Which faction will you use for the smallest maps?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Which faction will you use for the smallest maps?

Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 09 Jun 2006, 17:01

Now that Fabrice has said there will be maps that are smaller than the ones currently in the game, which faction will you use to be assured of victory?

I'm thinking Haven.

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Unread postby Paradox » 09 Jun 2006, 17:11

smaller than what we already have? jesus, with the largest maps you can reach the enemy in 3 turns or so now, they need to focus on bigger maps not smaller!

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Unread postby JamaY » 09 Jun 2006, 17:24

Dungeon, because destructive magic is probably the best choice when you start to fight against the enemy quickly.

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Unread postby Lord_Haart » 09 Jun 2006, 17:40

IRT Paradox - they also said with Map Editor release will come the ability to create even larger maps than the current biggest.

(Jeez, that was some bad english on my part)

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 09 Jun 2006, 17:45

JamaY wrote:Dungeon, because destructive magic is probably the best choice when you start to fight against the enemy quickly.
No, Dungeon costs too much to upgrade... you need time to accumulate wealth to accumulate an army.

Dungeon is no good for a small map.

Necro (my personal favorite) is no good for a small map either... no time/space to amass a thousand skeleton archers. Forget them.

I'd say the Elves (Sylvan) would be the most powerful race on a small map... the Pixies/Sprites are some of the most powerful level-1 creatures (in numbers they can bring down a level-7 without a counterstrike), and they can quickly get overly-powerful double-firing hunters. In cramped spaces, the Elven faction is your friend.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 09 Jun 2006, 17:51

The Blood Maiden/Fury has very high init, and can reach very far on the BF. and the Scout/Assassin isn't exactly weak. Maybe not as strong as the Sylvan with it's Hunters, but i wouldn't call Dungeon no good for small maps.
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Unread postby JamaY » 09 Jun 2006, 18:28

And you can kill dozens of archers/casters with one empowered eldritch arrow or lighting bolt :D

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Unread postby thecheese » 09 Jun 2006, 18:46

Inferno or, if you're rich, Haven.

Inferno gives the ability of gating, which you can use as a buffer between losing your actual troops. Upgraded Succubus and their chainshot allow for the most damage from a ranged unit that you'll find, though they are a bit expensive. You can also somewhat disable caster heroes if you fight them early enough by taking their mana with imps. I know everyone here seems to hate Inferno, but it could work, they do seem rather designed for blitzing.

Haven wins only if you're rich, since you can promote your units like mad. Squires are also sexy beasts, and if you can get Inquisitors quickly enough (and still afford them), their spells alone can make the difference.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 09 Jun 2006, 19:30

If Im using necropolis on small maps, my necro need some quiet to fully develop an armada of skeleton archers & vampire lord combo (IMO a nice one at small maps) which easly cut through the most in the beginning.

Sylvan are great in small maps as mentioned, their sprites and pixies can really pack a punch, the war dancers are also worth their salt.

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 09 Jun 2006, 19:52

There is no reason a small map couldn't have tons of peasants around for the reanimating. I remember a certain map in Heroes II designed just this way.

Also, the update said there would be both smaller and larger maps than we currently have. I chose to focus on the small map game. If you're given starting buildings it can be quite intersting and brutal.

Edit: I'm thinking of the slugfest map from H II

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Unread postby Kalah » 09 Jun 2006, 21:42

Dungeon. Good small units.

The other factions don't get too good until later in the game..
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Unread postby Infiltrator » 09 Jun 2006, 21:46

Haven with mass archers and meatshields around them.

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 09 Jun 2006, 21:47

Sylvan! :)
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 09 Jun 2006, 21:56

Spellcasters are going to be the most effective units when numbers are small. There's two towns that sports lowlevel spellcasters with offensive spells: Academy and Sylvan. I've not tried rush strategies with Academy, but upgrading Gremlins and going for Golems early, coupled with Magi and the high Knowledge of Wizards could possibly make a good combo.
Sylvan, however, has it even more easy. Hunters are always powerful, and Druids are going to kick ass in early encounters. Pixies ain't half bad either.
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Unread postby Campaigner » 09 Jun 2006, 22:31

Since this is a fansite I always automatically think that we talk about heroic difficulty.

So that makes Academy an impossible choice. Got any idea what the Mage dwelling costs??

Inferno requires plenty of sulfur but will be the only hero able to cast spells :D

Haven are so standard that I'm not sure how they would end up. Low resource requirements helps but there are stronger factions....

Dungeon is my choice since Destruction magic HAS to be powerful at SOME point in the game! High initiave Furies and deadly Assasins will probably bring home the game.

Sylvan was said to be expensive but is immensively powerful in the hands of a skilled player. My 2nd choice.

Necropolis....Dead last (omg that pun owned :D). No mana for the hero, weak troops and only a horde or a throng of Skeleton Archers. Clearly not enough....

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 09 Jun 2006, 22:38

Campaigner wrote:Dungeon is my choice since Destruction magic HAS to be powerful at SOME point in the game! High initiave Furies and deadly Assasins will probably bring home the game.
Warlocks are going to have huge problems with running out of mana. Especially if they're up against Inferno.
Necropolis....Dead last (omg that pun owned :D). No mana for the hero, weak troops and only a horde or a throng of Skeleton Archers. Clearly not enough....
Their best chance seems to me to get Ghosts and then pray that they last long enough. THey're going to be toast against Sylvan though, with spellcasters and double-shot hunters.
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Unread postby soupnazii » 09 Jun 2006, 22:48

i think Sylvan. pixies can be quite stronbg in early game or even in late game if in large numbers. they cost a bit, but hunters and a bit of druids would really kick a$$.

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Unread postby ExistUnExist » 10 Jun 2006, 03:41

Inferno with Fire resistant, hero casts curse of nether and armageddon == gg?


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Unread postby Ma_trix » 10 Jun 2006, 07:29

How in early game armageddon could be casted? No chance;]

I'd still prefer Academy - it's really good at the beginning while playing golems and master gremlins. I know that there would be two difficulties - having enough ore (for everything) and gems (for magi and golems), byt we aren't unable to pass through them.

Second choice wuld be sylvan - reasons were written some posts above.

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Unread postby soupnazii » 10 Jun 2006, 16:31

why isnt this a poll? can that still be changed?

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