Content of the game

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Unread postby Veldrynus » 14 May 2006, 22:07

Are you drunk, buddy ?
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 14 May 2006, 22:10

JessieLC wrote: Now the question i have is will the Map, and Creature Card that come with the Collectors Edition in Europe be in the US Limited Editon? or can we Download them and Print them out ourselves? Just some thoughts.........
Sir Charles over at The Genies Lamp said that he'll make a d/l version of the cards:
For the Heroes fans out there who won't get access to the Creature Stat Card, I'm personally planning on designing a downloadable version that you can print out yourself. I know I sure don't want to be without one. :O)
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Unread postby Labyrinth » 14 May 2006, 22:43

Thanks for that post, Fabrice.
I think you covered the very most of the subjects around, and all of them in a serious way.

I'd really not care about those brainless whiners and bad-mood-spreaders like the one with the snake avatar. Such people just can't be taken seriously. (No matter what I try :D )

I'm very much looking forward to holding my own box in hands as well as reading the release notes for the first patch. :)

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Well, I've gotten some good laughs.

Unread postby LindaG » 14 May 2006, 22:46

It's amazing how much some people can complain. It's just a game. You people complaining of no map generator, at least the game apparently works on your computer.

What of us who have been loyal Heroes players who can't afford the 3D graphics upgrade? Do you hear us whining? No.

Get a life. There are some things more important. At least the game isn't dying or being dropped altogether. I realize the game isn't cheap, but is anything cheap any more? You can always wait and hope that 5 years from now a Heroes V Complete comes out.

But that will be determined by sales.


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Unread postby Wildbear » 14 May 2006, 22:51

Yeah, if it sells as well as the sims it will mean it's the best tbs game ever...
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Re: Well, I've gotten some good laughs.

Unread postby Veldrynus » 14 May 2006, 23:03

LindaG wrote: What of us who have been loyal Heroes players who can't afford the 3D graphics upgrade? Do you hear us whining? No.
I am complaining about the high hardware requirements since a long time. In fact, I canno't run the game on my computer.


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Re: Content of the game

Unread postby Zamolxis » 14 May 2006, 23:40

Bloodstar wrote:@Fabrice / Muad Dib

OK, Fabrice that is nice explanation...

What bothers me that you didn't mentioned SPOILED CITY INTERFACE screen for buying BUILDINGS.
I also fail to understand why this issue, same as the Treant one, is so much ignored like in a hope that we'll eventually realize we're just overreacting and what we have is "same as good". As far as I've seen on many forums, there's a 80-90% rejection of these two (the way they are now). If all game aspects of the game would be like this, where would we be?

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Unread postby Wildbear » 14 May 2006, 23:44

On my chair. :(

Joke aside, I like the new treant, but the graphics are by far the thing I like the most in that game (or dislike the less).
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Re: Well, I've gotten some good laughs.

Unread postby Zamolxis » 14 May 2006, 23:45

Veldrynus wrote:@Jerrie

The brainless whiner and bad-mood-spreader with the snake avatar wants you to follow this link
:rofl: - I didn't know that one.

@Jerrie: is it you Lab? :p

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Unread postby Zamolxis » 15 May 2006, 00:05

Wildbear wrote:Joke aside, I like the new treant, but the graphics are by far the thing I like the most in that game (or dislike the less).
Like I said: ONLY 80-90% dislike it. The rest has no problem or even likes it. But make a poll about any of the other creatures. No other creature is disliked by even half of the players. My bet is that not even the Gargoyle (only one which might score over 50% dislikes) has any chance of scoring as much as the Treant (in a negative way).

How shall I put it to you? Name some features you really hated in the previous games - I might love them. For example I loved Conflux. But putting a H3 Conflux among the 6 HV towns, might have been a mistake, because, not me, but the *majority* hated it. Same with the Treant. A couple of generally disliked elements can really bring down a potentially great creation.

It was the same with Star Wars - Episode I - a potentially even greater movie than the previous ones. But the spoiled bad acting Anakin and the midichlorians spoiled everything for me. For others it was Jar Jar. Some might say details, but such things can turn into pitfalls, that had the movie ending up with the worst rating of all the movies in the SW saga.

Lucas new about the negative reaction he might get from the first reviews of the preview, but he chose not to do anything about it, because it would delaying the announced release to correct things would have had a negative marketing effect and because he hoped they'll get used to it and in the end love it as much as the previous ones. Well, they never did, and the low rating still stands. Now Ubi (I'd say Fabrice, but he doesn't have same authority as Lucas on the project), with all the respect, does the same mistake.

I make a bet with "whoever wants" today, that years from now we'll still quote the Treant or the unintuitive Build Up interface, same as we talk about the Leprechaun or some other, apparently minor, aspects of H4 that ruined the game for some of us. But if the *do* choose to change these, they'll have :hail: posts almost like those they got after the SF removal. It's like we're talking about the last few ingredients that spoil the taste of the whole soup, which, if corrected in time, might make the supper enjoyable for everyone.

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Unread postby Kaboth » 15 May 2006, 01:08

As long as Nival delivers on their promise of a map editor and additional scenarios/multiplayer maps within 2 months it doesn't sound a big problem to me from a fan perspective.

Honestly I find it reassuring that Nival is committed to balancing these maps rather than just releasing them.

But from the perspective of reviews I'm quite concerned. Not including a map editor and more multiplayer maps is sure to cause many reviewers to dock the game a few marks. Going from a 80% to a 90% on IGN can really effect sales.

As Fabrice noted the initial content isn't much worse than Heroes 3 or 4; possibly even better so its not so terrible.

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Unread postby ioticus » 15 May 2006, 01:54

I want to send a *huge* heart felt thank you to Steve Fawkner for helping save Heroes 5 by making a strong AI. The AI is very aggressive on attack, builds large armies and quickly levels Heroes. The demo does not demonstrate just how good the AI is. You are all in for a treat when you get the full version! I honestly didn't think Nival would be able to surpass Heroes 3, but I believe they have!

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Unread postby Wolfshanze » 15 May 2006, 02:08

ioticus wrote:I want to send a *huge* heart felt thank you to Steve Fawkner for helping save Heroes 5 by making a strong AI. The AI is very aggressive on attack, builds large armies and quickly levels Heroes. The demo does not demonstrate just how good the AI is. You are all in for a treat when you get the full version! I honestly didn't think Nival would be able to surpass Heroes 3, but I believe they have!
That's good to hear... I look forward to it. Steve Fawkner has always been a favorite programmer of mine!

Can't wait to see the full version!

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Re: Content of the game

Unread postby ioticus » 15 May 2006, 02:14

Qlczas-PL wrote:
MuadDib wrote:Hi everyone
H5 will consist of :
- 10 multiplayer maps
- 18 preset heroes for the duel mode
Will there be a possibility to play the MP maps WITH computer players?
or only with human players? and when map is for example a 4 player I need all 4 to play it? It can't be less? (or exchanged for some AI players?) like in previous parts of the game?
Yes, you can play MP maps with AI players and you can also eliminate sides in any combination. It works very well.

I also want to thank the Heroes 5 producer for having the foresight in getting Steve to fine tune the AI.

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Unread postby ioticus » 15 May 2006, 02:23

Wolfshanze wrote:
ioticus wrote:I want to send a *huge* heart felt thank you to Steve Fawkner for helping save Heroes 5 by making a strong AI. The AI is very aggressive on attack, builds large armies and quickly levels Heroes. The demo does not demonstrate just how good the AI is. You are all in for a treat when you get the full version! I honestly didn't think Nival would be able to surpass Heroes 3, but I believe they have!
That's good to hear... I look forward to it. Steve Fawkner has always been a favorite programmer of mine!

Can't wait to see the full version!
Steve Fawkner is awesome and my hero. When Warlords IV came out the AI was crippled by a bug that caused the AI to be very timid in attacking your capital. UbiSoft would not allow any more patches and the game breaking bug remained for over a year. I had given up on the game but, lo and behold, Steve helped to create a few more patches and fixed the AI as well as other bugs on his own time. Warlords 4 is now a great game!

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Re: Content of the game

Unread postby addicted » 15 May 2006, 04:15

MuadDib wrote:Hi everyone
I see many people wondering and complaining about the content of the game. These discussions happen on most forums I visit, but not to the level of what happens here at CH. I couldnt care less for what pirates think, but when long time members of the community join the threads, it means a clarification is needed.
To conclude, I suppose it is normal that fans get anxious right before the game release, and even more so when pirates feed their own (often misinformed) opinion into the fray. The feedback we've had from the journalists is great so far, and I hope you will agree on that when you get to try the game for real !

Thank you so much Fabrice for taking the time to come here and post your updated information. I for one appreciate it and you are greatly appreciated by many and I personally feel you are a very hard working and honest person and I applaud you and all involved in the comeback of HOMM.

The mature know that no-one person or company can please everyone, no matter how perfect one can make something, there are always those who not only cast the first stone but many, and then there are those who aren't really complaining but are judge by others for complaining when they are merely just trying to give input of suggestions, reveal flaws, etc trying to help in their own way.. I'd like to see everyone lighten up and not be so quick to judge and jump on everyone else that don't agree with their opinion. Some of these posts are completely misunderstood because of some language barriers, or they just didn't explain themselves good enough but they mean well.

I personally detest any thief and piracy is thieving. I feel they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.. I hope UBI has some kind of net protection in place for any downloads that can detect pirated copies of games from the legal copies, that would not only catch the thieves but it would keep the pirates/thieves from being able to download anything connected to the game if the installed game doesn't show a legal copy.

I legally own all the homm series and all the might and magic series and it is about the only computer game I play. I was estatic when I learned both series were going to continue and have waited patiently.. The only thing that concerned me on H-5 at this time was the copy protection UBI is using because of the "Notice-statement" they showed on the heroes 5 box at the UBI online store. My concern was I did not want to purchase a game, no matter how much I love it, that could damage my computer equipment or my game disk and I don't want any spyware hidden in the background and that notice did not give much information and leaves one a little parnoid to buy the game.

I personally think H-5 looks great and I think the cut scenes are superb! I just have to get use to paning in and out format. :D I plan to buy H-5, but not right away, not until someone who is an official employee connected to H-5 can officially state what copy protection they plan to use since it has been noted SF is not going to be used now.

What CP is UBI using now on H-5, will it damage my computer equipment, will it have hidden spyware. I wrote and posted this also in CH H-5 Forum as to asking UBI support and they did not say what Copy Protection took the place of SF but they did say, Quote:"The copy protection on this game will not damage your computer, it is simply not supported for use on CD-RW or DVD-RW drives. If you purchase the game and install it using unsupported hardware, we will be unable to provide you with assistance." Unquote. I understand this to mean we can't run the game on any Read/Write drives, also meaning it could damage our drives and/or game disk if we use a Read/Write drive, that is how I understand it. So what 'supported hardware' is UBI referring to that they support on this game? UBI support techs never said, nor did they say if any spyware will be installed when we install the game and like I've mention, they didn't say what cp took the place of SF.. I for one would like to know the answers to these issues prior to purchasing the game which are far more important to me than having to wait on the map editor, that I can live with. :) I just want assurance my computer equipment or game CD won't suffer damage for installing this game and want to know if there will or won't be hidden spyware.

I know the H-5 system requirements states "RAM: 512 MB (1 GB recommended)". I only have 512 MB ram, but the demo seems to play okay except when I quit the game, it takes about 3 minutes before it will go back to my windows xp desktop. I hope that issue gets fixed in an update. That is the only problem I have had so far with the demo.. I hope I don't have to add more ram. :( My video card is a Geforce 6800, 256MB so I think I am okay for sure on my video card.

Sorry for the lengthy post but I just wanted to voice my two-cents worth. This post is NOT a complaint but I really hope Fabrice or some other UBI/Nival official
1. Could let us know what 'replaced SF'?
2. Will the replacement have 'hidden spyware or any hidden stuff'?
3. What 'unsupported hardware' is the UBI notice referring to?

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Unread postby Sikon » 15 May 2006, 04:57

1. SecuROM
2. No
3. No idea

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Unread postby Furay » 15 May 2006, 05:04

Well I would like to go against all others and say that I am "kinda" glad the Map Editor and RMG is not in the initial release.

This will force me to focus on the campaigns, and will give me something to look forward to in the X months following the game release. I kinda get excited about those kind of things (ie. release of patches, updates etc.).

But granted, I'm just a n00b. :D


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Unread postby Kasparsky » 15 May 2006, 06:45

Loooong time lurker and this is my first post.

Sorry if something like this is posted on any other threads, and for my English.

First of all, thank you, Fabrice, for showing, taht UBI cares.

Now to the point.
I am around since HoMM2 and M&M titles are easily my most beloved game series. What to me is HoMM? It is experience, sense of accomplishment, sense of involment (I used to fantasiese, why windmill owner gave me money - because he was scared of couple of hundred skeletons and zombies digging up his yard :D ). I remember my sessions of hoMM2, they lasted for days, I even skiped school back then, because i couldn`t force myself from stop playing. And I adore hotseat, I have a friend, with who I can spend all weekend playing heroes.

And fire just fired up anew every time an expansion or new Heroes game came out. But now... I have the game for couple of days (don`t start another thread`s discussion, Ill buy it first day its avaible). In times of HoMM2, I was what - 17?. Now I`m 24 and.... I am at work without any sleep, because a little bit "lets look what this one has to offer'' turned to be allnighter for me and my buddy. And that`s the biggest compliment I can give to any game. Sure, I can disagree with some decisions (mostly interface), but its minor. And you can surf towns very quickly, when you get a little more used to the new interface.

Overall, call me stupid but HommV has the Heroes FEEL all ower them. And to me this is far more important, than few minor flaws.

P.S. I`m very happy to know, that there will be an editor, for now custom maps and multiplayer maps are turning out to great and they don`t get comleted so quckly. If you have another responsibilties in life besides gaming, then they shoud last till new released maps and map editor.

Sorry for a long post.


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Unread postby Romanov77 » 15 May 2006, 07:14

I have:

P4 1800 mhz
1024 RAM
Geforce fx 5200 256 mb

I can run the demo perfectly on Low setting.
Does this apply to the retail too??
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