Greetings and Salutations!
I have a vision, of a merged might and Magic RPG and the Heroes of Might and Magic platform game.
I reckon many of you have thought of the same. And maybe with AI and our collective ingenuity, we can make this a reality someday.
. A 10+ year long fan/AI made Might and Magic Universe!
. Wouldn’t it be cool to merge all of Might & Magic canon games series in both space and time? To play/experience Might and Magic in an open world (kind of like the MM VIII Merge Mod - beautiful project) but now also in time. To play through all the eras and follow the timeline as the Legends of Antagarich unfolds.
. Maybe we start off as a hero, or adventurer in Enroth in the time of HoMM I? At the time when Morglin ironfist unites all the humans. We can choose to side with any of the factions to help aid in their campaigns. As we play through the years, i guess, ultimately canon will be held and Morglin will unite the humans. And as time goes on Roland and Archibald are born, Continuing the epic into HoMM II. (Or we hinder it and something new is created).
. So this is one way Of having it, so that the computer is playing the Canon game and we are following along as (a little like the Timetraveler Verdant in the merge mod). We could also choose to Take control of a hero, a faction, an adventurer or party, to play the game in an altered timeline (that may Or may not follow cannon, that might end up in chaos)?
. As a player, we might be able to toggle between first person view, and top down view (where travel is faster). And like the spell “View All” we can toggle out to see all of Antagarich and where we also can see the timeline.
. One way to incorporate the heroes maps, and the might and magic maps is to free up space between the borders of the light and Magic maps, where it takes days to travel between the different areas, And have HoMM maps fitted into these borderlands (maybe like the wars in the HoMM history was played out. In the lands between Deyja and Avlee, and Braccada and Krewlod.)
Hopefully AI will help in making all this a reality, but I am no computer wizard, only a visionary, wanting to plant a seed now and see if it grows with time. Nothing is impossible, as we saw the merge mod make proof of!
What are your thoughts and dreams for our favorite game? And would you like to play this game someday? How could it be made? And what are the challenges? Please share your thoughts and ideas.
Thank you for reading!
Maybe we share the same dream and with our collective knowledge and power we will see this dream come true.
Have a wonderful day and see you in the future.
Might and Magic Universe (MMU)
Re: Might and Magic Universe (MMU)
Given the story of Heroes 1 is that the first Ironfists came through an unexpected portal from one of the flat nacelles, you've got a lot of porting work to do.
Re: Might and Magic Universe (MMU)
Wow! I didn’t know :O cool!
Yes indeed portaling would maybe be a great way to deal with that! Thanks
Yes indeed portaling would maybe be a great way to deal with that! Thanks
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