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Unread postby thecheese » 07 Jun 2006, 05:01

Is there any way to fix a save file? For some reason, my main campaign file will not load. It gets about half way through, then crashes the game. Has anybody experienced this and/or can help?

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 14 Jun 2006, 03:38

thecheese wrote:Is there any way to fix a save file? For some reason, my main campaign file will not load. It gets about half way through, then crashes the game. Has anybody experienced this and/or can help?
Lots of people seem to have experienced a corrupted save game file …

Corrupted Savegames?

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I would suggest in the future, that you go to C:\Documents and Settings\Owner (or whatever your computer is called)\My Documents\My Games\Heroes of Might and Magic 5\Profiles … and copy your Profile(s) to another location or directory for safe keeping. That way, if your savegames get corrupted, you can recall a copy of your profile to the appropriate folder.
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Unread postby thecheese » 14 Jun 2006, 14:55

Well, regardless, I just restarted the mission and moved on. Took me a bit to realize that autosave wasn't on by default in this game. =/

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Unread postby 5il3nc3r » 20 Jun 2006, 13:23

I restored my computer for about 15$ CDN
Bought a can of compressed air and some quality thermal paste.

With the can, I cleaned the pound or so of dust that was in my computer (I could barely see the fins of my cpu's heatsink cuz of all the dust :S )

I then replaced my generic thermal paste which had cooked with all that overheating with better quality arctic silver thermal paste.

I also reorganised my interior cables to try to optimise air flow.

Result, it barely goes over 40 degrees, even when playing harcore games whilst before, it went over 60 degrees even when I emulated my SNES...

Learn from my mistakes: keep your computer interior clean if you want to keep it functional.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 20 Jun 2006, 13:28

5il3nc3r wrote:Learn from my mistakes: keep your computer interior clean if you want to keep it functional.
One of my coolers jammed because of this once.Ive learned that lesson on my own.

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Unread postby 5il3nc3r » 20 Jun 2006, 13:47

Hope to eventually get a liquid cooler ^^

Will come with my future 3 grand alienware PC :D B-)

Any of you heard of the "Forced Phase Change" Cooling system?
Costs 900$ but can cool your CPU down to -40 degrees when the CPU's working at 100% ._.

Dream cooler ^^;

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 20 Jun 2006, 14:03

5il3nc3r wrote:Hope to eventually get a liquid cooler ^^
Id install one if I didnt change my components so often.

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Unread postby Mikes » 21 Jun 2006, 06:22

When will be patch?

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New graphics card..

Unread postby Sabrazack » 02 Jul 2006, 09:14

I am planning on buying a new graphics card since my old one really really sucks. My question is, will Heroes 5 run fine with a "Asus GeForce 7900GT"?

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Re: New graphics card..

Unread postby TomVenom » 03 Jul 2006, 14:17

Sabrazack wrote:I am planning on buying a new graphics card since my old one really really sucks. My question is, will Heroes 5 run fine with a "Asus GeForce 7900GT"?
is it a joke ? :|

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Managed to get patch working : here's how...

Unread postby mich1s » 04 Jul 2006, 19:12

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum - just registered 'cause I wanted to share my experiences on installing / patching, etc. Hopefully - it will be helpful to some others out there who are still having problems updating HOMM.

I've collected advice from others as well as my own findings and I'll try and consolidate everything in a relatively short post on here...

Firstly...as we all know - there seems to be a lot of people having problems installing the patch and one of the main issues is this localization issue. One curious point, I bought the UK Collectors edition - which I now see comes under Europe. HOWEVER, I got confused because when I first tried to install my patch - it didn't really work - I also had some problems installing - I'll cover those later. Anyway - on right clicking the HOMM.EXE - and looking at the various infos - I saw language English (US) and maybe though - oh ok - it might be that I actually a US version. This is NOT the case - and thanks to the advice of others on this forum - by using REGEDIT and looking at the keys - you can easily find out where your version is actually from.

So anyway.... having found that I had the RIGHT patch - I still couldn't get it to work, NOR could I uninstall the program - something I've seen a few other people have problems with.

After a lot of messing about I found a process that has successfully allowed me to install the program properly AND update the patch to 1.1 - I'll try and be as clear as I can here :

n.b. Just for reference - I also had the HOMM demo installed which I DID uninstall previously - not sure what difference it made - but here goes.. my process of fixing HOMM.

1. Since I couldn't uninstall the program itself - I physically threw the whole HOMM folder into the garbage and deleted it.

2. I then went to the START menu and under programs - found Ubisoft and then went to the Heroes folder - right clicked and threw that away too.

3. Then I went to RUN and started REGEDT and did a search for "HEROES" and basically - everything that came up associated with HOMM5 I deleted - now bear in mind - I'm not a computer expert here so I was kinda uncertain about deleting all this - however....I thought what harm can I REALLY do? It's not like it's essential system software - as long as I was clear it was HOMM keys I was deleting - I should be OK.

4. Then I found the Installshield Uninstall Information Folder in the PROGRAMS folder - if you can't see this, it's because you have it set so you CAN'T see invisible files and folders - so you have to set it so you can see invisible files and folders. I actually can't remember offhand how to 'cause it's so long ago I set this - but it's pretty easy if I remember rightly. Anyway - I then found the folder - sadly it's not named so you can't easily find it - however, if you organise by most recently modified - it's a good chance it's the most recent one if that's the most recent program you've installed - you can check this by going into the folder that's most recent and clicking on the .exe - if it IS HOMM - it'll show you that it wants to uninstall it, then I guess you can just cancel. Anyway - I also threw this folder out. Then - in My Documents > My Games - I found another HOMM5 folder and saved my SAVED GAMES folder onto the desktop, and then threw everything else away.

Basically - my intention here was to rid my computer of ANYTHING HOMM and start totally over again. If I could have done this by way of regular uninstalling - then of course I would have. But I couldn't even uninstall the program at all - it would start uninstalling - then go to the end - say it was successful and lo and behold - nothing had changed.

5. For total anality ( is that a word? ) I then used AUTORUNS ( a very handy utility ) and disabled all the Starforce drivers that were present as a result of other programs that had installed this - Splinter Cell, X3, etc. Now, again - I'm no expert and I don't know what difference this made if any - but I HAVE heard that it can and has caused problems - so just for the sake of completeness - I disabled anything STARFORCE - you have to scour through the list to find them - there are about 7 I think.

6. Then once I was sure EVERYTHING HOMM was off my computer, I then restarted and while booting held down F8 and entered into SAFE MODE. I'm not sure if it's automatic on some - but on mine - I have to actually select it. So... I boot up in SAFE MODE and then proceed to install the game.

It took a LOT longer - however, first big change...on completing the install. It DIDNT freeze like it did all the other times at the end on completion.

So far, so good...

Then - I applied the correct patch - and this time - it sailed through no problems at all.

Moment of truth..

I then rebooted back into proper Windows XP and loaded up HOMM and success, on the bottom left - it successfully showed version 1.1

Sorry if this post is a bit long or states a lot of obvious stuff - I wanted to try and make it as complete as possible for the less technically minded people like me out there.. but just to let you know - that from experiencing similar install and patching problems to a lot of other people out there - having now got it to work succesfully with this exact method - I hope maybe others can find similar success on their systems.

Good luck,


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Unread postby addicted » 31 Jul 2006, 13:02

I Updated UBI's latest Patches Information (#11.)
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Unread postby chaos_cultist » 09 Sep 2006, 09:25

Does anyone know if the patching procedures are really accurate? I've followed them repeatedly, and even tried the ubi-soft support pages 'game-shadow' program suggestion, and still come up with the 'HoMM V is not installed thing.' I can't get this patch to install with my HoMM V CE and I'm getting tired of trying to, I'm at the point where I would even try unorthodx methods as mich1s did....

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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 09 Sep 2006, 09:41

chaos_cultist wrote:Does anyone know if the patching procedures are really accurate? I've followed them repeatedly, and even tried the ubi-soft support pages 'game-shadow' program suggestion, and still come up with the 'HoMM V is not installed thing.' I can't get this patch to install with my HoMM V CE and I'm getting tired of trying to, I'm at the point where I would even try unorthodx methods as mich1s did....
Install the first patch. The first patch will install an autoinstaller. Use the autoinstaller to install the second patch.
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Unread postby chaos_cultist » 09 Sep 2006, 18:42

I can't get the first patch on either.......

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Correct patch is important

Unread postby Othmaar » 28 Sep 2006, 16:54

There are different patches for different regions (USA, UK, EU atc.). In addition, the collectors' editions have their own patches. Its all about finding the correct ones.

Here are some links to patch related guides:

Want all the patches? Look here:

A small patch guide found in this post:
http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 9121088364

A really really serious patch guide can be found here:
http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 7281020764

Edit: Oh and by the way: The Auto Patcher does not work for all editions of the game.

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Unread postby Sixy » 01 Feb 2007, 11:51


I've got the hungarian edition of HoF. When I try to launch the first scenario, it crashes, and steppes back to the Windows. All the other maps work fine, just the scenario won't start. When I asked about this on the hungarian support page, they said there's not enough RAM in my computer. Well, I guess 1,5 GByte would be enough, wouldn't it? Maybe it's just the first map, which is wrong, but I cannot launch the following maps as far as I don't complete the first one.

Do you know what could be the problem? Or is there a patch (a trainer or something) what I can use for skipping the first mission? Just to make sure that the problem's not with the game, but with my computer.


(I've got the 2.1 patch installed.)

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Installing HOMM5 on a Laptop...

Unread postby celliottii » 10 Mar 2007, 13:52

Does anyone know why I can't install HOMM5 onto my laptop? It meets all of the requirements for install.

The game will only install up to 14% onto the laptop and I can't get past Disk #1.

Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
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going online

Unread postby hungdragon » 26 May 2007, 06:57

well i do the whole cd key and everything including my username and password and it says play a multiplayer game over the internet via ubi.com website answer would be much appreciated :]

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Unread postby delous » 16 Jun 2007, 06:16

im having trouble with connecting to ubi.com through the multiplayer option. when i put my acct info in it just boots me back to the menu.

im not behind a firewall so please dont cut and paste the ports like on every post for this problem

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