Unread postby wolf8t8t » 24 Jun 2006, 06:59
I see it like this:
The dwarfs after fighting a brutal war with the elves, the dwarfs found allies with gnomes. Their magically abilities were much needed, dwarfs though magic resistant cannot cast magic. However this still was not enough to turn the war to their favor. So they started playing to their strengths. Their short and stocky bodies were perfect for cold weather and fighting in the mines. Elves would dare not follow a dwarf into a mine because then it would become a game of strength and durability and not speed and agility. So the war ended in a stale mate. This worked out into the dwarfs favor because the snowy mountains were full of gold and gems. This went on for some years until the dwarfs and gnomes came accross an eyeless race of lizard creatures called troglodytes. Not very bright and organized the troglodytes were slowly enslaved and forced to work in the mines. Many years past and their kingdom grew, they built great halls to house their vast amount of wealth, with their slaves doing all of the mining gnomes could turn to their other hobbies such as mechanics and magic. Growing bored of this kingdom they are looking for revenge on their old foes.....
Level 1: Troglodyte Slave: 1 att, 2 def, 4 hp, 6 spd and 8 int. dmg 1-2 -
Description: troglodytes... if I need to say more you obviously have not been playing heros for very long.
Special they can be whipped by the hero into a frenzy were their stats are doubled for 2 rounds. After that they are stunned for one round.
Troglodyte veteran: 2 att 2 def 5 hp 6 spd and 8 int dmg 1-2. Special they can be whipped into a frenzy that triples their stats.
Level 2: Dwarven slave driver: 4 att, 5 def, 12 hp, 6 spd, 9 int. dmg 2-3
Description: the general ground troops for the dwarven army. They are in charge of keeping the slaves in charge.
Special - For every 50 slave drivers, troglodytes gain + to their max dmg.
Plus 25% magic resistance. Hammer stun. They smash their hammer into the ground causing a 25% chance of stunning all around them
Dwarven slave master: 5 att, 5 def, 14 hp, 7 spd, 9 int, dmg 2-3. Special as same slave driver however they can whip trogs into a frenzy too.
Level 3: Dwarven rifleman: 5 att, 4 def, 17 hp, 8 spd, 10 int. dmg 3-5. 9 shots.
Description: Using fire arms crafted by the gnomes, they are a ranged creature.
Special: 25% magic resistance. and buck shot ability. Up close like a shotgun affect. This uses up 3 shots
Dwarven sniper: 5 att, 5 def, 18 hp, 9 spd, 10 int,dmg 4-6. 10 shots Special: They give up the buck shot for an improved aim shot. This shoots across the field without ranged penalty and has a chance of doing double damage. This uses up two shots.
Level 4: Dwarven cavalry: 7 att 8 defs, 30 hp, 9 spd, 10 int, dmg 5-10. Description: Dwarfs riding large snow tigers. Special 25% magic resistance.
Dwarven Skrimisher: 8 att, 8 def, 33 hp, 9 spd, 11 int, 8-11 dmg. Special, 25% magic resistance with a 25% of mauling - mauling can cause open wounds (think poison but it only lasts until the enemy's next move where it does half as much damage as the orginal attack. EG dwarf hits for 10, next turn the damage will be 5 before the creature even moves.)
Level 5: Gnomish High Priest: 10 att, 11 def, 40 hp, 5 spd, 9 int. unique dmg. Description: considered holy ones in the empire, they use their magic to heal instead of harm. Special: Can cast buffs and heal multiple friendly units. Their attack can be either a heal allies in a cluster or harm single enemy units. for half as much as they would heal for.
Gnomish heretics: 10 att, 11 def, 40 hp, 5 spd, 9 int, 11-15 dmg. Description: the exact opposite of the high priest. Special: they use direct damage spells and have an ability to charge their spells to three times their power.
Level 6: Gnomish Mammoth riders: 18 att, 24 def, 150 hp, 6 spd, 8 int. 15-20 dmg. Description: Sigh just think of the elephants of LOTR... yeah I know..... Special: nothing
Gnomish Wooly Mammoth riders: 20 att, 25 def, 165 hp, 6 spd 9 int. 18-25 dmg. Special: gore, they use their tusks to impale enemy units. (like a death stare) 10% of a gore to any enemy unit.
Level 7: Snow wyrm: 28 att, 29 def, 190 hp, 10 spd, 12 int.30-40 dmg Description: Like wyverns from homm3 but all white and a dwarf on their back. Special 25% magic of course and 25% to freeze an enemy.
Frost wyrm: 30 att, 31 def, 220 hp, 11 spd, 12 int, 35-50 dmg: Special: same as above however 25% of casting ice bolt once attack is finished.
Hero's special ability is slavery. For every battle they win a % of all level 1 through 4 level creatures are taken as slaves. Once 100 slaves have been captured they can be put to work at a mine increasing it's productivity by 100% EG gem mines gives 2 gems instead of 1.
The dwarven heroes are not very good at casting magic, however the gnomish ones are.
I know their are not balanced well I just wanted to see what everyone thinks.