Dungeon The Cultists: stuck

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Joined: 01 Jul 2006

Dungeon The Cultists: stuck

Unread postby sullon » 01 Jul 2006, 14:53

I have captured all 7 towns and defeated the demons showing up. I also got the message that blue player is defeated and seen the movie with the guy in hell and the assassin.

But after that nothing happens. Playing on easy with patch....

The demon quest is done but capture soulscar cities is still unchecked.

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Joined: 06 Jan 2006

Unread postby zhuge » 01 Jul 2006, 15:00

I've been seeing quite a lot of complaints about cutscenes not triggering and next scenario not being accessible. Wonder if it has to do with a bugged campaign.sav or some file incompatibility between v1.0 and v1.1 ?

Posts: 8
Joined: 26 Jun 2006

Unread postby WizenedElf » 03 Jul 2006, 03:00

I found something this evening while I was playing around with different tactics. If you hit the Skip option to keep from listening to a long explanation, you can actually "skip" the triggered event. I noticed it when I stabbed Skip too quickly and didn't get my Angel Wings in the Necromancer campaign.

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