Inferno Mission 1

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Inferno Mission 1

Unread postby Rapier » 21 May 2006, 12:46

Okay, I play on Heroic I've played through the haven campain (the last map is a lot easier than the one included on the demo btw, besides the obvious changes does anyone know if they made it easier?)

In in the first inferno campain I had been unable to complete the game on heroic with the demo. Expecting a tough fight I quickly grabbed the boots of travel and ran down to hide in the sanctuary.

Basically I spent a couple of weeks in the sanctuary, with a brief jaunt to gather up some nearby friendly units... then I made a break to the south, stopped very close to those ghosts right of the border gate... blue's turn, (he's blatantly going to be in range with Godric and kill me).

Then I get the end of the level film (which makes no sense given that I haven't seen any other cutscene but the start, didn't complete any objectives ect.)

Now I can play level 2... with a level 1 hero that has barely had any fights... anyone else encounter this bug?
~ Rapier.

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Unread postby infael » 23 May 2006, 13:53

:bump: I'd like to know as well...

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 23 May 2006, 16:06

Well you are supposed to fight the neutral stacks on the 1st Inferno mission so you can level up... there are actually plenty of leveling opportunities on the 1st inferno mission... you spent too much time hiding and not enough time picking fights with neutrals.

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Unread postby sisko » 23 May 2006, 17:50

The whole point of the map is to outrun both heroes (Godric will be impossible to beat, the other maybe, haven't tried.)
You get the fast boots right at the beginning, the witch hut will give you logistics skill. After this go after the neutral stacks and choose your skills to increase your movement per turn. Visit stables etc. In the next map i comes in handy to have long movement too.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 23 May 2006, 17:53

Are Godric really so fast that you need to go into sanctuary first thing you do? I was playing on lower difficulty, but I had enough time to even make a few detours to pick up extra troops and XP before heading for the keymaster.
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Unread postby Campaigner » 23 May 2006, 19:54

I don't understand how people can have problems with this mission...

You kill the Priests and get the boots...visit the hut of the magi and the witchhut....kill neutrals, max logistics, visit stables, collect inferno troops (they'll join you) and hide when he's really close (you outrun him quite easily.

Ah now I get it! It's bugged for you! When you close in to the red border guard there's be a cutscene. Replay it. It'll go fast.

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Unread postby infael » 23 May 2006, 20:15

Actually, only a group of hellhounds near a tower joined me. The rest attacked me and exacted a toll to beat.

Nevertheless, I'm now in the 2nd Inferno campaign.

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Re: Inferno Mission 1

Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 24 May 2006, 13:45

Rapier wrote:Okay, I play on Heroic I've played through the haven campain (the last map is a lot easier than the one included on the demo btw, besides the obvious changes does anyone know if they made it easier?)
Well, I didn't play on heroic, but I found the last map of Haven easier as well- bnut I know the reason:

In the demo, IIRC, Isabel is level 10 or so. When I got to this map, I had maxed her levels (I think at 22), so I had a lot more stat points and skills. In addition, there are the carry-over spells from the previous maps.

As for the first inferno map, I got the boots, logistics, and beefed up to expert there, and explored rapidly. There are sanctuaries scattered around the map (not just by the keymaster)- if you hide in one, you can wait until Godfrey is far away, and then explore in the other direction. It was fairly easy to get through everything.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 24 May 2006, 13:53

I'm pretty sure Isabel is lvl 20+ in the demo. She doesn't have spells though. It might have seemed easier because you already knew what to do from the demo.
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Unread postby levi28 » 24 May 2006, 15:55

Isabel is level 17 in the demo.

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