First Patch Announced

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First Patch Announced

Unread postby ToweringAmishPlumber » 20 May 2006, 23:04

I will expect to see posts from all those fans who spent the last few years frequently complaining about the too early, buggy and unfinished release of Heroes IV! Because frankly it sounds like that is exactly what Nival is doing. However, since V seems to be an expansion (with 3D) of III perhaps everyone will excuse these issues.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 May 2006, 23:07

To be fair H5 was released in better shape then H4, but that's not really saying much.
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 20 May 2006, 23:24

DaemianLucifer wrote:So,this means they started working on the patch before the game was in the stores?Why did they ship the game then?I though that we saved the heroes and that it will be a finished game once it comes out.
Precisely because they wanted you to whine some more.

I can see it now . . . the patch is released, including an easy mode and possibly a balance change or two. DL plays until he finds a small thing to complain about then pops into the forums with two hundred posts about how they should have postponed the patch and how they rush too much.

Except that if Ubi hadn't released a patch this soon, as far as I can tell, your next two hundred posts would have been complaints about how they aren't patching anything and how Ubi doesn't even care about the game.

Either way, you're going to keep complaining. You don't want a Heroes game so much as you want an excuse to bash Ubi, and apparently anything will do, justified or not.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 20 May 2006, 23:40

ThunderTitan wrote:To be fair H5 was released in better shape then H4, but that's not really saying much.
From what I've seen so far, it's in good shape, gameplay wise. THere's some oddities with the order bar, but not so much that it becomes a real issue. Right now, I'd say it's on par with H3.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 May 2006, 23:45

Bandobras Took wrote: I can see it now . . . the patch is released, including an easy mode and possibly a balance change or two. DL plays until he finds a small thing to complain about then pops into the forums with two hundred posts about how they should have postponed the patch and how they rush too much.

Except that if Ubi hadn't released a patch this soon, as far as I can tell, your next two hundred posts would have been complaints about how they aren't patching anything and how Ubi doesn't even care about the game.
Hey, that post count doesn't get itself to 5000 you know.
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 21 May 2006, 00:15

ThunderTitan wrote: Hey, that post count doesn't get itself to 5000 you know.
I just get tired of reading the same completely invalid complaints over and over. I've been coming to these forums because I enjoy Heroes games, but the Heroes 5 forum, thanks to a few spammers, aren't about that any more. The forum has been hijacked into one about complaining, and that no matter what decision Ubi makes regarding Heroes 5.

It's rude. It's sickening. And it's not even intelligently done. Ubi continues to work on the game after its release, showing a good start at post-release patching, and people are apparently lining up to say that Ubi should be doing better. Gratitude and Courtesy are apparently lost arts on Celestial Heavens nowadays.

Here's a jewel of a response to their efforts on the patch:
ToweringAmishPlumber wrote: I will expect to see posts from all those fans who spent the last few years frequently complaining about the too early, buggy and unfinished release of Heroes IV! Because frankly it sounds like that is exactly what Nival is doing. However, since V seems to be an expansion (with 3D) of III perhaps everyone will excuse these issues.
We're still hearing the illiterate H3 expansion complaint. People choose to ignore the skill system, the initiative system, the town point system, the shrink to six factions from nine, the units with selectable spells, and faction-specific abilities (all of which I'm sure have been mentioned somewhere on the Heroes V forum, and none of which were in Heroes 3, hence the word "illiterate" -- people are only bothering to read what they want) in favor of diatribe. This one's even gone so far as to compare a balance patch for the campaigns in a week and a half from H5's release with H4's how-many-month wait for multiplayer.

I have no desire to see yet another complaining spammer who doesn't bother to think his way through his posts before posting come along. There are already too many, and I don't have much of a desire to continue seeing their posts, either. I'll undoubtedly be the one to leave first, so I'll wish them well and hope that another game comes out soon about which they need to complain more. Then maybe I can come back and see intelligent discussion of Heroes 5 and its development which is why I used to frequent these forums.

But the bashers are never satisfied, and it's become nauseating.
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First Patch Announced

Unread postby SirGalrim » 21 May 2006, 00:24

Agrees with Bandobras Took.

No need to bash and hate people. Enjoy what you have got and write constructive criticism to Ubi and Nival to hel pthem make an even better expansion or H6.
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First Patch Announced

Unread postby Wurtzel » 21 May 2006, 00:25

Well spoken B.Took, my sentiments exactly...

Also, didn't I read somewhere that the first patch would contain the map-editor???
Edited on Sat, May 20 2006, 18:26 by Wurtzel

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 21 May 2006, 00:31

Bandobras Took wrote:"The forum has been hijacked into one about complaining, and that no matter what decision Ubi makes regarding Heroes 5."
There i disagree. Its not my fault I dislike most of their choices.

And the clone thing is a misnomer, people seem to be complaining more that the things H4 did better/improved over H3 aren't there just because of a"H4 is bad, lets only copy H3" mentality. They just got used to utilizing the clone thing as a description for that.

And don't use the shrinking of town numbers as a difference. You might as well point out how Elves make up half the creatures in their towns. Those two thing don't make the game different.

Nope. The Editor is supposed to come some time in July.

And people tried constructive criticism during the beta and it mostly got ingnored. Or made worse (Hell Charger anyone?). And now people are pissed.
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First Patch Announced

Unread postby Malicen » 21 May 2006, 00:58

Well the game has been release for less than a week and thez have the patch alreadz. As if thez knew all their mistakes.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 21 May 2006, 01:09

I doubt anyone can miss all the spelling errors, anong other things. But the game went gold about a month ago, so having a patch now makes sense. Having a patch to fix the spelling errors the day the game was released owuld have made even more sense.
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Unread postby theGryphon » 21 May 2006, 04:05

@ BT
Welcome to my side! I was struggling to mitigate the bashings and flamings last week. I even opened a new thread to just to encourage people to come up with constructive comments rather than the everlasting "it sucks" talk. Some people "rightfully" said/implied that they were disappointed and out-of-energy because they have been trying to create new ideas from the start but none of them was implemented. But their post count was only about 500 ;|
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First Patch Announced

Unread postby reynaert » 21 May 2006, 07:33

Frankly, why shouldn't I be complainin'? I'd love to see a game that combines the best of both worlds, not something where 'adding a dimension to homm3' would be quite literally 'a dimension'.

I've bought the game, and it didn't live up to my expectations. I expected something differently, so now I'm going to note there are differences betwseen what I expected and what I actually got. I'm not in my right to whine about the fact I should get it, but I do have the right to say I expected something else.

At least the game seems more or less addictive. Not a good move... Exams incoming. Shoots himself.
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First Patch Announced

Unread postby Khelavaster » 21 May 2006, 11:19

The game looks beautiful but it's still a strategy game and without strategic AI any change they may introduce is moot. I'm sure there're a lot of casual players that will enjoy the "challenge" anyway between bouts at Zuma, but I would much rather they left the typos and bugs intact and produce something resembling an unscripted AI.


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First Patch Announced

Unread postby SirGalrim » 21 May 2006, 11:43

@ ThunderTitan "And people tried constructive criticism during the beta and it mostly got ingnored. Or made worse (Hell Charger anyone?). And now people are pissed."

Well yes there is apperently about 5% of you who are for some reason pissed. Why is beyond me. You have the right too not like it, but for lights sake let us other enjoy the game! This world has enough hate already, enjoy what one can instead of using all ones energy at bahsing and hating. It gets you nowhere! But I guess that is what some people live for...
Edited on Sun, May 21 2006, 05:45 by SirGalrim
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First Patch Announced

Unread postby Akul » 21 May 2006, 11:54

to SirGalrim:

Those words won't help. Believe me, I know. Some people wine only so they could wine.
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First Patch Announced

Unread postby reynaert » 21 May 2006, 11:59

wait a second- you can't enjoy the game because people wine about it? That's a logic that strikes me as 'odd'
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First Patch Announced

Unread postby SirGalrim » 21 May 2006, 12:45

@ Sauron "Those words won't help. Believe me, I know. Some people wine only so they could wine."

Yes I know, as I said "But I guess that is what some people live for..." Thouh one must try and hope. ;)
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First Patch Announced

Unread postby Akul » 21 May 2006, 13:06

To reynaert:

Who told you can't enjoj the games if people wine about theme?? You should read before you answer.

Neither I met the exceptations (I knew that for a year alredy :P ), but I am not wining and I am enjojing the game. If I don't like something, then I say it in forums in posts that are oriented to the elements I don't like.

BTW, where are writen our rights?
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 21 May 2006, 13:35


If you want to enjoy the game then go play it. Don't come here to whine about people whineing. Let us enjoy our whineing.
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