Serious question for those who play Single Player

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Gaidal Cain
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 12 Jun 2006, 15:15

Well, on easy and normal, it won't use fourth or fifth level spells...
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 12 Jun 2006, 15:41

I was wondering about the Horned Overseers explosion attack being used against his fellow troops under AI control. I witnessed it when the overseers blew up, killed one remaing creature, and then became enraged. I didn't know if it was the computer acting in a tactically impressive manner or not, but I was surprised.

As far as the difficulty of the AI, I agree with those that say battles are only challanging where numerical superiority is present. The only strategy the computer ever seems to employ for me is going immediately for my shooters or weaker units. Gunning for the shooters, no pun intended, is not a huge surprise but it does get tiring after awhile. And when playing the Warlock campaign, the computer seemed unable to attack anybody but my Blood Furies. I understand that it's smart to get rid of a no-retaliaion unit quickly, but battle after battle, it was the same strategy. It was nice for the rest of my units to remain unharmed, but it got really annoying constantly losing Blood Furies.

Spell usage is so-so. I have never seen the computer once cast a level 4 or level 5 spell. Usually it opts to cast slow and vulnerability, rarely opting to use an attack spell. I don't have much more to add to this part.

Lastly, it gets old when the computer resorts to nothing more than blasting your level 7 units, killing them one a term. It's a good idea and all, but some variety would be nice. A good example of this would be "The Defense" map of the Ranger campaign.

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Unread postby Asjo » 12 Jun 2006, 16:22

Gandal cain, I'm very surprised to hear that. On normal difficulty the AI is supposed to play as well as it can (no point on not having it do that), but start on level terms with the human player (where it starts with more in higher difficulties).

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 12 Jun 2006, 16:28

No- it's on hard that things are equal. Kind of odd, but that's how it is.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 12 Jun 2006, 16:55


I thought this happened to me just in beta.Its a weir one,to say the least.

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Unread postby juventas » 12 Jun 2006, 19:56

I play on normal, and the AI is absolutely horrendous. Will it be better on hard or heroic?

I was recently besieged by a huge Academy force that just totally outgunned me. In the end, however, I had 9 ghosts and 2 zombies against 20 titans and over 100 gremlins and golems. So what does the titan decide? The ballista is more menacing than my other units, so it keeps calling lightning on my ballista! But the ballista is immune to call lightning for some reason. What do the other units do? They just sit there as long as they have a ranged unit remaining. What does the hero do? Cast earthquake over and over and over--even after the city walls, gates, and all towers have been destroyed.

I could have beaten them by just slowly chipping away with my hero, but I decided it wasn't worth my time.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 12 Jun 2006, 22:49

juventas,thats rich!The best siege ever!

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Unread postby Ethric » 13 Jun 2006, 01:24


It shouldn't even be possible to cast a spell on something immue to it.
Who the hell locks these things?
- Duke

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Unread postby mongerman » 13 Jun 2006, 01:24

As far as I'm concerned, I'm sticking to heroes 3 with WOG mod until something decent can be done with heroes 5

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