Multiplayer Problems

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2006

Multiplayer Problems

Unread postby jorko80 » 27 Jun 2006, 15:59

Have you guys tried to play in LocalNetwork? It's impossible. We just don't see each other heroes and can't attack each other. Another thing is that when my opponent defeats a monster on the map it disapears,but on my computer map it stays and when I try to attack it,nothing happens. I heard that this happens in online play too. Can anybody help or is there any information on that? Thank you!

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Joined: 27 Jun 2006

Unread postby Ovobo » 27 Jun 2006, 22:17

Just here to add my own whine about this issue - my friend and I have yet to play a game online that does not exhibit the same issues you mentioned - cleaned out areas that don't appear that way to the other player, heroes that don't show up to the other player, and if they do the hero is a sort of snapshot of a much earlier state (lower level, creatures and their amounts that were true many weeks earlier), and if combat can be initiated it will get stuck after the tactics phase. This has happened EVERY game we have played - to the point of feeling quite burned and bitter by the whole game.

Posts: 13
Joined: 06 Jan 2006

Unread postby jorko80 » 28 Jun 2006, 09:46

So the game is totally unplayable in multiplayer mode,except in hotseat. What is the point of releasing multiplayer then? I hope that patch 1.2 will fix the problems. The campaign was good, but now is the real interesting part of playing 1vs1 or 2vs2 and that can't be done.

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