Heroes 5 Musical Score

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Unread postby Khelavaster » 23 May 2006, 14:57

Yes, that HOMM2 music snippet (from the original game´s Sorceress castle) was in the beta´s main menu... you say it´s in the Academy now? Interesting.... I thought it was a beautiful touch...


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Unread postby innokenti » 23 May 2006, 15:18

Indeed it is! Which is what makes Academy theme and excellent one.

Dublex - yeah, I don't like the Dungeon theme of HV but I really like the Asylum one from H4 and it seemed to fit relatively well for HV dungeon... so I've used it.

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Unread postby Dublex » 23 May 2006, 15:23

Aah, cool.

Does it mess up multiplay games if you replace music?

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Unread postby Extrakun » 25 May 2006, 16:22

On the subject of HoMM music...

Does anyone have any idea what was being sang in the town theme for the Sorceress' town in HoMM II? Latin? It's always sound so beautiful to me.

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Re: Heroes 5 Musical Score

Unread postby berntie » 28 May 2006, 20:44

innokenti wrote: (just find the .ogg file in the game directory)
What are .ogg files and how can one play/extract tracks from it?

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Unread postby Extrakun » 29 May 2006, 01:09

Those are just another way of encoding music, like the mp3 format. You may already have the means to play it back on your PC already -- IIRC, the latest verison of WinAmp can play them. Just open up WinAmp and drag the .ogg files into your playlist.

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Unread postby asandir » 29 May 2006, 01:55

nice work innokenti ...

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Unread postby innokenti » 29 May 2006, 02:03

I've been listening more and more to the HoMMV tracks out of the game and most of them don't really have the lasting appeal.

The ones I've singled out are:

Haven Town (+Campaign)
Academy Town (+Campaign)
Main Menu
The AI themes

So not bad actually compared to previous Heroes games. In IV and III the terrain music is particularly excellent and in II the towns. Which is why of course I've mixed it all together for maximum pleasure.

Playing marvelously well.

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Unread postby blueparrot1966 » 29 May 2006, 02:04

And I thought I was the only geek out there who even REMEMBERED the operatic stuff from HMM II. Brings a tear to my eye (sniff).

But seriously, as I recall, about 1/3 of us liked the opera stuff, 2/3 did not. There was an option to just turn off THAT part of the music as I recall, so I never understood the bellyachin' from those who didn't care for it.

As someone else here said, I also especially remember the Sylvan (?) theme song as haunting and beautiful. I found when buying a later "complete" HMM edition that the music had been changed! That theme still lingers after several years, but only in my memory lol.

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Unread postby innokenti » 29 May 2006, 02:07

Yeah - the Sorceress town has fantastic music in HoMMII. And all the towns had 2 or 3 different pieces of music. At least 8 or so included opera I think - which is just totally awesome.

Change the music in Complete? I don't remember that... I have Heroes Complete and the HII music appears intact.

You're right about the option to not have vocals - choice is everything!

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Unread postby asandir » 29 May 2006, 02:11

i'll have to refresh my memory - got HII Gold now, and installed, but been playing HV, not HII

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