Dungeon 2 - Where's The Red Key/Tan Gate? + General

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Dungeon 2 - Where's The Red Key/Tan Gate? + General

Unread postby Othello » 11 Jun 2006, 15:31

Ok, I'm one of those guys that loves to explore the entire map. I've done that, and found a red gate. In the starting area there is a gate key place that looks red but apparantly gives a tan key.... So I've been looking for a tan gate and a red key.... anyone know where they are?

Also, is it just me or do half of the dungeon buildings look untextured (just white with no other colors/details)? And whats with all the broken english in dungeon? So far it's one of my favorite armies, it's sad to see it look like it was forgotten :/

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Unread postby Ari » 11 Jun 2006, 16:00

There's a single gate/key combination on this map. I gather than either the developers are colorblind or there was some mistranslation/mixup. If you visit the "tan" tent, you'll be able to open the "tan" gate (hmm, maybe I should leave out the quotes; I think that one's actually tan).

I didn't visit the gate until after I'd taken all of the towns and was looking for the grail (ahem, tear). At that point, it was scarcely worth the bother. I can't remember precisely what's behind it, but it's nothing all that special or essential.

As for the rest, the whole game is kinda shoddily translated. Reminds me of playing final fantasy tactics, or at least some slightly better localized console rpg. Best quote ever is in the necromancer campaign when Markas refers to Freyda who he's just captured as a "fine bit of booty" or some such. Bwahahahaha.

I almost never look at the buildings (I just click on the town hall or castle or the buttons off to the left), but the dungeon ones don't seem particularly off to me. Granted, the dungeon's annoying because I *have* to click the buttons since I still haven't actually found the town hall in the view.

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Unread postby Rapier » 11 Jun 2006, 16:51

Ari wrote:There's a single gate/key combination on this map. I gather than either the developers are colorblind or there was some mistranslation/mixup. If you visit the "tan" tent, you'll be able to open the "tan" gate (hmm, maybe I should leave out the quotes; I think that one's actually tan).

I didn't visit the gate until after I'd taken all of the towns and was looking for the grail (ahem, tear). At that point, it was scarcely worth the bother. I can't remember precisely what's behind it, but it's nothing all that special or essential.

As for the rest, the whole game is kinda shoddily translated. Reminds me of playing final fantasy tactics, or at least some slightly better localized console rpg. Best quote ever is in the necromancer campaign when Markas refers to Freyda who he's just captured as a "fine bit of booty" or some such. Bwahahahaha.

I almost never look at the buildings (I just click on the town hall or castle or the buttons off to the left), but the dungeon ones don't seem particularly off to me. Granted, the dungeon's annoying because I *have* to click the buttons since I still haven't actually found the town hall in the view.
There isn't an obelisk behind it, just some elementals a powerful artifcact (that's worthless at the point you can get in) and an elemental stockpile.
~ Rapier.

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Unread postby sumalmamus » 20 Jun 2006, 18:22

It is frustrating though, on my map it is a red tent with text of being "tan" but the guard really is and says it is red and that the key is not obtained. The elementals would have been mildly helpful when I started out but were no big deal to have missed.

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Unread postby addicted » 21 Jun 2006, 12:40

It's a 'flaw' in the map.. There is No 'red' tent master.. Nival forgot to add the red tent master, another one of their lovely mistakes.. You can finish the map without going thru the blocked red gate.. The red gate area has nothing to do with winning the map.. :D
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Unread postby Ari » 21 Jun 2006, 15:09

That's strange. On my playthrough, there was a single gate and key. Though they were different colors, they matched; going to the tent (underground) let you go through the gate (aboveground). Have some people visited the tent (the only one on the map) and then been unable to get through the gate?

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Unread postby ClownRoyal » 21 Jun 2006, 15:21

Ari wrote:That's strange. On my playthrough, there was a single gate and key. Though they were different colors, they matched; going to the tent (underground) let you go through the gate (aboveground). Have some people visited the tent (the only one on the map) and then been unable to get through the gate?
I couldn't get through. Did you play the map before applying the patch?

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Unread postby Arkali » 21 Jun 2006, 16:39

I had the experience once of having the tent match the tower. Then I restarted the mission for some reason and they did NOT match up that time around. Wierdness.

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Unread postby Ari » 21 Jun 2006, 17:57

ClownRoyal wrote:
I couldn't get through. Did you play the map before applying the patch?
Still haven't applied the patch. Seemed like too little good to be worth it.

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Unread postby addicted » 21 Jun 2006, 22:20

Ari wrote:That's strange. On my playthrough, there was a single gate and key. Though they were different colors, they matched; going to the tent (underground) let you go through the gate (aboveground). Have some people visited the tent (the only one on the map) and then been unable to get through the gate?
There is a 'Tan' Key Tent and a 'Tan' Gate that takes you to the upper level and there is also a 'Red' Gate on the upper level but No 'Red' Tent Master was ever implemented into the map!!!!!! The Red Gate has nothing to do with winning the map so ignore it... :D
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Unread postby tumorbane » 02 Jul 2006, 05:28

"There is a 'Tan' Key Tent and a 'Tan' Gate that takes you to the upper level and there is also a 'Red' Gate on the upper level but No 'Red' Tent Master was ever implemented into the map!!!!!! The Red Gate has nothing to do with winning the map so ignore it... "

Really? Where is this tan gate then? I am playing v 1.1 on hard and have touched all the obelisks and eliminated orange, but I can't find the *&*&!! grail (or "tear" as it is called now). I have seen on the other thread that the tan keytent opens the red gate, but that isn't true. Perhaps this flaw has EVERYTHING to do with me not being able to finish as isn't it possible the grail is hidden in part of the map I can't get to? I think the grail placement is random.

On my puzzle map, the grail is along a north/south road with 4 mushrooms on the right and some foliage on the left. I have seen nothing that resembles that at all and there's nowhere else to go. argh

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