Nival Answers Again

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Nival Answers Again

Unread postby enfaire » 16 Jun 2006, 18:38

well tbh, i still dont understand why ppl complain that mutch about irrelevant things for Heroes fans , who play Heroes from KIng's Bounty.For example, all ppl who know to play Heroes dont need descriptions od creature skills( they understood it after 5 min), campaign is not difficoult for them even on heroic (although i must say i cant finnish it without save-load) and in this stage of development Nival vanted to see reactions of true Heroes fans. All other patches will just make up the game to be playable and salable in order to avoid financial fiasko 3DO had with HOMM 4.

About map editor n random map generator, for me is logickal not to be published in beggining when Nival is not sure yet in which direction to build up expansion (which will be real game: SOD is only mod of HOMM3which every1 played after its release) and mapeditor needs to have all structures,terrains,artifacts etc.. already designed to be balanced with upcoming expansions.


They cleverly read your posts n slowly decides which new events should be implementated in order to sell game in best way. And most important of all they now knows they have potential for makin best HOMM till now cose all big changes they made improved game in best posible way n true fans are avare of that. Heroes lvlup= every new hero they will implement will bring big changes to game = u wont be bored by game for long time.Initiative = much beter soullution (prolly best in turn based combat).

At the end all i wanna say is to be patient , to enjoy in every new event n to practic ur combat skils cose this will be best HOMM till now, trust me. One more thing, every post u made, good or bad, will improve game cose those russian guys seems to be fans of HOMM just like us n they will do everything to prevent dieing of our beloved series.

Too bad i cant say same for Fallout team :(

(sry for my bad english)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 Jun 2006, 18:51

Yes, they should always release unfinished games because they can just patch them. :disagree:
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Re: Nival Answers Again

Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 16 Jun 2006, 18:57

enfaire wrote:well tbh, i still dont understand why ppl complain that mutch about irrelevant things for Heroes fans , who play Heroes from KIng's Bounty.
Because this game is not just for old fans,but for new players as well.They even stated that they will focus more on bringing more new people to the series.That was their excuse for focusing more on graphics than the other elements(campaign story,more maps,etc).
enfaire wrote: For example, all ppl who know to play Heroes dont need descriptions od creature skills( they understood it after 5 min),
Thats not true.I played heroes since part two,yet when HIV came out I was so glad to have a description of what berzerk meant,otherwise Id be quite confuzed for a while,like I was when I first read enraged,shield bash,etc.If it is like that for me,imagine how it is for someone that never played heroes in his life.
enfaire wrote: campaign is not difficoult for them even on heroic (although i must say i cant finnish it without save-load) and in this stage of development Nival vanted to see reactions of true Heroes fans. All other patches will just make up the game to be playable and salable in order to avoid financial fiasko 3DO had with HOMM 4.
True,campaigns arent hard enough for veterans,but they arent easy enough for those with less skill.Thats a bad thing.And I agree with them playing it safe,but this is just too safe.
enfaire wrote:
About map editor n random map generator, for me is logickal not to be published in beggining when Nival is not sure yet in which direction to build up expansion (which will be real game: SOD is only mod of HOMM3which every1 played after its release) and mapeditor needs to have all structures,terrains,artifacts etc.. already designed to be balanced with upcoming expansions.
I disagree.Postponing the editor is just a marketing decision.In this case it is a bad one since there are too few maps.
enfaire wrote:

They cleverly read your posts n slowly decides which new events should be implementated in order to sell game in best way. And most important of all they now knows they have potential for makin best HOMM till now cose all big changes they made improved game in best posible way n true fans are avare of that. Heroes lvlup= every new hero they will implement will bring big changes to game = u wont be bored by game for long time.Initiative = much beter soullution (prolly best in turn based combat).
They didnt read our posts.True,they made the initiative system(I agree this one is the best inovation),but what about caravans?Thats the single feature more than 90% of fans agreed should be in.Even some of those that hated HIV with every atom in their bodies agreed that caravans should be in.And there are other very good suggestions(stack xp,separate creature movement(both with and without chaining),town parcels,etc).
enfaire wrote:
At the end all i wanna say is to be patient , to enjoy in every new event n to practic ur combat skils cose this will be best HOMM till now, trust me.
No it wont,because that place is already taken.Most people agree that HIII cannot be outmatched(although I believe HII is better),and this one certanly wont do that.
enfaire wrote: One more thing, every post u made, good or bad, will improve game cose those russian guys seems to be fans of HOMM just like us n they will do everything to prevent dieing of our beloved series.
I know they are HIII fans,but Im not sure they are heroes fans.I sure hope youre right and the game will significantly improve.
enfaire wrote:
Too bad i cant say same for Fallout team :(
Why?Whats wrong with bethesda working on fallout?I have more faith in them making a decent sequel than I had in ubi.

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Nival Answers Again

Unread postby enfaire » 17 Jun 2006, 14:06

well if u look from customer point of wiev u r totally right. U pay for ur joy n u want complete game to enjoy it cose u payed for it but..

I think is better to slowly develop game in best way in order to make good thing (especialy when we talk bout turned based game in MMORPG era) then to release "fully" finnished game which will be loved only by true fans. For me HOMM4 is far more better n completed game for balanced multyplayer then HOMM3 but majority dont think same as i and that same majority is most important for exsistance of our beloved game.

Ask urself what is the thing which keep u playing HOMM3 for this long.

That IS mapeditor which allows u to play this game over n over again.

HOMM is not ches so u would play it on same cheep map again n again . U all want new stories, new goals in every new map u start.

At least i want that.

My point is that HOMM4 was finnished when it was published n it had mapeditor etc... but concept of game was too dificoult for majority n gameplay speed was drasticly decreased so lot of my firends just continiued to play HOMM3 insted of w8ing for 10 min for every turn.

And most important of all, lvling of ur Heroes made creatures or ur army almost irelevant.

What we have now ?

We have lack of artifacts ( which were most important thing in series after lvling heroes), i think its becouse they decided not to put unbalanced artifacts at begining of game n they want to see in which direction will players progress in understanding of game before puting it. FFS 90% of ppl say INferno is worst fraction but serious players knows thatthis inferno is 100% better then old inferno simply cose u dont loose ur army while progessing cose of imba gating and instant gating is best ultimate, even better then sylvan n necros.

I can say lot of other things about all other aspects of game but there is only 1 point: in order to keep exsistance of this series they MUST make profit (we live in that kind of world..that is reality) and profit is NOT made by true fans:(((

Maybe i m wrong but i m eager to beleave they r trying to make ballance in order to make every1 happy , both customers n fans n honestly i dont see other way then they do it now..

It was ame with LOTR film triology: Peter Jackson could published all 3 films in same time... but he didnt and at the end both fans n "customrs " were happy.Fans had best possible realization of their beloved book n customers had SUPER Legollas n beautifulll Arwen...

I m not saying u r not right in ur complains i just dont wanna beleave there will not be HOMM6...

And yes HOMM2 was best game for sure n map " Plains of Aekon" was best multyplayer map ever but kids nowdays wants more n we depend on them so lets hope Ubi and NIval will find best solution to satisfy both sides. Othervise if we think this game will be crap kids will not buy it n we will still play HOMM3..

That is my pont of wiev n i m not say i m right, i m 29 years old n i just wanna play HOMM with my kids in future..:))

(sry for english n for spaming )

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 17 Jun 2006, 15:33

Fans are customers.Fans spend even more money then newcomers,because they are sure to buy every new expansion and sequel,even if its half decent(remember the crusaders,and similar M&M titles).As for LotR,its a joke.Sure,its appealing to thosee that didnt read the book first,but to the rest...One of my friends read the book just because he liked the movie,and his words are:"Thank god I didnt read this first,because the movie seems like crap to me now".Same goes with this.The difference here is that they didnt publish enough documentation,there isnt enough in game info,and there are lots of bugs,so the new players wont find it that appealing as they should(because thats who they are focusing on,or at least they say they are focusing on).And if the multiplayer was better,having just one MP map wouldnt be a problem,and this would be like chess.

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Re: Nival Answers Again

Unread postby ClownRoyal » 21 Jun 2006, 16:09

DaemianLucifer wrote:
enfaire wrote:
Too bad i cant say same for Fallout team :(
Why?Whats wrong with bethesda working on fallout?I have more faith in them making a decent sequel than I had in ubi.
Man, I really need to start paying more attention. First, I didn't even know Heroes 5 was coming out until a few weeks before it did, now I didn't even know that Bethesda picked up Fallout. I shame myself as a game fan.

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Re: Nival Answers Again

Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 21 Jun 2006, 16:33

ClownRoyal wrote:Man, I really need to start paying more attention. First, I didn't even know Heroes 5 was coming out until a few weeks before it did, now I didn't even know that Bethesda picked up Fallout. I shame myself as a game fan.
Well,it did happen a while ago.The project was just delayed because of oblivion.

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