MM IX patch for Rest Screen

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MM IX patch for Rest Screen

Unread postby tolich » 07 Jan 2024, 15:32

I noticed that on the rest screen in MM6 and 8 the Sun moves from left to right, as in the northern hemisphere, in MM9 - from right to left, as in the southern, and in MM7 - almost vertically upward, as on the equator.
While it's correct for Enroth and Jadame (and probably for Antagarich), it's incorrect for Rysh. Tim Lang confirmed that Rysh is located in the northern hemisphere, close to the north pole, and the Sun moving right to left is just a style thing.

Still, if you're a perfectionist, you can unpack this archive into the game data folder (e.g., to "C:\Games\MMIX\Data\"). It contains just a folder with all the rest animation from the original game, just in reversed order, so it's left to right now. To uninstall the patch you can just remove the ART folder from the game data folder.

If you know how, you may repack them in ART.REZ too. I don't release ART.REZ file because:
1) it's heavy (like 72-73 MbB),
2) it depends of game version and language (because fonts and screens with version number),
3) Doesn't feel like a fair use.

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Re: MM IX patch for Rest Screen

Unread postby Tomsod » 07 Jan 2024, 16:32

Well, at least someone still mods MM9. Good job! Myself, I'm afraid to even play it because it was my first MM game and I was just a kid back then and I liked it very much, but it's not actually that good so I would almost certainly sour these memories if I revisited MM9 now.

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Re: MM IX patch for Rest Screen

Unread postby tolich » 07 Jan 2024, 17:03

I wouldn't call this mod, it's more like a little patch.
I'm cooking something else, but it's not ready yet.

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