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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby g1fteD » 12 Jun 2006, 08:47

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby g1fteD » 12 Jun 2006, 08:47

Is this walktrough also usable without the 1.1 patch cause i have lots of problems installing it.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 12 Jun 2006, 10:30

Although pit fiends seem like a better bonus to me,since you can haul them to the half of the map,even if you do loose one in the first battle.

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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby Akul » 12 Jun 2006, 13:30

This walkthrough has been made before the patch (I think)
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Unread postby Angelspit » 12 Jun 2006, 13:33

No, it was written after the patch. But I guess it applies to version 1.0 as well, since I pretty much leave you on your own for the fight against Gilraen (the size of his army is the only thing that changed with the patch, besides a script fix).
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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby g1fteD » 12 Jun 2006, 14:44


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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby jazzbiker » 12 Jun 2006, 14:49

But where is the source of the Druid Magic? I've managed to beat Gilrean, but I haven't completed the objectives and can't figure out where the Druid magic source is... :(

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Unread postby Angelspit » 12 Jun 2006, 14:55

There are a bunch of druids in the center of the map. You will see them if you visit the Eye of the Magi thingy next to the southern castle.
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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby Psychobabble » 13 Jun 2006, 02:11

Good walkthrough, good hints (particularly on holding off on capturing the first town till after the first week).

Yeah, you might want to mention those druids, it's a reasonably important part of the map :)

And I fixed up a cpl of minor spelling errors....

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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby Rapier » 13 Jun 2006, 03:26

This is pretty much what I did on heroic. Take the first town on day 1 of week 2, take the second town before the end of week 2.

It's essential that Gilaren attacks you in a fully upgraded castle otherwise I don't think you can win. Although maybe after the patch it's become easier. This is the hardest map I've played so far, although I think Dungeon map 3 will get a patch to reduce it's difficulty as well.

I left the druids until much much later, I'm not sure a rush to kill them is necessary, after Gilaren it's all easy.
Edited on Mon, Jun 12 2006, 21:27 by Rapier
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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby theGryphon » 13 Jun 2006, 03:59

I played on hard, chose nightmares. Lost one in first fight. Captured first town on day 4. Built both towns, inferno first. Used inferno trrops until I got utterly ambushed by Gilraen on week 4 (I have not recruited that week's troops). Beat him eventually, with 6 horned demons and a single succubus mistress left (wow, that was a fight). Switched to Sylvan troops, captured town to north on at the end of week 4 (there were 5 greens waiting for me, yay). It was a piece of cake afterwards. I couldn't have beat Gilraen if it was on Heroic, because I was not well prepared and I was not in my castle. But I believe Heroic is doable...

PS: I played only after 1.1.
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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby VortexD » 13 Jun 2006, 07:27

I managed to fight and win from Gilaren out of town and before the 1.1 patch. It took me a whole hour to fight him and eventually win with just the Succubi Mistresses left. I thought after that battle was over everything would be fine since I already finished the stongest hero. The flower sniffing elves obviously like to kick a man when he's down and invaded the next day. I tried not to get their attention as they took a few of my mines eveyday. But eventually they passed by my town and decided to come over for a cup of tea. I still did have my Sylvan army and some succubi, but they proved insuffcient against their greater numbers, 350 pixies, 30 ancient treants, 120 master hunters, etc... I held out until only their treants were left, but still lost...
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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby Nebs » 13 Jun 2006, 08:57

Here's what I've wrote in forums about the mission...

On 1.1 heroic I let Gilraen take back that southern sylvan town. It was anyway week 4 of first month, and he was carrying almost 100 master hunter with other troops, couldn't do anything. Was building my inferno though, and got also lv.3 mage guild for summon critters.

Anyway, as said, let him took the town, and he decided to stay there a bit. Bought all inferno army I could and went straight to the north eastern sylvan town (one where Gilraen came from). It was fully built luckily. Gilraen still stayed in south town.

Now bought 4 emeralds, and 10 ancient treants and went west for last sylvan town. Also summoned all I could've from inferno. Was a tough fight, barelly survived, but managed somehow...and now had two sylvan towns. Inferno troops not needed anymore.

But now Gilraen decided to hunt me and had to use little trick. Basically running from western to eastern town and back. Gilraen did the same, but on southern road, never catching me. He could've easily taken back sylvan towns, but seems his priority was catching me. Oh well. Good for me.

Eventually he went back to south sylvan town, and stayed there till the end of game. Now was just a matter of time to get more troops than him and end the scenario.

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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby hein231 » 13 Jun 2006, 14:01

i just conquered it on hard didn't waste any time just strike quickly and enemy forces to continue conquest

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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby Angelspit » 13 Jun 2006, 14:19

I didn't bother fighting the druids and managed to finish the mission anyway, focusing on cornering Gilraen instead. I'm aware that eliminating the druids is probably critical at the higher difficulty settings, but I guess that the people who play at the level don't need walkthroughs. :)
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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby sumalmamus » 13 Jun 2006, 16:29

After trying this at normal with eight restarts I was very relieved when the patch came out, unfortunately it went in the other direction and the map was such a walkover I felt like I had been cheated. I accidently found Gilraen in the elven village on the NE and killed him early on before he had built any significant creature buildup. Talk about anticlimactic. I also think the patch switched me from "normal" to "easy" for my profile--the lowest one listed?

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Unread postby Angelspit » 13 Jun 2006, 16:33

You could try again at Normal or Hard. Most missions are very easy once you figure out what the pattern is, but at least you will have some decent opposition.
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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby sisko » 13 Jun 2006, 17:06

cool, what mod was used to get this screenshot. Can you actually still play when in this mode(bit hard to see, but still visible.

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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby Da_Vane » 13 Jun 2006, 23:46

Capture the first Sylvan town - the Sylvan spawned creatures slow the entire game down for everybody. They are weak, so with a sufficiently strong army, you should be able to take them down or force them to run.

Here's the best thing - the sylvan spawns slow down enemy heroes. The AI goes around them if it thinks it has an easier objective... like an "empty" castle. This means that Agreal can usually run them down while they are moving - usually by going through the sylvan spawns and saving valuable movement points.

Usually, you can bait all the enemy heroes in this way, and they don't usually have built up armies because the AI thinks it doesn't need them. I even managed to take down Gilraen, as he was trying to get my "bait" castle... the first Sylvan town. It seems that because the AI didn't think it needed an army, it decided not to build one properly, splitting it amongst many runners trying to take my "bait"... divide and conquer! Of course, didn't neglect to build the castle's troops - I just made sure they weren't in the castle: They were with Agrael...

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The Cultist → The Conquest

Unread postby Labyrinth » 14 Jun 2006, 12:24

Wooow, how did you get that screenshot?? Simply modding the camera constraints, or is there more to it? xD
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