Heroes V game content and future support issues

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Heroes V game content and future support issues

Unread postby Pitsu » 14 May 2006, 18:01

In last days many people in our <a href="/index.php">forums</a> have questioned the quality of Heroes V. The main issues have been rumored bad AI, memory leaks and the absence of map editor. To make clear the game content and Ubi plans for future support, Fabrice himself stepped by and <a href="/viewtopic.php?t=1683> answered these questions</a>. There is one possible mistake in his post though. I do not think that only french software pirates complain about their illegally obtained stuff.

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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Heroes V game content and future support issues

Unread postby FantoMaxJM » 14 May 2006, 18:30

..I understood that the "French"-part was a joke/sarcasm (since Fabrice is from France), or did I misunderstood something..? :D Isn´t it charasteristic for French to complain a bit such as for Finns to shut up in two official languages (at least they, French, go in strike frenzily, not to mention burning tires/building barracks in suburbs). ;)
Edited on Sun, May 14 2006, 12:38 by JoniJM
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Heroes V game content and future support issues

Unread postby Akul » 14 May 2006, 18:53

If he was from Scotland, he would say that they are probably from scotland :P
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Heroes V game content and future support issues

Unread postby hahakocka » 15 May 2006, 06:03

How many kind of creatures will be in the game? And how many neutral creatures will be from that??

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Heroes V game content and future support issues

Unread postby hahakocka » 15 May 2006, 07:17

And I think they (Nival) will put a nwe faction name as like dwarfs because they mentioned it in the heaven campaign (as an alliance too) and there are no winter , snow terrain too and it will fit with the dwarfs I really hope that there wil be more factions in the expansions packs because Arnageddons blade was a similar very good expansion.

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Heroes V game content and future support issues

Unread postby Malicen » 15 May 2006, 08:23

I really do not understand why do people complain. The game is far from bad. Look, we played H4 and this is far better. H3 still is the best title of this franchise but H5 kick ass too. I think that this game is good, and will be better with every expansion they make.
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Heroes V game content and future support issues

Unread postby reynaert » 15 May 2006, 09:54

No one's played the definate game, so no one can tell if it's better or worse then the previous installments.
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Heroes V game content and future support issues

Unread postby hahakocka » 15 May 2006, 11:04

Heroes 5 will be a very good game worthy for Heroes3. :))))

I didnt said its wrong or bad.

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Heroes V game content and future support issues

Unread postby Orfinn » 15 May 2006, 11:29

Besides a dwarven faction, I hope werewolves will be included as a neutral lvl 4 creature. I cant say and wish it enough, there should really be no problemo to include such a classic mythical beast.

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Re: Heroes V game content and future support issues

Unread postby ThunderTitan » 15 May 2006, 12:09

Malicen wrote:"Look, we played H4 and this is far better."
Before patch 1.3 came I had to play without any sound or the game would crash after every battle that involved more then 2-3 stacks. And even then you couldn't play more than 30min-1hour. I don't think any game will ever be released in a worse state.
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Heroes V Game Content and Future Updates

Unread postby Kalah » 15 May 2006, 15:57

I salute Fabrice for his taking the time to come by our forum and talk to us in this manner. Not everybody would care to.
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Heroes V Game Content and Future Updates

Unread postby jeff » 15 May 2006, 16:14

It was good to hear from Fabrice, I just wish he would have detailed the information on the editor as to capabilities.
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Heroes V Game Content and Future Updates

Unread postby silercas » 15 May 2006, 18:57

I've been playing HOOM V for the last few days and I consider it a good game. I've thought it would be a great game, its just a really good game! The map editor was the first thing I've missed... It's a super important part of the game and it laks it! Also, the cutscenes are not that great! In these days it's not acceptable that the characters talk and their mouths don't move... and several other things that I hope the announced upgrades will improve. But still, I'm going to buy the legal version since I'm an old and huge fan of the series!!! (I'm waiting for the upgrades) ;)

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Heroes V Game Content and Future Updates

Unread postby WretchedGnu » 15 May 2006, 21:20

I'm one of the people who had been complaining a lot on the forums about the alarming lack of AI in the demo's custom scenario. (I'd stand next to the computer hero's castle with a weak army -- and my enemy would then emerge from his garrison with a massive army: not to attack me, but to go flag some mines. I walk in to his castle and it's mine)

I still don't quite understand why they would leave this, of all things, out of the demo -- but I'll take Fabrice's word that there will be a decent strategic AI in the final product. Still, I won't buy until I see the results of somebody's tests on the matter... :)

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Heroes V Game Content and Future Updates

Unread postby WretchedGnu » 15 May 2006, 21:22

... but I forgot to mention in my previous comment that, aside from the AI scare in that scenario, I really love what they've done to the game; I think the new spell and skill systems are even better than H3...

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Heroes V Game Content and Future Updates

Unread postby Angelspit » 16 May 2006, 01:56

Lucasarts just released a patch for Empire at War that includes... *drum roll* a map editor! That's for a game that's been out since mid-February by the way. Now that's a funny coincidence.
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Heroes V Game Content and Future Updates

Unread postby Akul » 16 May 2006, 11:57


Thats one of worst systems I ever saw:

- Destruction and Summoning? How amaterical names.

- Only 2 spells in one level?!

- there are about 40 spells. H3 had about 50-60, while H4 had more then 100 spells.

- I would rather have 100 ugly looking spells then 40 greatly animated.

Shame. H4 still has the best magic system.

However, skill system is reall good.
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Heroes V Game Content and Future Updates

Unread postby WretchedGnu » 16 May 2006, 16:46

Hee... I love this idea that more spells = better game system. Yeah, and maybe chess would be a better game if they added more squares, new pieces, and 35 different abilities to each existing piece?

It's like those Baldur's Gate players who think they have a great "strategy" game because there are 334 different potions and spells -- ignoring the fact that most players only ever use about 12 of these.

sorry, no: a multiplication of game elements will *not* give you a well-wrought game. I would much rather have fewer spells that mean something and that you would actually use. Even in H5's pared-down spell system there are some pointless redundancies and filler material.

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Heroes V Game Content and Future Updates

Unread postby WretchedGnu » 16 May 2006, 16:58

By the way -- anybody know how to view the Disciples III trailer on that Hungarian site mentioned below? Can't seem to get it to work...
Edited on Tue, May 16 2006, 11:01 by WretchedGnu

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Re: Heroes V Game Content and Future Updates

Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 May 2006, 18:43

WretchedGnu wrote:Even in H5's pared-down spell system there are some pointless redundancies and filler material.
Like what?!

To be fair, H4 had the mass version of spells included in the count. So including those H5 has 56 spells = [44 + (2 spells x 6 skills)].
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