Gold and Loot in Might and Magic 6

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Ser Ironfist
Galactic Gargle Blaster
Galactic Gargle Blaster
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Gold and Loot in Might and Magic 6

Unread postby Ser Ironfist » 27 Jun 2024, 17:19

Other than Might and Magic 7 and 8, the sixth game actually offers a use for excess gold. Let me put it this way: That well in Kriegspire must be very deep to be able to hold so many gold coins.

Assuming you gathered an extra 3 million gold, from what I found, you could gain enough experience from the well to train your party from level 70 to 80.

How would you go about a playthrough where you tried to gather as much gold as possible?

What seems to me to be important:

- Have at least one merchant master (needs more than 7 points to gain full value), probably also have everyone else be at least expert in merchant to save training costs.

- Always enchant items before selling them (let's assume we're not abusing saving and reloading to get the "antiquity" enchantment on everything).

- Train wherever it is cheapest (cost is according to what the max. level of the training hall is).

- Maybe take NPC's that increase the amount of gold you find (although if your real aim is to buy experience, maybe a scholar and a teacher are the better option).

- Don't skip a fight. You want to gather all the loot you can get. (again, no abusing of saving and loading to gather two or more items from every single dragon)

- Probably use the circus to some extent, but I have almost zero experience with that, so I don't know how much that is worth it.

What else is there to keep in mind? Is there anything that influences how much loot is in a chest? What about luck and perception?

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Joined: 31 Jul 2020

Re: Gold and Loot in Might and Magic 6

Unread postby Tomsod » 27 Jun 2024, 20:17

Hire merchant NPCs before training (if training a lot of levels at once, at least).

Circus offers nearly unlimited level 6 loot, which can be sold for lots of gold, so it's kind of broken.

You can also buy items (if you can buy/sell at cost), enchant them, then sell them back, but it's degenerate.

For banker vs teacher NPCs, you can have the latter while fighting, then switch to the former before looting all the corpses and chests.

Arena provides some extra gold, but it's only worth it if you already cleared every location and must wait for refills.

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