HOMM4 creature stacks

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HOMM4 creature stacks

Unread postby Zhulikkulik » 03 Sep 2024, 00:05

I am probably stupid but is there a way to fix number of stacks in an army and especially in combat script?
Like how in homm 3 if you put seven stacks of one peasant each - there will be seven stacks of one peasant each and not one stack of seven peasants. And if you put a stack of 40 creatures - there will be one stack of forty and they won't split. Or how there's an option to choose how many stacks there will be on a neutral creature.

I don't see any kind of controls for that and creatures just randomly split/join however they see fit according to some ingame rules even if i put seven stacks and give each a unique artifact or whatever.

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Re: HOMM4 creature stacks

Unread postby Pitsu » 03 Sep 2024, 16:57

As far as I remember, the game determined whether to split or combine stacks depending on how many stack were in the player controlled army that participated in a battle. Equilibris add-on altered these mechanics to remove some exploits. Most likely the in-game pre-battle stack managment algorithm does not expect/overwrites any input from mapmaker. Maybe there is a workaround with scripts or some tricks, but I do not remember any (been a long time since H4 editor).
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Re: HOMM4 creature stacks

Unread postby kalyl » 19 Sep 2024, 02:47

Zhulikkulik wrote: 03 Sep 2024, 00:05 I am probably stupid but is there a way to fix number of stacks in an army and especially in combat script? Geometry Dash
Like how in homm 3 if you put seven stacks of one peasant each - there will be seven stacks of one peasant each and not one stack of seven peasants. And if you put a stack of 40 creatures - there will be one stack of forty and they won't split. Or how there's an option to choose how many stacks there will be on a neutral creature.

I don't see any kind of controls for that and creatures just randomly split/join however they see fit according to some ingame rules even if i put seven stacks and give each a unique artifact or whatever.
If you're familiar with scripting in custom maps, particularly using mods like WoG (Wake of Gods) or ERA II, there are ways to manipulate how stacks are split and even how neutral armies are divided. These mods provide more detailed scripting options, though this requires knowledge of the scripting language used in those mods.

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Re: HOMM4 creature stacks

Unread postby holeioonline » Today, 08:18


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