Favorite unit so far?

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Favorite unit so far?

Unread postby erased. over. out » 09 Jun 2006, 05:33

I haven't played with all the units in the game (since I've only just begun the Necromancer campaign!), but I'm in love with the Pit Lords. Everyone keeps talking about how great the undead are- I'll just have to wait and see. How about you guys?

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 09 Jun 2006, 06:05

Im in love with the succubus!Not just because they are strong,but they look and sound awesome as well.

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Unread postby cornellian » 09 Jun 2006, 06:42

One for each faction..
Paladin (ubercharger)
Nightmares (very high incentive)
Vampires (as usual)
Bloodmaiden (looks vaguely like Dark Mistress in Dungeon Keeper series)
Hunters (who else?)
Mages (easier to mass now)

The ones I like most however are paladins..

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Unread postby Pagan » 09 Jun 2006, 06:48

Pit Lord: very powerful, and look cool, especially their animation after they kill an enemy.

Shadow Dragon: ditto.

Ballista: very powerful though underrated units, 1 on 1 (or even 1 vs 5) it can kill any creature in the game.

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Unread postby asandir » 09 Jun 2006, 06:52

sylvan: master hunters
necro: archlich
inferno: succubus mistress (she ROCKS!!)
haven: paladin

that's all i've played so far - they would make a rather nice mix in an army if not for the morale problems!!! :D

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Unread postby shinyori » 09 Jun 2006, 07:24

druids and hunters

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Unread postby Paradox » 09 Jun 2006, 07:30

paladins, angels, djinns, rhakasa ran (or whatever the name is for the upgraded version)

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Unread postby -Shadow32- » 09 Jun 2006, 07:46

vampires own as usual.. but the return of my favorite ... Death Knight B-)

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Unread postby scorch » 10 Jun 2006, 16:05

Rakshsa Raja!!
awesome lion!!!!
I love the Rani too cause he's like a little cat doing: "Meow!!!! meow!!!"

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Unread postby Corelanis » 10 Jun 2006, 16:11

Hydras, who deosnt like watching them bite everything?

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Unread postby ExistUnExist » 10 Jun 2006, 16:12

inferno: pit lord (for looking cool and awesome skill) and succubus (for chain attack! :D)

Necro: vamp (can't die once you got them to a certain number) and wraith (just for looking cool... other than that, it's bad.. should've been a flyer unit, IT DOESN'T HAVE LEGS!) or maybe DKnight (if i've seen them)

Acad: Titans (the glowing one, for looking electrical, not the smoking one)
Haven: Archangel for the kickass sword (and zomfg dying animation), Paladdin and inquisitor (3 of these combo is gg gayness omfg ownage)
slyvan: none really :| dunno why.. prolly druids
dungeon: just the fury and raiders and witches i suppose, they can combo real well :| (mino's too slooow :| hydra's too slow too)

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 10 Jun 2006, 18:07

My friend likes the succubus.

Personally I really like what they've done with the titan. The over the shoulder shot blasting your enemy is awesome. I'm not crazy about the mule kick but hey.

So, titan is my favorite creature but I love the animation of the mages when they get hit and when they retaliate. ::wipes sleeve::

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Unread postby juventas » 10 Jun 2006, 20:11

Angels and archangels: hood looks especially badass
Blood furies: I'm in love with the ranged melee/no retaliation attack
Wraith: looks cool and dies cool. Actually I really like all the upper tier death animations of the Necropolis

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Unread postby soupnazii » 10 Jun 2006, 20:35

Pagan wrote:Ballista: very powerful though underrated units, 1 on 1 (or even 1 vs 5) it can kill any creature in the game.
i dodnt know there was a ballista unit... am i forgetting one? or maybe you mean the war machine.... or maybe you just got confused with H4...

I like:

Haven: Arch/angels. Look all gentle and holy and stuff but at the same time totaly bada$$.

Inferno: Succubus upg. totaly awesome units, from their looks all they way to their sick unstopable chain attack.

Necro: undecided between Vamps and Liches. Vamp- very good unit and unstopable in large numbers, but they look inexusably ugly. Lich- very very good unit, looks great, i really like them.

Academy: Djinn. They look great and all like "Yea, my hands are big and my head is small, so what? whats your problem? i got a huge big sword, dont mess with me if you want to keep your balls."

Sylvan: Hunters. the looks could be better, but you cant argue with the brute force they have in a ranged attack. Remind me of Sharpshooters in H3. while all other archers looked weak and all, Sharps had this tight-wound bow and their arrow shot really fast. you really felt bad for the guy at the other end.

Dungeon: Minotaurs. You can just feel the brute force inside of it silently fighting to get out of those chains...

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Unread postby Asjo » 10 Jun 2006, 22:08

Somehow I fell in love with the assasins and dark raidersthe first time I played the game, and Dungeon was instantly my favourite faction. However, my love for assasins seemed to somehow fade away after the first time I used them. Sorted by faction, these would be the units I favour because I like their use and to some extent their appearance:

Academy: Titan - you've got to love such a powerful shooter, even if the attack animation isn't very good and the animation seems ever so slow.

Dungeon: Dark raider - I just love the idea of a raptor in combat and found it fit well with the heroes mix. The unit itself is quite useful and quick, even though it often ends up as the favoured target of the enemy. Minotaurs seem really fear imposing and I like shadow witches as shooters, but they don't really measure up to the dark raiders.

Haven: Imperial Griffin - I don't really fancy and haven units in particular as they seem very dull. I love the resurrection of the archangels and the way it seems very strong, so this was a close choice. The battle dive ability just seems so useful and the griffin itself seems like a pretty cool units, useful and flexible.

Inferno: Succubus mistress - No doubt here. You gotta love the fact that if you have a strong stack, it will kill everything when fighting neutral creatues. A very strong shooter attack and shooter retaliation is priceless. Apart from being such a vital unit, the animation is failry good to look at as well. I also like the pit lord, it's just a shame that is seems so useless once it has used up all its mana.

Necropolis: Ghost - While earlier I have always loved liches in particular for being such cool and useful shooters, I find both the Arch Lich and the Vampire Lord too silly in this game. They're quite usefull, but not quite as attractive a choice. Meanwhile, I just love the fact that once your enemy focuses on the ghost, he might miss a ton of times before he actually kills it, making it a very dangeruos and frustrating unit to play against.

Sylvan: Master Hunter - Master hunters are clear winners here since I have always loves units with a bow. They are like regular shooters, only their arrows cut through the opponents like butter. While they die quite easily, a big stack of these will hurt even the strongest enemy stack a lot. This is the shooter I would fear facing the most. A few other sylvan units are useful, especially the druids and treants, but I cannot take any of them seriously.

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Unread postby BlueBlade » 10 Jun 2006, 23:15

Hmm, I guess I'm just different from most people, because my favorite unit would have to be the raiders (dungeon). There isn't any other unit that can attack 10 times in one turn. And coupled with the Blood Furies, the raiders do some truly sick damage. Furies are so fast, they tend to attack two to four times more often than enemy units. Coupled with raiders near your target, you get some truly sick damage. All of this without retaliation whatsoever. I've had fights where I was attacking a big stack of dragons...

Blood Fury attacks -> Raiders attack = 3 dragons dead.
Hydra attacks -> Raiders attack = 4 dragons dead.
Minautor attacks -> Raiders attack = 3 dragons dead.
Blood Fury attacks -> Raiders attack = dead stack.

With luck bonuses, this combo becomes truly sick. I think it's even slightly overpowered, especially if you haste the Furies. When used properly, raiders are so enjoyable. Also, that "joint attack" thing is completely new to the series. I love it.

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Unread postby juventas » 11 Jun 2006, 01:24

I agree, lizard bite is very nice. Think about this: light + dark magic + leadership. Mass haste + mass slow + good morale. Your blood furies would be attacking nonstop and that lizard bite would be firing off like no tomorrow. Maybe if someone was insane enough to take 3 magic schools, you could throw in master of ice and ring of ice their initiative into next Wednesday.

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