[Universe] What do you think of Ashan ?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.

What do you think of Ashan ?

Great world ! Exactly the universe HoMM needed.
A decent, but not very innovative, fantasy world.
It's not Might and Magic anymore, it's Warhammer of Dungeons and Dragons.
The old universe, with Ancients and Kreegans, was far batter.
The old universe, with Ancients and Kreegans, was far batter.
Who cares about the universe, anyway ?
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Unread postby Linky » 20 Jun 2006, 00:09

ThunderTitan wrote: Who then procedes to burp. THE END. Brilliant. Now all we need is someone to finance our little project.
We'll probably get a phone call from Fabrice soon, desperate to hire us after he sees how their expansion storyline is shaping up.

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 20 Jun 2006, 00:30

lol. I think you guys may be quite over-qualified to work for their story writing department.

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Unread postby innokenti » 20 Jun 2006, 00:35

Linky, TT - I'd buy a game with that plot. Definately... even a game with a remotely similar plot... oh.

The whole evil-turn-good-turn-evil thing is... well, it can also get old and boring etc etc. It's not always about what happens but how and what it is motivated by and if it actually makes good sense and can be properly identified.

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Unread postby Noobie of Doom » 20 Jun 2006, 00:57

Gothrak wrote: My personal feeling is that nothing is so limiting to the idea of "magic" than the perception that it must be paired with a medieval setting. It almost implies that cultures that have magic are unable to progress beyond a primitive state - it creates a suspension of belief beyond what is already required for the supernatural.
Urge to rant riseing.

Actully magic would inhibit technological development. Because technology wouldnt be required. You dont see people trying to redevelop the hammer do you? But thats what trying to build a technological device in a magic world is akin to. Its bluntly a foolish idea because your just wasteing effort.
And its hardly a primitive state if magic is used logically. as magic would be abused just as much as technology, not the same stuff of course, but it would be abused. like if you have a spell that creates food, farming becomes obsolete with enough mages.

That and the fact technologly resembleing our own most likely doesnt exist in a diffrent universe. Diffrent universe diffrent physics by definition.
Of course might and magic did have tech in its universe, but that doesnt mean non-anchients would develop it, as they have magic.

As for the universe, its very bland. And they jettisoned the barbarian faction for the demons. i mean cutting out any of the first 4 factions is uterr sacralige.

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Unread postby Gothrak » 20 Jun 2006, 08:38

Urge to rant riseing.
Go right ahead.
Actully magic would inhibit technological development. Because technology wouldnt be required. You dont see people trying to redevelop the hammer do you? But thats what trying to build a technological device in a magic world is akin to. Its bluntly a foolish idea because your just wasteing effort.
The only way you can justify the medieval fantasy setting is by attempting to define what is "technology" and what isn't "technology". By this logic, there's no point inventing the wagon or taming a horse, or inventing a sword or longbow, because you can travel and kill with magic. Yet the medieval setting invariably has all these things.

Medieval weaponry, watermills, crossbows; such things are just as "redundant" with magic around as a spaceship or a laser cannon.

If magic isn't available to everyone, then there's no reason why we can't go from swords to guns to lasers, and from horses to cars to spaceships, because the need is still there.
And its hardly a primitive state if magic is used logically. as magic would be abused just as much as technology, not the same stuff of course, but it would be abused. like if you have a spell that creates food, farming becomes obsolete with enough mages.
You're assuming an unrealistic situation where one group with the ability uses this to assist all other groups without the ability. The only possible world where there can be no technology, because magic makes it obsolete, is the world where the vast majority or totality have magic. Otherwise there will ALWAYS be the need for mundane innovation. Nobody is going to rely on mages to provide their food if they can grow their own.

If those without magic are relying on mages to summon food for them while they sit around in clay huts, they are living in a primitive state. Regardless of the complexity of the magic that sustains them.

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 20 Jun 2006, 14:46

You guys should give Arcanum a try if you haven't already. It pits an old world of magic against the rapid spread of technology.

I doubt the barbarians were totally cut out of the universe. Probably just didn't fit anywhere into the current plot line. Doesn't mean they are out of the series. The barbarians are probably just guardin the snow title set from some unkonwn evil.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 20 Jun 2006, 14:55

Omega_Destroyer wrote:You guys should give Arcanum a try if you haven't already. It pits an old world of magic against the rapid spread of technology.
I did,and I said it worked in arcanum.But it worked in arcanum because it was available to everyone.

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Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 20 Jun 2006, 15:58

OliverFA wrote:Really? Isabel sounds much like Catherine for me ;) he could even be a Gryphonheart! They have so much in common. They are two queens not used to military and war that bravely lead their country against the invaders (demons in both cases) and that turn to be sleeping heroes. ;-)
!?!?! When’s the last time you played H3? Catherine ran off to the military at a young(ish. About 16 IIRC) age, and part of the reason Roland married her was because she was a good warrior. Isabel was ridiculously sheltered her whole life and suddenly decided to run off to war.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 Jun 2006, 16:41

Kareeah Indaga wrote:Isabel was ridiculously sheltered her whole life and suddenly decided to run off to war.
And lets not forget that Catherine was nowere near as whiny and <femalewolf>-y as Isabel.
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Unread postby Sikon » 20 Jun 2006, 17:38

Isabel sounds much like Catherine for me wink he could even be a Gryphonheart!
Isabel isn't a he, but she's a Griffin (if only through marriage).

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 Jun 2006, 18:28

Sikon wrote:Isabel isn't a he, but she's a Griffin (if only through marriage).
Really... that could prove tricky on the weding night.
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Unread postby Linky » 20 Jun 2006, 22:59

One of the problems with HoMMV is that it tries to be serious about the story, but it comes off as being laughable. They managed to do this with the Matrix sequels, and how many people really liked those? Not many because of the story, at least.

The story somehow manages to fail pretty much in every aspect. It really is quite a feat to be able to pull that kind of a fiasco off.

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 21 Jun 2006, 01:41

I agree with that. In all fairness, the story really isn't that important to the gameplay.

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Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 21 Jun 2006, 03:12

Omega_Destroyer wrote:I agree with that. In all fairness, the story really isn't that important to the gameplay.
Except when the AI is scripted to follow it down to the awkwardly used word. Griffin eternal! *snigger*

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Unread postby Sikon » 21 Jun 2006, 05:52

They managed to do this with the Matrix sequels, and how many people really liked those?
I don't care how many. I liked them, and I still would even if the entire world thought otherwise.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 21 Jun 2006, 10:35

Sikon wrote:
They managed to do this with the Matrix sequels, and how many people really liked those?
I don't care how many. I liked them, and I still would even if the entire world thought otherwise.
And you liked the sequels because of their brilliant story?Somehow I doubt that.

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Unread postby Indral » 21 Jun 2006, 11:47

i also think that the story is totally lame.

it hasnt got any flavor, any spirit in it..
but the story is irrelevant anyhow.

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Unread postby Continuity » 21 Jun 2006, 11:49

There's lots of awkward phrasings in the story, but "Griffin eternal" and "Griffin undying" are not two fo those. They're very fitting warcries or battlecries.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 21 Jun 2006, 12:04

Continuity wrote:There's lots of awkward phrasings in the story, but "Griffin eternal" and "Griffin undying" are not two fo those. They're very fitting warcries or battlecries.
Unless they are being cried almost every 5 seconds,in lame voices,followed by even lamer effects.

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Unread postby Indral » 21 Jun 2006, 13:15

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Continuity wrote:There's lots of awkward phrasings in the story, but "Griffin eternal" and "Griffin undying" are not two fo those. They're very fitting warcries or battlecries.
Unless they are being cried almost every 5 seconds,in lame voices,followed by even lamer effects.
couldn't agree more. :yes:

the cinematics are like theatre pieces as imaginative as a brick wall.

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