The hero screen - moddable?

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The hero screen - moddable?

Unread postby Linky » 11 Jun 2006, 10:24

I was wondering, as the command circle in combat was replacable, could the hero screen be modded as well?

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Unread postby DuRieL » 11 Jun 2006, 10:36

Yes it can, though it would take a bit more effort than the combat-dial.
What changes did you have in mind?

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Unread postby Linky » 11 Jun 2006, 11:09

I was thinking of removing the tab-based system and have all data in one screen, save for biography and spellbook.

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Unread postby Cunning Death » 13 Jun 2006, 00:55

Linky wrote:I was thinking of removing the tab-based system and have all data in one screen, save for biography and spellbook.
that would be lovely :tsup:

i didn't dig deep into the game's system, but it seems to me that it needs lots of work with text files, and the graphics (backgrounds for ex.) should be put together, but i might be mistakin' (or at least I hope)


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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 13 Jun 2006, 07:07

Linky wrote:I was thinking of removing the tab-based system and have all data in one screen, save for biography and spellbook.
I wonder if this can be done,or is it to hardcoded in the game to change.If thats possible,maybe its possible to changes creatures and towns completely(making some units unupgradable,adding buildings,removing them,...)

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Unread postby 5il3nc3r » 13 Jun 2006, 14:32

Or bring back the doll system? Since everyone seems to want it so (although I'm aware you prolly can't make a Misc. slot since there are none currently).

But at least put the current slots in their respective place on the doll.

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Unread postby soupnazii » 13 Jun 2006, 21:10

i dont think something like that would be possible, and i dont have any problem with current screen, but i guess it would be nice....

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Unread postby Paradox » 13 Jun 2006, 22:27

what i'd like to see most is a "misc" artifact spot, i hate putting 4 leaf clover in the "shield" slot... so stupid. Nival...why??

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 13 Jun 2006, 22:29

Paradox wrote: Nival...why??
Because they hate us, of course. Or lazyness. Take ur pick.
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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 14 Jun 2006, 00:40

It would probably either be nearly impossible, or require a LOT of work to redo the hero screen... BUT if it could/can be done, I'd love to see a return of the Paper Doll screen (with or without Misc).

I really miss the Paper Doll hero screen.

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Unread postby soupnazii » 14 Jun 2006, 01:05

yes, paper doll would be great, but why try to spend so much time and work on a hard mod like that when its likely to come along with an expansion or maybe even a late patch?

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Unread postby Paradox » 14 Jun 2006, 01:32

didnt nival say in a statement on the russian forums, that they dont want the paper doll thing etc?

also, why do i keep getting logged out from CH forums?

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 14 Jun 2006, 03:42

soupnazii wrote:yes, paper doll would be great, but why try to spend so much time and work on a hard mod like that when its likely to come along with an expansion or maybe even a late patch?
Who said it's "likely" to come along with a patch or expansion? I've never once heard that, especially from Nival.

Considering the Paper Doll was a feature of BOTH H3 and H4, as well as being mentioned that it should be there in the Beta (yet wasn't in the final release), it would seem quite clear that Nival has no interest what-so-ever in a paper doll hero screen... if anything, besides the history of the paper doll in the last two games AND the repeated requests for it during the beta, it would seem that Nival is dead-set on NOT having the paper doll in the game... seems they went out of their way to make sure it isn't in the game.

Ergo, I am of the firm belief we won't see this from Nival... maybe a user-mod (if it's even possible), but certainly not from Nival (as much as I wish I could agree with you).

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 14 Jun 2006, 06:43

soupnazii wrote:yes, paper doll would be great, but why try to spend so much time and work on a hard mod like that when its likely to come along with an expansion or maybe even a late patch?
Really?I never heard its likely to happen.In fact,Im sure it wont happen.

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Unread postby asandir » 14 Jun 2006, 07:20

yeah, unfortunately i don't think it's gonna happen either, miss it thou

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Unread postby Linky » 14 Jun 2006, 11:41

If you can replace the combat dial, then why couldn't you replace the hero window? All you'd have to do is shuffle around the creature, artifact and skill boxes.

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Unread postby soupnazii » 14 Jun 2006, 20:15

DaemianLucifer wrote:
soupnazii wrote:yes, paper doll would be great, but why try to spend so much time and work on a hard mod like that when its likely to come along with an expansion or maybe even a late patch?
Really?I never heard its likely to happen.In fact,Im sure it wont happen.
what i meant was that if we make enough noise about it (we as in the entire heroes fan community) it is a little likely to happen. i dont see any reason for them not to do it in an expansion if its what most of the fans want and are asking for...

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 14 Jun 2006, 23:05

Just because noise is made doesn't mean Nival does it... in-fact, I'm pretty sure noise was already made on this very issue during the beta and it was ignored, so why would they change their mind now?

I don't see Nival doing this at all, no matter how nice it would be, and how much the community asks for it... BUT THEY SHOULD!

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Unread postby soupnazii » 14 Jun 2006, 23:13

if half the fan community wrote to them something like that, they will deffinetly consider it...

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Unread postby Mirage » 15 Jun 2006, 00:29

Umm the paper doll system? Please explain what exactly this is and why you want it so bad. For some reason I can't really think of it, but I haven't played much heroes 3 or 4 lately.

Is is just the image of the hero with the squares on the locations of their bodies where the artifacts go.... I'm sure there must be more to it than this.

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