Inferno Campaign, Map 3: The Conquest

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Unread postby Purple Sky » 29 May 2006, 06:41

Desiraae wrote:well, I've been stuck on this one for quite some time, tried several of the strategies everyone has suggested...I have gotten the farthest following Rapier's suggestions, I got as far as taking the second town...then as I went looking for a way to the druid circle and/or the last town, along comes Gilraen and his army...I was ready for him this time, with my 5 treants and my one dragon!!! or so I thought, until I see he's brought along 4 of the upgraded dragons, 5 or 6 upgraded treants, and a whole slew of master hunters and druids...

this one is really starting to annoy me, good thing I have it saved after taking the second town...any suggestions from here?
I dont understand how you could have such a small army compared to Gilraen. Conquer the second town quickly. You can upgrade it fast due to the 2 gold mines and 2 cities. Hire lots of other heroes in order to quickly transport troops to you.

In that battle with Gilraen... I dont know the situation but i would use phantom image on the treants. While they will be busy bashing the 50% missable images, i would use destructive magic on the enemy troops.

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Unread postby asandir » 29 May 2006, 06:47

another trick is to throw a hero with maybe the remains of your starting troops at the enemy hero, any damage you can do will greatly help .... i finally finshed the mongrel of a map last night, now having a go at map 4, seems a bit easier so far

it just had to rush the second town and built up the first sylvan one quick smart .... got lucky and hired a ranger hero too, great getting some of the spawned creatures joining, especially when i got about some hunters druids

that was just a bonus thou ... confident i woulda won that map without that (third try thou :-D )

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 29 May 2006, 11:22

The trick is to be fast.Very fast.I disregarded the druids and captured all the towns before the first week of month two came to an end.I fought Gilraen with 11 ancient treants,40 something master hunters,20 silver unicorns,14 master druids,and a bunch of sprites and war dancers and a pit lord.He helped me to upgrade the mob because he beat the water elementals guarding the hill fort while I chased him.I phantom forced my druids the first chance I got,slaughtered his druids and hunters with mine and then managed to defeat him with just 10 treants,1 unicorn(this was my stupidity,I entered the trench not knowing that it binds) and 6 hunters left.He was in a town,by the way.My balista did a lot of damage as well(that thing is sooooo good,even without war machines).The key is mass slow+phantom force.A lot!Also,I was very lucky to resist one of his 3 berzerks he casted on my treants.After that fight,I had an easy time reaching the cap and slaughtering the druids.

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Unread postby Desiraae » 30 May 2006, 02:40

Thanks for all the help, I managed to finish it also /flex , I'm just slower I guess hehe...i think my problem was i took too many stops for distractions along the way...i finally beat him using a fully upgraded town and a fairly decent army...this one definately kept me awake longer then i would have liked tho lol :tired:

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Unread postby asandir » 30 May 2006, 03:11

this map is definately the clincher in the difficulty stakes, cause it's such a jump from the previous maps!

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 30 May 2006, 03:22

Well if you played any of the HIII maps on the highest difficulties,this map isnt that hard,since you know how to rush to victory.

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Unread postby Mirage » 30 May 2006, 04:11

I see people mentioning phantom force, what is this and how do I get it? Also I don't have mass slow but I can look for master of curses when I lvlup, I have master of pain but mass decay only helps early on before the enemy gets huge stacks of critters.

I think I may have to restart this map and see how I make out rather than beating my head against a wall trying to win this out when he has a huge army lvl 24 and high atk/def.

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Unread postby asandir » 30 May 2006, 04:43

phantom forces is gettable by picking it as the starting bonus of map 2 of the inferno campaign.

DL, it's not that i said it was hard, just that is is much more challenging then the missions before it, a big step up in the difficulty rating .... newb's will get stuck here for a bit, til they either get real lucky, or learn to rush the opponent, or cheat i guess

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 30 May 2006, 15:01

Its just different.Yes,those that never played HIII are in for quite a shock.Its hard to rush in a heroes game,but it is needed in here.

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Unread postby Belmarduk » 31 May 2006, 00:39

Rapier wrote:You want to take the first elven town the day that week 2 starts, that prevents the first week of the elfspawn. You want to rush up towards the phoenixes, turn right and kill the mages.

Then kill the earth elementals you find above you and to your left. Go up from there and clear out the Military post, it gives 2 treants. Finally head left, and take the second elvern town. (which is north-west of the first if you want a general area to head too).

With Expert logistics this should take you five days, without it I believe it takes 7, but you should still make it before the start of week 3. From there you have about 2-3 weeks, before Gilran makes a move on you, you need all that time to build up the second elf town. I hired one extra hero (doesn't matter what kind) in the first town, to run up the sprites, bladedancers, and hunters I had there (didn't upgrade the town more than that).

This strategy worked for my flatmate and I, on heroic. We had different hero builds (he went with ballistics and I went with luck, I had logistics and he had leadership ect...), different "weeks" and so on. It’s a solid strategy and, as far as I know from experience playing and forums, the only one which will work on heroic.
I'm playing on normal, as I'm not quite so good at Heroes, but this strategy worked for me, with some variance.

I picked nightmares as my starting bonus (I'd recommend pit fiends, personally, in hindsight) and started out by getting the moral and luck bonuses around the inferno town before fighting Gilraen, to insure I'd lose as little units as possible in the first fight. Then, as I waited for week two to start, I captured the ore mine, the gold mine guarded by the treants, and the lumber mill next to the elf town. Once week two started, I took the elf town, and rushed up. On the way up I took the crystal mine, and then the gem mine.

Taking the NW town is kind of a pain; I wasn't able to beat the hero with my intial force, or even dent him. However, he seems to be in mostly non-aggressive exploration mode, so I was able to slip past and take the town when he was out. After that, he just ignored me and moved south to take the town down there. I had to go back and retake everything a little later on; not a problem. I was back well before Gilraen showed up.

From there I rushed to build as many structures as possible; By the end of week 2 I had treants and unicorns, by the end of week 3 I had dragons. From there it was just a matter of building up my units and insuring his stray heroes didn't hold the southern town or the mines around it. The key to this map seems to be both in keeping a high flow of resources as well as a steady stream of units. Ironically, on higher difficulties it may be 'easier', as Gilraen dosen't come out until week 10 or more on average, so when he finally does show he has an incredibly large number of dragons, hunters, and druids. He also seems to have expert luck, so don't go in with a similair force expecting you can squeak by unless you can say the same for yourself. I had his stack of 15 dragons kill my stack of 20 on one of my previous attempts just because of a lucky shot. If you still can't muster a force, as the quoted poster suggested, have some heroes rush up units from the southern base. Since you have a little more time in normal, you should be able to safely build the southern base up to have all tiers of units.

Another thing to note about this map - character build can really, seriously have an effect on how well you do. My first attempts, I had taken sorcery and destruction. (I later found that destruction was useless, as I was just casting phantom forces every round on this map to multiply my archers.) On my second attempt I replaced them with luck (which is retardedly helpful on this map) and Defense (also very useful) and had a much, much easier time. Leadership should also be considered, if only to offset the morale penalties and increase your ability to recruit the random sylvan units that spawn all over the map. (Agrael CAN recruit them by the way, you don't need an elf hero, just a sufficiently big army.)

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Unread postby Mirage » 31 May 2006, 00:40

stefan.urlus wrote:phantom forces is gettable by picking it as the starting bonus of map 2 of the inferno campaign.

DL, it's not that i said it was hard, just that is is much more challenging then the missions before it, a big step up in the difficulty rating .... newb's will get stuck here for a bit, til they either get real lucky, or learn to rush the opponent, or cheat i guess
Alternatively you can do what I did and take a REALLY long time to finish it if you are stubborn. I realized I let him get too strong and I just kept outrunning him and harrassing him until I took 3 of the 4 castles, he doesn't attack the castles for some reason (it seemed he left them alone if there were no troops in them but as soon as I put troops or a hero in the castle he wanted to kill them). Anyways I eventually leveled my hero up to the cap and built a strong enough army to keep him hiding in his castle, then I built up a little more just to crush him like the bug loving druid he is ;)

Wasn't the best way to play it I'm sure but I refused to restart the map and let him win.

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Unread postby asandir » 31 May 2006, 00:56

well done mirage - shows you can do the mission in a couple of ways at least ;-)

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Unread postby niteshade6 » 31 May 2006, 04:39

I had to use some alternate tactics on hard level as well. In my games he always seemed to get a huge army really early by recruiting the neutral elves. 100+ master hunters and 200+ sprites and blade dancers when i first saw him on week 3 was common. He would also always get the frenzy scroll before I could even think about taking on the emerald dragons guarding it. And he is much harder to beat when he is frenzying you ever turn. I ended up just outrunning him and going wherever he was not. He did not have logistics so I could outrun him when needed. I just kept him running around the board, taking every town where he was not and killing the druids ASAP. When I finally fought him he had 800+ sprites, 500+ blade dancers, and around 200 master hunters, 100 druids, 50 unicorns, and 13 dragons. No treants though.

There is also a powerful artifact behind the 2nd town guarded by archangels which is handy to get if you find yourself stuck in a long game.

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Had a nasty bug on this map

Unread postby apathy59 » 31 May 2006, 04:48

I was rolling through early on, trying to build up the first town I captured, had a capitol built and was waiting for enough resources to build the dragon dwelling, and after a couple of turns I noticed that my gold wasn't going up. I should have been making about 9000 gold per day, but just to see what would happen I passed a few turns and sure enough, my gold stayed the same. Unfortunately my only save is the very beginning and a quick save that is also corrupted.

Anyone else had this gold doesn't accrue bug?

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Unread postby Mirage » 31 May 2006, 04:50

You think that's bad, I ended up having 70 dragons, 200+ treants, 1.8K sprites, 500+master hunters, 400+ Elder druids etc....

He still had an army with 55 or so dragons so it took me that long to get a good enough lead over him to take him out while he cowered in his castle. I just kept the next turns flying while I ferried week after week of troops until I took him out.

Not recommending this strategy but if you think hope is lots just remember:

stubborness > AI

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Re: Had a nasty bug on this map

Unread postby Wolfshanze » 31 May 2006, 05:01

apathy59 wrote:I was rolling through early on, trying to build up the first town I captured, had a capitol built and was waiting for enough resources to build the dragon dwelling, and after a couple of turns I noticed that my gold wasn't going up. I should have been making about 9000 gold per day, but just to see what would happen I passed a few turns and sure enough, my gold stayed the same. Unfortunately my only save is the very beginning and a quick save that is also corrupted.

Anyone else had this gold doesn't accrue bug?
Let me guess... "WEEK OF THE FESTIVAL".

That's no bug, that's a FEATURE.

Week of the festival is NO RESOURCE GATHERING (including gold) for an entire week!

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Re: Had a nasty bug on this map

Unread postby apathy59 » 31 May 2006, 05:24

Wolfshanze wrote: Let me guess... "WEEK OF THE FESTIVAL".

That's no bug, that's a FEATURE.

Week of the festival is NO RESOURCE GATHERING (including gold) for an entire week!
That could be it. I don't know what week it is. Is there a way to find out just to make sure?

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 31 May 2006, 10:32

if you get the tooltip for the end turn button, it'll tell you the name of the current week and what it does (apparantly, "Week of Whales" increase ghost growth :| )
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 31 May 2006, 10:48

Gaidal Cain wrote:apparantly, "Week of Whales" increase ghost growth :|
What? :| I had a week of whales and it said no effect.Or was it a week of whale?

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 31 May 2006, 10:50

It said that it had that effect when I got the tooltip. I should have a screenshot of it.
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