Link (added to first post):!Am9rWpMJxt9sgTaiGT7 ... t?e=gG5fTL
-- Fixed at least two crash-causing bugs, and a lot of minors.
-- MMExtension used by the mod is updated to latest version (includes it's fixes and improvements).
-- Character unlocker now included into base version; use button on character creation screen to toggle it:
-- Smaller potion bottles are included and can be toggled on via config menu:
-- Armor repaints made by Orlock are included aswell (I did not replace original MM8 armors, tho, and could not add some plate armor repaints as they do not have variation for character holding a weapon in right hand)
-- Items text tables updated by Xfing, are included, there is no major rebalance, only stats diversification and texts correction for english version of the game.
-- Forgot to mention change of scholar NPC follower: ability to identify any kind of items have been taken away, instead he's able to identify apparel only (boots, gloves, rings, amulets, wands, belts, capes, spell scrolls and spell books). Being able to identify anything just by having 5% gold penalty made Identify skill completely useless. Besides that, NPC clearly states, he's been studying to identify any magical item, thus i think change is fair.