run fine...)
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Not everything...

Unread postby Asthazar » 19 Jan 2012, 08:17

I created the folder as well, and the game saves just fine, however mine simply doesn't autosave... I get no message, error or anything of the sort... a new day just begins, and no autosave anywhere.

I also have another problem.

The version I got is a no-install version; you just unpack and play. The problem is that the settings won't save the way I want them to be; I adjust them, exit the game, start a new one and the old settings are back... any ideas? :(

P.S.: it's a no-instal version because it's for the computer at work, where I have no administrator rights, therefor can't install it; I of course have the original, bought version, on my home PC. :P

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 19 Jan 2012, 10:30

I recall having a similar problem, but I don't recall how I solved it (or it solved itself?). Either way, cleaning your Games folder (move it somewhere else and create a new one) might help. Also make sure the path to where you installed the game doesn't contain any funky characters.

As for why settings are not changed: either because you have set the directory to be read-only, or because the OS there is Windows Vista/7 and you put the folder into Program Files, which is considered read-only (in a shameless, yet horribly ineffective attempt at emulating UNIX security measures by Microsoft). To avoid that, just put the game into the root of the drive.

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Unread postby Asthazar » 20 Jan 2012, 08:29

Unfortunately, that's not it; The PC runs on WinXP, and I can't move any folder to a root directory because of the nature of the PC (work PC); adm rights won't allow me to; I checked it out, however, and every file in the game is not set to "read only"; I checked it further, and the user I'm on has the right to do anything to the game (folders and files) - everything that can be done to the folder and the files within is set on "allow" for the user I'm on; thanks though.

Edit: Oh yeah, the game is currently in "Documents and Settings\User\Desktop..." and a few more folders after that; the "user" contains a dot "." in its name, and there's also an underscore "_" in the name of another folder. Not sure it these 2 count as strange characters. If that's the case, the underscore I can get rid of, but the dot is a no go.

I'm also not sure if Documents and Settings is set as "Read only" by WinXP by default, and if it is, I'm not sure I can remove that w/o adm rights.

Edit2: Never mind... just found out that my user has "Read & Execute" and "Special" allowance over everything on the PC; that includes folders created by the user and so on; I don't think I'm getting autosave or the settings I want on this PC... I'll just have to manage; thanks for the help, though. :)

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 20 Jan 2012, 09:13

Actually, when I think about it, HoMM3 stores its settings in the Registry, and that could be protected as well.

I never really understood why anyone would put anything in the registry. It's just a poor equivalent of an INI file that breaks any chances of making a program cross-platform...

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Unread postby Asthazar » 20 Jan 2012, 11:04

If they're in the registry, I might be able to do something about it. Apparently I can create strings in the reg. All I need to do is duplicate the settings I have at home... with different addresses, of course. Wouldn't have thought of that, thanks. XD

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