MM6 Help with jeweled egg quest ???

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MM6 Help with jeweled egg quest ???

Unread postby TrevElvis » 31 May 2006, 23:17

I am in castle Kriegspire and looking for the jeweled egg, I know where it is from having completed this many many times ,but for some reason I have come along this passage where there are low windows at both sides with monataurs and in front of me there is a door but it wont open , when I click on it it just says nothing there ???

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Round Table Knight
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 01 Jun 2006, 00:12

If you are playing MM6 version 1.2, there is a bug connected with that door to the Jewelled Egg. The Jewelled Egg is NOT necessary to progress through the game, as it is a "side quest". But if you are one of those people who just have to complete each & every quest, you can download this Saved Game Editor & give one of your characters the Jewelled Egg in their inventory. Just click on which number of MM you want an editor for (in this case, 6) and download, unzip & edit your game.

Might & Magic Saved Game Editors

Or if you have an aversion to using an editor, you can use a workaround for this problem. You can read all about it & download the necessary patches here:

DaveO's MM6 Looting Lore

Good Luck & Have Fun! :-D
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Unread postby Phobos » 01 Jun 2006, 13:50

The door can be opened by running into it, assuming your version doesn't have the bug. If it's 1.2, you should do as HodgePodge said. :)

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Unread postby DaveO » 06 Jun 2006, 03:01

The only reason I'm still keeping the MM6 files is due to uncertainly over whether Mok's patch breaks more than it fixes. I never ran into any issues with the official patches, and I tend to feel that if the game is not broken then don't fix it. Plus the workaround procedure is very simple and takes 5-15 minutes to do the workaround procedure, get the bugged area taken care of(either Castle Kreigspire or the Thief dungeon in Frozen Highlands), and revert back.

P.S. - If I was a betting person, I'd lay good money that Windows Vista will make the older versions of M&M even more difficult to run. :devil:
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