when would you choose more than 1 magic type?

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when would you choose more than 1 magic type?

Unread postby juventas » 15 Jun 2006, 00:20

It seems like there are enough spells in each type of magic that are worth casting over and over again in battle. Also, there's spells that help you kill neutrals with minimal losses. For example:

Light: after casting all your buffs, you can spam resurrect.

Dark: after casting all your debuffs, you can spam frenzy.

Destruction: instead of spending a turn buffing/debuffing, you can turn one more unit into ash.

Summoning: just keep summoning! Or spam phantom forces on your ranged/high tier units. Or arcane armor on each of your units?

I originally thought to take light and dark magic so I could cast haste and slow in the same battle, thereby making my units attack n times more often than the enemy. But would that be more effective than casting haste and then righteous might? Or slow and then weakness? I'm having trouble justifying picking a 2nd school of magic over one of the other constantly activated skills.

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Unread postby Gus » 15 Jun 2006, 00:40

I think it is a problem in H5 indeed. There are situations where you would love to cast Frenzy between two Resurrect, but they're rare... I think for a Magic oriented hero, you could have two and Sorcery, but i believe the best choice is to get one magic school, possibly sorcery, and the rest in useful skills.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 Jun 2006, 01:34

For now I can see it good just for necro:summoning for raise dead and fantom forces,and dark for ultimate.

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Unread postby btantra » 15 Jun 2006, 07:56

To me, I don't bother with any other magic school other than Summoning Magic. With Phantom Forces, Arcane Armor, Summon Elemental and Summon Phoenix (provided that your spell power is 15+), you are nearly invincible.

The Phoenix alone can rip through any creatures line up including black dragons.

I once summoned a Phoenix with 75 attack 75 defense, huge damage, and 1000+ hp. Not even 5 titans can beat it! :)

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 Jun 2006, 08:41

btantra wrote:To me, I don't bother with any other magic school other than Summoning Magic. With Phantom Forces, Arcane Armor, Summon Elemental and Summon Phoenix (provided that your spell power is 15+), you are nearly invincible.

The Phoenix alone can rip through any creatures line up including black dragons.

I once summoned a Phoenix with 75 attack 75 defense, huge damage, and 1000+ hp. Not even 5 titans can beat it! :)
Pit lord and wraith can,although thatl probably kill them.

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Unread postby Rapier » 15 Jun 2006, 09:52

Two magic schools can be nice, mass haste and mass slow can be very effective against other enemy heroes who also can cast spells. Against neutrals, you would never need two.

Also I think all you need is Summon magic, because that school is the best right now.
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Unread postby Braxen » 15 Jun 2006, 10:50

btantra wrote:To me, I don't bother with any other magic school other than Summoning Magic. With Phantom Forces, Arcane Armor, Summon Elemental and Summon Phoenix (provided that your spell power is 15+), you are nearly invincible.

The Phoenix alone can rip through any creatures line up including black dragons.

I once summoned a Phoenix with 75 attack 75 defense, huge damage, and 1000+ hp. Not even 5 titans can beat it! :)
As someone said, one wraith can wipe out that Phoenix with the Harm Touch..and the Pit Lord uses the vorpal sword.

But its still a powerful spell/creature.

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Unread postby Metathron » 15 Jun 2006, 10:59

btantra wrote:The Phoenix alone can rip through any creatures line up including black dragons.

I once summoned a Phoenix with 75 attack 75 defense, huge damage, and 1000+ hp. Not even 5 titans can beat it! :)
The H5 phoenix truly is an awe-inspiring creature. In the necro campaign, the one phoenix I summoned made my pack of spectral dragons look like :baby:s.

Not only 5 titans, 15 in my case!
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Unread postby Alamar » 15 Jun 2006, 13:51

I don't mind 2 spell schools with Necros but for most other castles I tend to go with whatever 1 school looks the best at the time. The only time that I find 2 spell schools useful is during a siege where casting lots of various spells may actually be useful.

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Unread postby Campaigner » 15 Jun 2006, 18:12

Depends on the faction. With Dungeon I only use Destructive Magic since their faction supports it so greatly. With Inferno it's Dark that gets the job done while Necropolis require both schools to be unstoppable.
With Haven, both Light and Dark is good. Sylvan can use Destructive magic to great effect with Triple Ballista but Light magic is required to protect against Destructive magic and to ressurect those valuable Master Hunters and Elder Druids.
With Academy I think both Light and Summoning is good. Phantom Forces + Mass bless, haste, righteous might, endurance is a killer. Just imagine duplicating those half a legion Master Gremlins or even better: ArchMages! 8|

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Unread postby Snap » 15 Jun 2006, 18:45

Sourcery + Magic Insight is a must for anyone, and it gives you access to all tier 3 spells, including Phantom Forces. With that there's less need for more than one magic school.

Summoning Magic is a one-trick pony: other than Conjuration, its other sub-skills are useless (when was the last time you cast Earthquake?) But that one pony can be very powerful in the right hands.

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Unread postby Caradoc » 15 Jun 2006, 18:51

It would have been cool to give a hero with all four schools an ArchMage skill.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 15 Jun 2006, 18:52

Snap wrote: (when was the last time you cast Earthquake?) But that one pony can be very powerful in the right hands.
If you lack flyers or shooters Earthquake is a must for sieges.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 Jun 2006, 19:54

ThunderTitan wrote: If you lack flyers or shooters Earthquake is a must for sieges.
Or,you could just summon a phoenix to fly inside and wreak havoc.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 15 Jun 2006, 21:26

Earthquake doesn't benefit from spellpower anyway. Summoning magic's "common" subskills are pretty useless, at least when compared to the other school's.
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Unread postby juventas » 15 Jun 2006, 22:37

When you guys talk about the unstoppable phoenix, I assume you mean with a spellpower 15 or more. Well, with conjuration mastery and expert summoning, that means you'll be summoning 38 elementals at a time. So even if the rest of the spells in summoning aren't that great, you can always spam summon elementals. Extra units are always handy, whether it be for getting rid of retaliation, blocking the way, or taking hits.

And don't forget arcane armor, which has the awesome characteristic of absorbing all forms of damage, even magic damage. Putting an extra arcane armor on one of your units couldn't hurt (blood furies and shooters, anyone?).

And then there's phantom forces. Casting this spell over and over again on your tier 7 units will be a pain for anyone.

It's not like you just summon a phoenix and "Well, that's it boys, let's move on to destruction magic."

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