On special nervy arcomage game event (Have I won here , have I not won here , wheer are tavern i had not won ...)
Wanted to do a script with check or easiest way to check it with MM console.
For the manual way in a console I created this post.
the better idea was on start or end of game to show textmessage "you had won in this taverm" or "you had not won in this tavern".
I thought the lost ending event (triggered on pressing <ESC>) could be a good option to implement addition text output.
I can implement code easy in the win handler but entry handler or lost handler was not able to do that.
i think this assembler code will do the stuff. itried to change some of the jmp comand but failing. I am not really know what ia doing with calculation of jump adresses.
Code: Select all
NewCode = mem.asmproc([[
push eax
push ecx
call absolute ]] .. GetCurHouseIndexByType .. [[;
nop; memhook here.
cmp eax, 0x0
je @end2
cmp eax, ]] .. OldTavCount .. [[;
jg @end2
pop ecx
pop eax
cmp byte [ds:ecx], 0x0
jnz absolute 0x40e868
jmp absolute 0x40e80f
pop eax
pop ecx
jmp absolute 0x40e868]])
mem.asmpatch(0x40e80a, "jmp absolute " .. NewCode)
mem.hook(NewCode+7, function(d)
local t = {House = mem.u4[CurHouseID], result = mem.u4[0x516e1c], Handled = false}
events.call("ArcomageMatchEnd", t)
if t.Handled then
d.eax = 0x0
Can someone help how I can integrate here code before starting the game or if you lost the game(I think really lossing is tthe same code as pressing <ESC>) ?