I have startet last year with the MM678 merge Mod for Might and Magic 8.
The last day days i looked alittle bit in the lua-scripts of the MM6xtension, but many i don't understand.
I would try to get an archer-NPC (I started the the MM6-game solo) - i spend many time without success, so hoped the console can help, but i am a complete newbie in lua.
I understand many ways of changing the the chars, but failed on understanding the NPc-Events.
for my understanding there are 2 ways to do this :
- doing all steps manually in the mmconsole (connecting Party array with NPC infos and setting global vars... )
- trigger a npc Event on entering a map location e.g. a placeholder house...
Update 30th June 2023:
By the way I used dimension door to recruit more chars from jadame (MM8-game) back to Enroth (mm6-game) and my hired and temporarily dismissed char was missing in the adventures' Inn in freehaven but in the Party.PlayersArray he was still avaiable. I think the items were still in place but I have not controlled it. so in the case is there an easy way to make this char rehire-able in adventure's Inn. in mm8 the chars was availaiable in all adventures guilds, in mm6 there is only 1 adventures inn in freehaven, so the char is only bound to 1 special adventure inn it seems. So look in all adventure inn's fix this. But if so could someone explain where in the lua-vars or tables this is saved.