What is your favorite single scenario map so far?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Grumpy Old Wizard
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What is your favorite single scenario map so far?

Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 28 Jun 2006, 11:17

Having completed the campaigns, I began to play the single scenario maps. I have so far finished Mahiir's Gambit, Rise to Power, and Warlords, all with the Academy since there was only one map in the campaigns with an academy town available for play.

My favorite of the three is Warlords. I finished month 5 week 1 day 7 with Jhora (level 23) as my main heroe. Galib (level 16) was my secondary heroe who defended my homeland while Jhora went on the offensive.

The map is very big and with lots of opponents there were some good battles. It has a lot of mines, and I needed them for gold trading later in the game.

Boots of traveling poped up at my artifact merchant and there are roads everywheres so I went without logistics on my main hero for the first time. I grabed an extra magic skill instead.

Jhora wound up with dark, light, summoning, sorcery, attack, and of course artificer for her skills. I did not develop the artificer skill, but she could still make +4 hitpoint charms for my horde creatures and I went with initiative for my titans and magic protection for my Rakashas.

The AI likes to target the Djin so I was able to build up quite a huge stack of Archmages and master gremlins. I was happy when I finally got resurrection as it really helped with the troop attrition from constant battles.

While I did not think I would like the magi special of shooting through everything in a line (including friendly creatures) I kind of like the special now.

Anyways if you are a fan of huge combat intensive maps you'll want to give this one a go.


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Unread postby RunningManDK » 28 Jun 2006, 11:56

Hi there!

I think "Rise to Power" is my favorite map. Has played it many times already. The only thing it lacks is desert terrain for an academy town, though it has desert terrain in the middle, but not in any of the starting areas.

Also, it would be nice if there was a high score list included in the game, just like in the previous games. That would make you feel more fulfilled when you finally beat the last remaining enemy, instead you are just being ported back to the custom game screen. Quite disappointing don't you think? :devil:

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Unread postby Caradoc » 28 Jun 2006, 17:48

The multiplayer maps are a little too symmmetrical for my taste, but Warlords is probably the best of the bunch.

I've been using the 'custom' maps as practice for the campaigns, so I will be able to make good decisions on level ups.

BTW: Where the heck do they store the maps anyway? I think I've looked in all the usual places, but no luck finding them.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 28 Jun 2006, 21:24

THey're in the data paks. Hopefully, we won't have to mess around with it when the editor arrives just to import maps.
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