necropolis campaign: the invasion map

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necropolis campaign: the invasion map

Unread postby rust888 » 16 Jun 2006, 03:16

ive been working thru the campaign, but got stuck on this map. i'd like to know how most of you got thru it.

the biggest problem i encountered: how the hell did u defeatl the elven army?? isabel cant recruit cavaliers + angels, which u need to kill his archers (4 huge stacks of master hunters and druid elders :| ). otherwise, they rape the haven army. i think griffins are the key (battle dive ability)but what do u do while you wait for the griffin to attk? send footmen + peasants headlong into his stacks?

another suggestion ive been wanting to try is to send markal + his kickass army all the way back to kill off green, but he'd take some pretty heavy causalties and i'd still need him to take out orange's cities.

i know some of you are gonna suggest garrisoning in the haven/ necropolis city with isabel. when i hid in the haven city, green entirely passed it by, kept going and owned the garrison guarding the necropolis city.

(sorry about the long post). anyone have any suggestions/ tips ?

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 16 Jun 2006, 04:09

I got Markal up to the Southeast portion of the main continent and didn't worry about building up the Necropolis on your starting island.

Isabel should have some kickbutt levels if you did the first campaign right. In particular, I merely used some training to turn my load of peasants into archers when Alaron came down. Since she had excellent Light Magic buffs, it was difficult battle, but readily doable.

She had recruitment, and I had her sitting in the haven the entire map to increase my low-level growth.

Also, take note of when the green player is triggered. You might want to hold off on capturing too many towns until you feel Isabel's ready.

Once green landed, he avoided my Haven and went for my unbuilt Necropolis, so I took Isabel out, met him on the road, and crushed him there.

Also, I was playing on Normal difficulty.
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Unread postby khruloc » 16 Jun 2006, 04:28

Two methods: either being script cheater, or the "follow thru the script" fanatic:

1) Script Cheater: Green only comes when:

a - you take the narrow straits up to the end of the map Or
b - you kick any of the two castles holding the staff/cape
-> meaning if you kicked the "ring" castle 1st. green wouldn't arrive.
-> How? It is heavily garrisoned... They don't give Isabel instant travel spell in Camp. 1 act5 for nothing. Simply get Markel/Isabel to scholar each other
c - just built you army either from the base town + converted creatures from haven town OR simply use the high level wizard town.

2) Stauch Script follower: I wouldn't consider this option. Since Heroes should be a game of freedom.

Option A: Early Invasion
a - Get leftmost town with Markel (You should destroy Havez 1st)
b - built army with partial demon troops + undead (undeads no penalty)
c - Cat mouse chase Green using Isabel as bait (equip with Sextant)
d - when army is ready destroy green

Option B: Late Invasion
a - Cat mouse chase Havez using Isabel as bait (equip with Sextant)
b - While Markel builts up army by gaining creatures from offshore islands
c - By end of month 2 you should have sufficient supplies to kick Havez
d - Then march the army pass the "staff" town and invade the "cape" town
e - Next take the cape town
f - 3 days later green discovers that your army is too huge; decides to take the haven town instead of alighting on the "cape" shore
g - get to the boat and docked on the volcano island with the abandon mine. Green will take 3 turns to reach. Town portal to lorekeep
h - Use town portal to get to Haven. plan the time right, when green docks, sees the army approach tries to escape.
i - attack him on the shores

I use a combi of 1) & 2b) so there shouldn't be any problem using undead troops against wizards or elves

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Unread postby asandir » 16 Jun 2006, 04:51

this is not really a strategy, but i simply had markal in the right place at the right time, my skelly archers and bone dragons slaughtered him (a puppet master on some master hunters didn't hurt either), then some raise dead and i came out with a monster army

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Re: necropolis campaign: the invasion map

Unread postby Snap » 16 Jun 2006, 06:54

rust888 wrote:ive been working thru the campaign, but got stuck on this map. i'd like to know how most of you got thru it.

the biggest problem i encountered: how the hell did u defeatl the elven army??
You only need to defeat their main hero, what's-his-face. I did this with Markal late in the game, when the green hero ventured north. But you don't need to completely eliminate them from the map.

I didn't build up the Haven city at all, and only partly built up the necropolis. Both Markal and Isabel sailed north ASAP. Isabel stayed in a sanctuary for most of the rest of the mission while Markal went about conquering mage cities. You only need to conquer them once - if green takes them over later, that's none of your concern.

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