Unicorn evolution

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.

Which of thiese unicorns you like the most

H1 Unicorn
H2 Unicorn
H3 Unicorn
H3 War Unicorn
H4 Unicorn
H5 Unicorn
H5 Silver Unicorn
Total votes: 197

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Unread postby theGryphon » 13 Jun 2006, 04:10

Voted H3 War Unicorn. It's the coolest Unicorn ever. HV unicorns both are very good also. HIV version is just a joke.

HIV models are not always the worst, as they're not always the best. HIV has the best Titan model (do I need to say "I think") ;)

About the "bluish" Silver Unicorn, I like it as it is. I don't understand why would people like a "bronzish" Silver Unicorn ;| It's beyond a matter of taste, IMO. I mean once it's called a Silver Unicorn, I don't know...
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 13 Jun 2006, 07:27

soupnazii wrote:H4 uni is laughable. i could have made a better one in 15 minutes in photoshop. that is the result of a rushed game. and some of you say H5 was rushed and should have been delayed more (many of the same people who praise H4....)
I bet $500 you cant :devil:

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Unread postby dragonn » 13 Jun 2006, 08:31

theGryphon wrote: About the "bluish" Silver Unicorn, I like it as it is. I don't understand why would people like a "bronzish" Silver Unicorn ;| It's beyond a matter of taste, IMO. I mean once it's called a Silver Unicorn, I don't know...
If only it's name was the BIGGEST problem! If you like the yuckish blue version fine. I'm going to use a mod when it's out, I've heard it's in production. Changeing a units name isn't a problem either...
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Unread postby Metathron » 13 Jun 2006, 11:31

I like all of them but I voted for *gasp* HoMM IV. I happen to love the rainbow mane and tail, and it looks better in battle than it appears on the provided picture.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 13 Jun 2006, 12:21

I happen to think that the Rainbow hair was a good ideea, but it doesn't look very good ingame. Still haven't decided between H2 and H3+.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 13 Jun 2006, 13:51

dragonn wrote:My favourite Unicorn ever was the H3 War Unicorn.

Second after that is the "Silver Unicorn", but in it's older beta form (bronze/gold or whatever colour that was). The one in the final game version sucks :(
You still whine about it? Suck it up boy!
Anyway good for you if a mod can fix the "problem"

Well I voted the H5 silver unicorn, the best looking and good enough stats it also are in line with unicorn myths from the western world where born golden and as it ages it gets silvery :-D
The other past unicorns are pale in comparison. Still I dont know why some of you complain about the silver unicorn. The silver unicorn may look blue but thats because silver sometimes have a blue hue in color. It looks very nice!

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Unread postby dragonn » 13 Jun 2006, 16:02

Orfinn wrote: Well I voted the H5 silver unicorn, the best looking and good enough stats it also are in line with unicorn myths from the western world where born golden and as it ages it gets silvery :-D
The other past unicorns are pale in comparison. Still I dont know why some of you complain about the silver unicorn. The silver unicorn may look blue but thats because silver sometimes have a blue hue in color. It looks very nice!
So they are getting Silver while they age. Strange, they don't seem to be older than their non-upgraded cousins. If they wanted to use this legend in the game, non-upgraded Unicorns should've been made baby-unicorns then :P Legends say thay are gold at birth don't they?

By the way I simply don't understand how their silver colour is associated with the rest of the faction which is mainly greenish-brown themed...
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Unread postby Orfinn » 13 Jun 2006, 16:16

I said only by birth? I meant they are golden by birth and while they are young, after adult they turn silvery. Also I think its a nice contrast to have something in different color than green, brown, gold etc like silver "blue"

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Unread postby Warlock » 13 Jun 2006, 17:23

Honestly I'm glad they made it blue (but they need to change the icon to match). On the battlefield it would be way too hard to tell the difference between a yellowish white and an orange unicorn. They were practically the same. Especially zoomed out. There needed to be some color distinction there.

P.S. - anyone else find it funny that the H4 Unicorn is beating out the H1 Unicorn? haha

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Unread postby soupnazii » 13 Jun 2006, 20:16

Metathron wrote:I like all of them but I voted for *gasp* HoMM IV. I happen to love the rainbow mane and tail, and it looks better in battle than it appears on the provided picture.


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Unread postby soupnazii » 13 Jun 2006, 20:20

DaemianLucifer wrote:
soupnazii wrote:H4 uni is laughable. i could have made a better one in 15 minutes in photoshop. that is the result of a rushed game. and some of you say H5 was rushed and should have been delayed more (many of the same people who praise H4....)
I bet $500 you cant :devil:

OK i was exageratin (spelling...) it would take much more than 15 minutes, but for a fairly large and succesful company, they really deserve a spanking for coughing out that pos.... i really could make a better one, but it would take a good amount of hours for a single mostly unexperienced person such as me to do something like that, even though it is possible...

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Unread postby Metathron » 13 Jun 2006, 21:14

What's that now? :D
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Unread postby soupnazii » 13 Jun 2006, 21:25

MY EYES!!! THEY BURN!!!!!!! :scared:

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 13 Jun 2006, 22:08

Metathron wrote:What's that now? :D
That unicorn does look good. Now if only it had hair that actualy looked like hair.
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Unread postby cornellian » 13 Jun 2006, 23:56

H3 War Unicorn... Proud and noble, though too bad I hated Elven town in H3...

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 14 Jun 2006, 00:38

HOMM 2 Unicorn (Why do i feel that he will win?):
I don't know... why did you think that? It's near the bottom in the polling. Anyways, I like the HOMM3 War Unicorn, though the HOMM5 Unis are good looking too.

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Unread postby Akul » 14 Jun 2006, 10:56

Wolfshanze wrote:
HOMM 2 Unicorn (Why do i feel that he will win?):
I don't know... why did you think that? It's near the bottom in the polling. Anyways, I like the HOMM3 War Unicorn, though the HOMM5 Unis are good looking too.
Because H2 usually dominates in the evolution polls.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 14 Jun 2006, 11:45

Sauron wrote:Because H2 usually dominates in the evolution polls.
Probably because it has the darkest style of them all.

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Unread postby soupnazii » 14 Jun 2006, 20:22

daarker than H5? its suppposed to be really dark and evil compared to the previous ones, which were supposedly more cartoon and fantasy...

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 14 Jun 2006, 20:26

Putting the Contrast on low does not make a game dark. Trying too hard is even worse.
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