Heroes V Preview in Gamestar

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Unread postby protecyon » 27 Apr 2005, 16:54

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby Campaigner » 27 Apr 2005, 16:54

WOHOO!! No heroes in combat! YES! *Thanks various deities including Nival* :p

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Unread postby jeff » 27 Apr 2005, 18:05

Every thread discussing that topic has been evenly split, which is never good, while half are happy with that news many of us (me included) are disappointed. This is not going to change my mind in buying it.
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Unread postby vulnevia » 27 Apr 2005, 18:12

that screenshot looks a lot like warcraft 3 to me... isn't this supposed to be heroes game??

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Unread postby Mitzah » 27 Apr 2005, 19:13

Nicolai as in...Nicolai Ironfist, the son of Catherine ?

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Unread postby Paladin » 28 Apr 2005, 08:51

What's happening to the series?

The storyline even sounds worse than that of Heroes IV.

I'm starting to have serious doubts about this project.

And heroes out of combat? That's one of the few things I liked about HoMM4. Graphics... well, they are too much like Warcraft III, yes.
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Unread postby sumalmamus » 28 Apr 2005, 14:02

NO heroes in combat! If it's true, and I think this has be suggested previously, then the designers are ignoring the "commander" addition in WOG, and what many fans, not just me, have said that was one of the primary things they enjoyed in IV, was having hero only armies, combat, adventures. Sigh.

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Unread postby Sermil » 28 Apr 2005, 17:06

Unfortunate, but not surprising. Heroes in combat were fun, but it was hard to find a balance between "fragile little eggs which break at the first hit" and "unstoppable killing machines". H3 heroes were much easier (and the announcement didn't say anything about commander-type units).

I find the hints that they are going back to H3-style magic schools much sadder, actually. H4 magic schools really added to the feel and didn't have the same kind of strategic problems. On the other hand, if they get a good AI, I'll be happy.

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Unread postby gravyluvr » 28 Apr 2005, 17:49

I was extremely dissapointed in HOMM3 as it compared to HOMM2, but I have been a fan of all of the HOMM series, so if they can find a way to make an enjoyable game of it, I will certainly play it. I would be that half of the world that would fall into the KHIC camp. It sounds like my Warlock town is gone forever so I will have to keep an old-banger around to play HOMM2 if I want my dream town. I also prefer the HOMM4 magic schools to HOMM3 but I'll deal with it.
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Unread postby Master of magic » 29 Apr 2005, 16:17

I am very disapointet at this, the one thing that Heroes IV got rigth or close to (Ballance isues I know) was this. I bleveave it would not be easy to place in to Heroes 5, but there is a loooonng way for´'not Easy' to Imposible. In my mind that just statst that Nivial did not want to use there time on this, witch is very sade to me.

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Unread postby King Imp » 29 Apr 2005, 18:41

The way I look at it, by taking the hero off the battlefield, it frees up one more spot for a creature. I'd much rather have that then having to sacrifice one creature to "stay at home."

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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 01 May 2005, 02:56

I agree with Paladin. Heroes in battle filled in a gray spot from HOMM II and III. Yeah they took a time to build up, but once they got really good, one hit could kill like two dragons. The storyline just kind of dropped of in Heroes IV, which i didn't like, and the Reckoning kind of killed off all my favorite characters. The campaigns were too short and didn't really have any point, i felt. The HOMM IV graphics were good, but there weren't any upgrades. If they just combined the best from III and IV, that game would be great.
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