What is the WEAKEST town in the game?

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Choose the WEAKEST town faction of all

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What is the WEAKEST town in the game?

Unread postby Wolfshanze » 31 May 2006, 16:52

Simple poll... what do you folks think?

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Unread postby HenL » 31 May 2006, 17:59

Too early to tell tbh.

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Unread postby Xenofex.XVII » 31 May 2006, 18:20

Iferno :devil: (My favorite BTW) :devious:
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Unread postby Lord Zeus » 31 May 2006, 19:08

Vote Inferno
Aside from the succubus mistress which rocks combined with luck and hellfire can kill 90% of all enemies, other units are not that useful.
The pit lord is much better in combat but his low speed and initiative force him to use spells that after 30+ units don't increase by much in terms of damage. The devils... well it has been discused too much already. The only thing that sort of saves the Inferno is the gating ability which is more to be used as a retaliation soaker than a killing tool. The imps are good at taking mana and damage since it seems the AI really has it in for the little critters. As for the cerberi...if the didn't die so easily then maybe inferno would stand a better chance against the other factions.The other creatures are there to use their gating instead of real fighting.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 31 May 2006, 19:23

Havent played them all,but I think its inferno because it is sooo slow.

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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 31 May 2006, 21:15

Always the one that loses the actual game.

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Unread postby dallasmavs41 » 31 May 2006, 21:23

So far, for me, it has been Inferno for sure...But maybe that will change as I play it more...

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 31 May 2006, 21:29

Why am I not surprised at the results so-far?

Things that make you go "Hmmmm...".

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 31 May 2006, 21:34

I am suprised with the results since someone actually voted sylvan. 8| :|

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 31 May 2006, 22:08

That is kinda odd... voting Sylvan at all... maybe the whole poll is flawed?!?! ;)

I'm actually kinda surprised nobody has voted Academy to date... do folks really consider it one of the stronger towns?

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Unread postby Blue_Camel » 01 Jun 2006, 01:26

i think it's really hard to say.. which is a tribute to the quality of the game

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Unread postby asandir » 01 Jun 2006, 01:35

inferno seems to be the winner (loser), but how can anyone have voted necro or sylvan??

i haven't played academy or dungeon yet, but suspect they will be a bit better off than inferno

hard to be certain thou without playing them, gating is pretty powerful against the ai, but suspect it would be less useful against a human opponent

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Unread postby Belmarduk » 01 Jun 2006, 01:49

Agreeing with inferno. Pit lords are too slow, Devils don't move far enough, Cerberus is crap, Imps are crap, horned demons are probably the worst unit in the entire game. The Succubus is incredible, but outside of that, playing inferno is just a chore. Not to mention that the campaign is retardedly hard.

I haven't played necropolis much, but I don't think I'm a fan. On one hand, the ability to produce ridiculous amounts of skeleton archers does lend a major advantage. On the other hand, all of the units are pretty weak to make up for the fact that the units are endlessly reproducable/ressurectable.

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Unread postby theGryphon » 01 Jun 2006, 02:19

Voted Inferno.

Haven is strong as hell (how do you like it :D). All of the units are very useful and can change the tides. It's such a complete faction, nothing is missing. Training ability rocks, you get to have thousands of Marksman not very hard. And with enough resources you can have hundreds of Paladins 8| !
Sylvan is another very powerful faction. Master Hunters, Druids, Dragons are just awesome. Blade Dancers and Sprites are kind of fragile but with "luck" this faction is almost unstoppable.
Necropolis I really like. I think it's quite balanced but in a very interesting way. Although it has weak troops like their Dragons, the faction is never weak, if not overpowered under some circumstances. It's a very interesting and fun faction I think.
Academy is kind of hard to erect, but once there it's really strong. Like many of us fans, Wizards have been my favorite faction in previous games (maybe not in HIV). It's neither overpowered nor weak. Probably the best balanced faction in the game.
Dungeon is the most interesting faction of all. I mean although each faction as its own playing style, Dungeon is really stylized for sure. Erecting the faction is probably even harder than the Academy. I don't think they are overpowered but may feel weak in early game.
Inferno... the faction on fire. Yes, they really are. Not one unit other than Succubus stands out. Although they are attack oriented they don't deal much damage and they die rather quickly. This faction needs a power-up, I don't know what. Maybe immediate gating for all times? Maybe increased growth rates?

Yeah, that's my 2 cents...
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Unread postby asandir » 01 Jun 2006, 02:31

Cerberus is crap
i would dispute that ... the cerberus, with speed 8, high initiative, triple square attack and no retal can do some impressive damage to the enemy, it's actually one of the inferno's top troops .... succubi is obviously the best (the retal on ranged attacks is an awesome deterrent, in conjunction with chain shot)

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 01 Jun 2006, 02:36

stefan.urlus wrote:
Cerberus is crap
i would dispute that ... the cerberus, with speed 8, high initiative, triple square attack and no retal can do some impressive damage to the enemy, it's actually one of the inferno's top troops ....
Unfortunately, that's not much of a compliment!

If i'm playing as the Inferno, I like the Cerberus to be sure... unfortunatley, I never have them for long because they're built with a glass jaw... the fall to pieces from the wussiest of enemy blows, and you can never have many of them because they both die quickly and are always a favorite target of the AI.

For the inferno town, they're probably the 2nd-best unit given it's tier... unfortunately, that's not saying much... and they have a LOT to make-up for considering their worthless cousins the Demons are totally useless. Give me a stack of imps over a stack of demons any day!

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Unread postby ChimTheGrim » 01 Jun 2006, 02:45

I think this is a very tough topic to answer. Clearly Heroes V is the most balanced game in the Heroes of Might and Magic series (well.. maybe).

I think if I had to choose the weakest, I guess it would be Inferno. That said, the Inferno are still capable of owning someone. SO It's tough to say.

I love the academy. The replacement of Naga by Raja is awesome. I love this faction.

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Unread postby Constrictor » 01 Jun 2006, 03:12

I'd say Mages are the weakest. Their troops can't really take a beating and the tech tree is very expensive.

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Unread postby Alamar » 01 Jun 2006, 03:21

I think that who is the weakest depends on the starting conditions / difficulty / etc.

Playing under heroic difficulty with a map that's not overly rich places Academy, Inferno, and Dungeon in a very tough spot because they seem to need lots of resources to be competitive.

Right now I'd say Inferno is weakest simply because they might not get ranged support until you take mines or build a resource silo. Either way you take a beating initially.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 01 Jun 2006, 05:11

stefan.urlus wrote:inferno seems to be the winner (loser), but how can anyone have voted necro or sylvan??
I understand why someone would vote necro,they are tough to master.And until you master them,they are weak.

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